haha that piano bit is an easter egg on the soundtrack and it scared the HECK out of me first time I played the CD.
Ondatra iSkoolicus
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lris's feed
Oy. Got to experience my first "real" migraine yesterday. Spent the day in the dark and trying not to throw up. Today the pain is gone, thank goodness, but I'm still pretty much non-functional. Oh, and my first clue that I was getting sick? Bursting into tears in the middle of our department meeting over something that was frustrating but not tear-worthy. So that was about the most embarrassing thing ever. Awesome day all around.
lris's feed
Suddenly I'm just like all my neighbors: mowing now to get ahead of the rain. Right now I feel very grown up and middle class... and tired.
lris's feed
My mom made reference to "dusting the walls and ceiling" in reference to some house cleaning she did at my place while I was at work. Apparently the bird found this activity terrifying in the extreme. Fear not, little bird, because you will never have to experience that again. :-D
lris's feed
Lawn mowed and corn gluten spread, dandelions sprayed with iron, basement mostly set up and unpacked, great grandmother's dishes unpacked, washed, and put away. My visiting family is a whirlwind of industry.
Oh, yeah, that reminds me!! Thanks Pete and Helen, for my postcard! It brought a big grin to my face last week :D.
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(Note: You have to be logged in to Google to view them. If you're not logged in, you get a webpage all about Google Drive.)
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Wow. This is all interesting and a sober reminder of the realities of the online social world. Thank you very much for your efforts and the updates April!
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Library Society of the World
Medlibs! I'm looking for documented models for providing patient-centered support/advocacy for mental health patients by non-specialists. Bonus points for dealing with patients who are about to be discharged (not admitted) after an ER visit.
It measures likes vs. unlikes across frenf.it. :) There's a thread somewhere (maybe the n00b room) where people are intentionally disliking things to see if the bar's working right.
Ondatra iSkoolicus
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