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Another Friendfeed refugee. And yes, another librarian.

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bentley to bentley's feed, Library Society of the World
I'm blanking out on a name. A librarian, I think in the Chicago suburbs, who has (had?) a couponing website. Anyone remember the name? Is she still couponing?
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Found! Thanks to LSW at (The answer to the question was ) - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to bentley's feed, Library Society of the World
Circulating Ideas (podcast): Episode 85 - Barbara Fister https://circulatingideas.... "Steve chats with Barbara Fister, librarian at the Gustavus Adolphus College library in St. Peter, Minnesota and writer of the Library Babel Fish blog at Inside Higher Ed." It just dropped this morning so I haven't listened to it yet.
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
At 00:34: shout-out to LSW on Friendfeed and she talks about the LSW's Journal of Creative Library Practice. http://creativelibrarypra... - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to bentley's feed
"You’ve never seen these images before. Here are previously unpublished moments in black history. Hundreds of stunning images from black history, drawn from old negatives, have long been buried in the musty envelopes and crowded bins of the New York Times archives. None of them were published by The Times until now. [...] We’ll add images daily in February."
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to bentley's feed
Steven Moffat Leaving Doctor Who After Season 10, Broadchurch Creator Steps In Also, no new Doctor Who in 2016 except for Christmas special. Season 10 scheduled for Spring 2017 with a new companion.
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
On the one hand, I'm pleased - Chibnall has been an adept showrunner for Broadchurch, and I've generally liked his other work. On the other, nothing but Christmas for 2016? Yeesh. - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)
4 other comments...
I liked him a lot better this season than his first - I was really put off during that first season, but they really toned down the personal insults. - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to bentley's feed
I forgot to post this for this winter season: The French Toast Alert System http://www.universalhub.c... "The French Toast Alert System has been developed in consultation with local and federal emergency officials to help you determine when to panic and rush to the store to buy milk, eggs and bread." (Note that the current level refers to Boston only.)
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Our state climatologist uses the Braums scale: - Kirsten - - (Edit | Remove)
I always try to have a few multipacks of uht milk lying around. - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to bentley's feed, The Reading Room
"Uploading of Anne Frank’s diary ruffles legal feathers" The situation is more complicated than I realized. I knew Otto had edited the text, but I didn't know that there were two texts to begin with. (via )
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to bentley's feed, The Listening Room, Cover Songs
Jumping from link to link to link. It started with watching the Doctor Who episode, “Mummy on the Orient Express.” Then I looked up the Perkins character (he would’ve been a great companion) and a note in an article got me looking for the episode’s 1920’s version of “Don’t Stop Me Now,” which included an official video of it, and also a Queen video of the song. I looked up the song year in Wikipedia, which took me to the Freddie Mercury 65th birthday google doodle.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
“Foxes sings Queen’s Don’t Stop Me Now in Doctor Who episode Mummy on the Orient Express - Enjoyed Louisa Rose Allen’s sultry rendition of the Queen classic? Watch the full amazing music video” - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)
1 other comments...
Freddie Mercury Google Doodle - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to bentley's feed
When I saw this picture of the large Puffin paper mobile I thought it was the best. And the I saw the large Bears and Salmon and Eagle and Snowy Mountain paper mobile They're big, but I kinda wish I had the space for them. (Puffin also comes in small.)
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
(More mobiles at the bottom of this page: Don't miss the otters.) - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)
The otter one! - Soup - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to bentley's feed
Dressing for the Cold $3 for print, or free PDF download. Written for new adult readers.
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"Body heat basics, how to wear layers, and dressing kids for cold are addressed in this illustrated book for new adult readers. Learn how to select clothing for sedentary activities, for exertion in the cold, and for wet weather. Insulation properties of different materials are discussed, as well as styles for hats, mittens, and boots. Useful in northern areas, for temperatures and wind chill to minus 50°F. Written at the fourth-grade level, the book is also suitable for children. In the Outdoor Survival Series for New Readers, published by Alaska Sea Grant and the Literacy Council of Alaska." - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to bentley's feed, Library Society of the World
#alaleftbehind: for Hamilton and Kate Koturski http://shelfcheck.blogspo... (click through for link to more info)
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to bentley's feed, Library Society of the World
"TL;DR: Patricia Hswe and I wrote an article for American Libraries and the editors added some quotes from a vendor talking about their products without telling us. We asked them to fix it and they said no."
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to bentley's feed
“As far as I’m concerned, I’ve told my children — four daughters — that when I die, I really do die. I don’t pass, or pass on, or transition, or metamorphose, or anything like that. If my children and those they deal with are unable to use words like ‘die’ and ‘death,’ they have my permission instead to say, “He left in search of better job opportunities.” Nicholas Clifford, quoted in A Way with Words (Oct. 31, 2014) http://www.waywordradio.o...
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to bentley's feed, Lavori in corso - Work in progress
Something that just started a day or two ago: When I read 'My Discussions" links in new posts are not clickable. But If I read the same post individually or in a person's feed, the links are okay. Anyone else having this problem? [Edit: I corrected My Feeds to My Discussions]
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to bentley's feed
Rowan Atkinson Live - The Actors Art [Part 1] The Characters The Actors Art [Part 2] The Plot
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to bentley's feed, Library Society of the World
I just saw that Jessamyn West did a Reddit AMA two weeks ago. "I'm Jessamyn West, a famous librarian. AMA!"
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to bentley's feed, Linguistics
"The Washington Post accepts use of "they" as a singular pronoun. Pearls clutched across the nation." http://suricattus.livejou... referring to this:
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"from the memo: "It is usually possible, and preferable, to recast sentences as plural to avoid both the sexist and antiquated universal default to male pronouns and the awkward use of he or she, him or her and the like: All students must complete their homework, not Each student must complete his or her homework. When such a rewrite is impossible or hopelessly awkward, however, what is known as “the singular they” is permissible: Everyone has their own opinion about the traditional grammar rule. The singular they is also useful in references to people who identify as neither male nor female." - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)
9 other comments...
The historical evidence and even some prescriptivist recommendations make clear that a singular "they" is legitimate and a useful tool for gender-neutral phrasing. I definitely prefer it to "his or her" and the like in most cases. Sometimes the singular "they" sounds awkward to my ear, especially when a sentence could be rephrased in a way that makes the pronoun agree with its antecedent. In the example "But a journalist should not be forced to reveal their sources," "a journalist" could be written as "journalists" and avoid a conflict in number, which I think is what the Washington Post is recommending. - John B. - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to bentley's feed
copy complete || 70s, 80s and 90s Computer Hacking Supercut [HD] via
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to bentley's feed, Food
"Use this food substitution and conversion chart to select ingredient substitutes when you are cooking and your recipe suggests ingredients you do not have available." (via )
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to!, bentley's feed
I got a strange virus alert when I tried to comment on the page about 15 minutes ago. I got a “High Security Alert” within the FF screen. Screen grab here: The second attempt to post the comment, which was typed exactly the same as the first attempt as far as I could remember, worked okay.
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to bentley's feed, Food
"I am a baker and the son of a baker," he says. "I know very well that bread, even during wartime, must always be made. Because for the people, it's a necessity. If other jobs close, it's not serious. But bread is essential. Bread is something that everyone lives with, the rich, the poor — everyone eats bread. It's a noble profession, and I'm really very proud to be a baker."
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
'So, just after this night of unspeakable terror, Mezian Ahmed went back to work. The bakery has stayed open, bullet holes and all. In Paris, life goes on.' - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)
1 other comments...
\m/ - Pepper Mind - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to bentley's feed, Library Society of the World
"Sacramento Public Library has created this guide for teens in need of self-help books."
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to bentley's feed, Library Society of the World
I don't think I've ever heard of it phrased quite like this: laundering.
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
" Thrift stores like Goodwill receive many more [book] donations than they can physically accommodate. Employees rifle through donations, pick out the stuff that is most likely to sell and send the rest to a landfill. The same thing happens at public libraries; they can take only as many donations as their space and storage will allow, so eventually they have to dispose of books, too. (For libraries, the process is a little more complicated; they can’t legally sell books, so they essentially launder them through groups with names like Friends of the Library, which sell the discards and donate the proceeds to the library.)" - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to bentley's feed, Library Society of the World
"I suggested to students that a single research paper that required 10 sources might cost $500--more if you figure in the cost of network access, on, say, a metered-by-minute and by-data system and that they have a distinct privilege of access. Paired with this post, I think a good first-year composition exercise would be to have students calculate the cost of their papers if they didn't have the kind of access they do."
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Comment by Douglas Eyman https://www.insidehighere... to Barbara Fister’s article, “Checking Our Library Privilege.” https://www.insidehighere... (via Library Link of the Day ) - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)
Thanks bentley: I hadn't realized that Barbara responded to my own comment on her piece (and pointed to my book in the process). - waltcrawford - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to bentley's feed, Library Society of the World
Interview with a Prison Librarian http://www.askamanager.or... "Recently, a commenter, Oryx, mentioned that she used to work as a prison librarian, and I wanted to learn more. She graciously agreed to do an interview for us, and here’s the Q&A."
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to!
This started today, on different computers at work, on Firefox (not on Chrome) and not on any other website: after logging in I get a dialogue box asking if I want to open or save a flash file IKmIUCYOrfk from
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Addition: it happens every time I go to or refresh the page, even after I've been elsewhere on I haven't seen it on any other page. - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)
2 other comments...
It's related to browser w/o flash support - elrocco - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to bentley's feed, Library Society of the World
National Archives Virtual Genealogy Fair - October 21 & 22, 2015 "Lectures will feature tips and techniques for using Federal records at the National Archives for genealogy research. Lectures are designed for experienced genealogists and novices. Recorded sessions will remain available online after the event."
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Schedule and handouts (and YouTube): - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)