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avatar A room for linguists and others who would like to share and discuss nature, structure, and variation of language, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics, and pragmatics.

ghira to dewdney-ita, Linguistics
Qualcuno ha fatto con questo con lo Scarabeo italiano? http://davesscrabblegrams...
3 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Nope, che io sappia. - .mau. from Android - - (Edit | Remove)
Video sugli Scrabblegrams: - ghira - - (Edit | Remove)

ghira to Lega Nerd, Linguistics, ghira's feed - il video sul gioco di parole, finalmente.
3 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

.mau. to .mau.'s feed, Linguistics
che la lingua araba fosse più che altro un insieme di dialetti distinti con una forma scritta unica lo sapevo, ma le cose fossero ancora peggio di quello che pensavo: http://languagelog.ldc.up...
6 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I miei compagni di università iscritti al corso di arabo, quando nel 2006 andarono in vacanza a Damasco i primi tempi del loro soggiorno li passarono domandandosi "cosa abbiamo studiato arabo a fare, visto che non riusciamo a capire nessuno e a malapena qualcuno capisce noi?" (io ho studiato arabo un anno, come passatempo in attesa di laureami in giapponese e la mia recensione è: bello ma non ci vivrei;) ). - Yoshiniski - - (Edit | Remove)
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probabilmente dipende da che arabo, e comunque il maltese è proprio una lingua diversa, sempre di base semitica ma diversa - reloj - - (Edit | Remove)

{°)) to Linguistics
The Mystery of People Who Speak Dozens of Languages
7 years ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Oggi ho tentato invano di postarlo ma non mi faceva mettere il link :( - Valentina Quepasa - - (Edit | Remove)
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però il peruviano piemontese che vuole imparare il maltese in una settimana merita - {°)) from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

Valentina Quepasa to Valentina Quepasa's feed, Linguistics
What if English were phonetically consistent?
7 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Ahahahah - Piero from Android - - (Edit | Remove)
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diventa anche meno fastidiosa come lingua - Storvandre - - (Edit | Remove)

Valentina Quepasa to Valentina Quepasa's feed, Linguistics
Le lingue più veloci del mondo https://blog.coursefinder...
7 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Magari è una cazzata, ma è affascinante - Valentina Quepasa from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)

{°)) to {°))'s feed, Linguistics
Douglas Hofstadter put Google Translate to the test and found that it's a long way from real understanding | The Shallowness of Google Translate - The program uses state-of-the-art AI techniques, but simple tests show that it's a long way from real understanding. https://www.theatlantic.c...
7 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"Each time I read an article claiming that the guild of human translators will soon be forced to bow down before the terrible swift sword of some new technology, I feel the need to check the claims out myself, partly out of a sense of terror that this nightmare just might be around the corner, more hopefully out of a desire to reassure myself that it’s not just around the corner, and finally, out of my longstanding belief that it’s important to combat exaggerated claims about artificial intelligence. And so, after reading about how the old idea of artificial neural networks, recently adopted by a branch of Google called Google Brain, and now enhanced by “deep learning,” has resulted in a new kind of software that has allegedly revolutionized machine translation, I decided I had to check out the latest incarnation of Google Translate. Was it a game changer, as Deep Blue and AlphaGo were for the venerable games of chess and Go?" - {°)) - - (Edit | Remove)
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melo segno per leggerlo con calma - AdRiX - - (Edit | Remove)

{°)) to {°))'s feed, Linguistics
#perlavoromaancheno chi di voi scambia regolarmente messaggi/mail/quelcheè interamente scritti nel proprio dialetto/lingua? Non una frase o una parola qua e là, intendo
7 years ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
mai fatto - Pea Bukowski - - (Edit | Remove)
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@malina: statistiche per età le trovi qui - astridula - - (Edit | Remove)

ıɔ ǝɯɯǝ ˙ɹp to ıɔ ǝɯɯǝ ˙ɹp's feed, Linguistics
Quanto e' vasto il vostro vocabolario inglese? http://vocabulary.ugent.b...
7 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
C'e' anche per l'italiano http://vocabolario.ugent.... - ıɔ ǝɯɯǝ ˙ɹp - - (Edit | Remove)
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tranquillò = passato remoto di tranquillare, palte = plurale di palta, vivenza pare che esista "La pensione di reversibilità [...] va riconosciuta anche al coniuge separato per colpa o con addebito, equiparato sotto ogni profilo al coniuge superstite (separato o non), dovendosi applicare ad entrambe le ipotesi l’art. 22 l. 21.7.1965, n. 903, che non richiede, quale requisito per ottenere la pensione di reversibilità, la vivenza a carico al momento del decesso del coniuge e lo stato di bisogno, ma unicamente l’esistenza del rapporto coniugale" etc. etc. - astridula - - (Edit | Remove)

naltro to Linguistics
Nick Farmer knows dozens of languages, so he invented one for The Expanse ///
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"hand gestures were developed by an italian" - naltro - - (Edit | Remove)

naltro to Fappatori di mappe, Linguistics, naltro's feed
Come si pronuncia Scone?
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
English dialects app? - {°)) from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

naltro to Linguistics, naltro's feed
Ascoltando il discorso di Obama ho scoperto che esistono casi in cui è corretto dire "peoples"
8 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More... Comment

Roberto "Bob" draCo to Roberto "Bob" draCo's feed, Linguistics
(spin off ) grammar Nazi: confrontate a) e b) http://it.urbandictionary...
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Aggiungo che secondo me chi "controlla" la lingua di mestiere fa parte di un'altra categoria. - Roberto "Bob" draCo - - (Edit | Remove)

.mau. to Linguistics
The most comprehensive Latin vocabulary started in the XIX century and it's just arrived to the letter N -
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
quando le cose si fanno per bene <3 - Haukr - - (Edit | Remove)
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(non si può riportare qui? :P) - Haukr - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed, Linguistics
Latin: the Renaissance’s world language
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"One student meets another. They talk. They banter. All perfectly familiar to us, it would seem—except that the original of this conversation is in Latin. We find it in Erasmus’ Colloquies, first published in 1518 and one of the best-selling books of its time. Livinus and George’s fictional dialogue could easily have been a real-life exchange; as a tutor himself Erasmus intended his Colloquies to provide models for everyday conversation in Latin, and Latin was the language of instruction in schools and universities at the time." - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)
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I think that the last great work in Latin was Gauss' Disquisitiones Arithmeticae. - .mau. - - (Edit | Remove)

Roberto "Bob" draCo to Roberto "Bob" draCo's feed, Linguistics
(a proposito di etnie e popoli) pare che l'ipotesi anatolica(turca) sia in vantaggio su quella caucasica, per quanto riguarda il proto indoeuropeo.(le scienze di questo mese)
9 years ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
(Possibile titolo de il foglio "gli scienziati dicono che non siamo ariani ma turchi") - Roberto "Bob" draCo from Android - - (Edit | Remove)
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linguistics (in inglese, sì) - .mau. - - (Edit | Remove)

naltro to (N)euroStanzetta, Linguistics
Già che stasera gioca il Galles, approfittiamone per imparare una nuova parola inglese
9 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
un po' come "fare i portoghesi" - Haldo 9000 - - (Edit | Remove)
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Guiseppe, pensavo anch'io al Welsh e al perché mai sia diventato un piatto tipico delle brasserie di Lille (dove tra l'altro gioca proprio il Galles stasera! Coincidenze? Noi di pensiamo di no), - Haldo 9000 - - (Edit | Remove)

Valentina Quepasa to Valentina Quepasa's feed, Linguistics
"This points to a very real danger that native English speakers, especially those who never mastered another language, risk missing out on business opportunities—whether in the form of contracts, idea development, job opportunities, and the like—due to a basic lack of understanding of what international English communication entails."
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
In un mondo che parla inglese, i madrelingua inglesi rischiano di trovarsi male. - Valentina Quepasa - - (Edit | Remove)
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Non solo International english, anche il regular english per certi americani è un problema, parlano un inglese slangato schifoso e ultrabasico. - StefanoHBS from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

zar to zar's feed, dewdney-ita, Linguistics
Come si traduce il termine pidgin, riferito all'inglese parlato e scritto dai non inglesi?
9 years ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
A volte è "creolo" - .mau. from Android - - (Edit | Remove)
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(ora va) - zar - - (Edit | Remove)

naltro to Fappatori di mappe, Linguistics
italy poland one face one race
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
poi sarebbe bella pure quella: quanti sono in grado di reggere una conversazione nella lingua del proprio paese? - Haukr - - (Edit | Remove)
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Spero di non aver offeso nessuno, tanto se i miei genitori venissero intervistati alla tivvù servirebbero i sottotitoli come a Chi l'ha visto. E probabilmente serve un traduttore anche per me. - Pilot - - (Edit | Remove)

naltro to Linguistics, naltro's feed
Italiani che litigano in inglese su questioni relative alla lingua italiana, a botte di muri di testo nei commenti su Quora
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
In che senso? L'Abruzzo non fa parte del centro Italia? - naltro - - (Edit | Remove)
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Il criterio è quello che dice mentegatto ma anche linguistico, l'abruzzese è un dialetto meridionale. Però lo è anche l'ascolano, che invece era stato della chiesa. - Duiglio - - (Edit | Remove)

friendfeed imported Linguistics
The Linguistics of LOL - Britt Peterson - The Atlantic -
1 decade ago from Friendfeed - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
&quot;When two friends created the site I Can Has Cheezburger?, in 2007, to share cat photos with funny, misspelled captions, it was a way of cheering themselves up. They probably weren’t thinking about long-term sociolinguistic implications. But seven years later, the “cheezpeep” community is still active online, chattering away in lolspeak, its own distinctive variety of English. lolspeak was meant to sound like the twisted language inside a cat’s brain, and has ended up resembling a down-South baby talk with some very strange characteristics, including deliberate misspellings (teh, ennyfing), unique verb forms (gotted, can haz), and word reduplication (fastfastfast). It can be difficult to master. One user writes that it used to take at least 10 minutes “to read adn unnerstand” a paragraph. (“Nao, it’z almost like a sekund lanjuaje.”)&quot; - friendfeed from FriendFeed - - (Edit | Remove)
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The other day, Andrew mention how Yelp has it's own sort of language. I thought about the spaces I occupy online and how some of those particular sites or interests have their own language. Even though I don't participate, I can certainly understand what is being said. I found it frustrating trying to explain something to my husand in full English because he wouldn't understand the full slang of the group. - friendfeed from FriendFeed - - (Edit | Remove)

naltro to Un link alla settimana, Linguistics, Star Wars VII
(suppongo sia roba vecchia, ma io non l'avevo mai letta) La Guerra delle stelle: Il doppiaggio e l'adattamento italiano di Star Wars del '77 http://www.guerrestellari...
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Lo avevo trovato e letto tempo fa, perchè non mi era mai andata a genio la storia dei "quoti". - Xabaras - - (Edit | Remove)
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molto bene, mi rendo conto solo ora che Sabbipodi -> popolo della sabbia - zar - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed, Linguistics
What does "Schmetterling" sound like to a German? http://languagelog.ldc.up...
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"...But it's not just "Schmetterling". In this Live Leak video, "German Pronunciation Of Words Compared To Other Languages", it seems as though all German words (e.g., those for airplane, surprise, butterfly, pen, daisy, ambulance, and science) sound positively awful in comparison with their equivalents in French, English, Italian, and Spanish (but note that, in each case, the German word is shouted loudly and angrily, whereas the words in the other languages are pronounced daintily and demurely.)" - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)
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"obviously, when the German word "Schmetterling" is perceived as aggressive as opposed to the gentle "butterfly" or "papillon" or "mariposa," that is not for inherent, objective linguistic or acoustic reasons, but the result of the audience's conditioning." Not much to add, conditioning is so pervasive everywhere. - Haukr - - (Edit | Remove)

maitani to maitani's feed, Linguistics
What Is Language?
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"I have recently plowed through the new book by Berwick & Chomsky summarizing their long held views of language. One point they never tire of mentioning is what they call language’s Basic Property, complete with capital letters: “language is a finite computational system yielding an infinity of expressions.” For the moment, I’m going to accept that claim, because the important thing to notice is not whether the definition is true or false but that it is ridiculous." - maitani - - (Edit | Remove)

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