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A librarian managing e-resources and working to keep hold of her wits and a purple crayon.

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Galadriel to Library Society of the World
{Cross Posted @ all the LSW Spots} We're exploring the difference between locally-hosted and OCLC-hosted EZ Proxy. If your institution uses OCLC-hosted EZ Proxy, what would you say are the pros and cons?
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I'm particular interested in your perceptions of how OCLC has supported the institution when it comes to security concerns where there's a sudden need to block a certain user's login id, responding quickly when there's been a report from a publisher of excessive downloading via the EZ Proxy IP, and if the "Add new database access in a matter of days." has worked for you. - Galadriel - - (Edit | Remove)

Galadriel to Library Society of the World
Come work with me! The University of Connecticut (UConn), one of the nation’s leading public research universities, seeks applications for the position of Electronic Resources Librarian: https://hcmprodweb.psoft....
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Galadriel to Library Society of the World
{Cross Posted at All the LSW Spots} Hi Folks - I'm seeking your collective wisdom and feedback on a glossary of terms for e-journal subscriptions because I know that with more input and eyes it will be better :-). We're gearing up for an extensive e-resource evaluation in part because of significant budget cuts but also because we should be systematically reviewing our e-resource subscriptions. Part of this process will include training workshops for subject librarians...
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
...and other non e-resources staff on e-journal package renewals; however, an initial needs assessment indicated that we needed to start with establishing a shared understanding of terms. Thus, this glossary. I would greatly appreciate your comments, questions, and ideas for additional terms! - Galadriel - - (Edit | Remove)
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Aaron - sure! Please feel free to share it on Twitter. I've also posted a PDF version on my Slideshare: . - Galadriel - - (Edit | Remove)

Galadriel to Library Society of the World
The delightful call for research papers in an OA journal that was in my inbox this morning: .
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"Y'all wouldn't like the response I sent if I decided to send one. Ignorance is bliss." - Ondatra iSkoolicus - - (Edit | Remove)
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I actually check my spam mail daily (hey, I'm retired, it's usually down to 10-20/day), so I've become very aware of/appreciative of Gmail's apparent expertise with the journal spammers. It's not quite as good with the "welcome in Christ..." offers of Big Bucks for a Small Handling Fee. - waltcrawford - - (Edit | Remove)

Galadriel to Library Society of the World
We're working on a new JSTOR license and as a state institution, we cannot indemnify a publisher or provider. In our negotiations, we've seen four variations on JSTOR asking us - or our Authorized Users - to indemnify JSTOR. I am guessing that their concern about this stems from the Aaron Schwartz/MIT/JSTOR case.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Have any others at state institutions (or otherwise) successfully negotiated out, remained silent, or come up with acceptable language about the institution's or authorized user's indemnification of JSTOR? - Galadriel - - (Edit | Remove)

Galadriel to Library Society of the World
The expression I added to my MS Access query worked!!! #littlethings
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Galadriel to Library Society of the World
[cross posting in all the LSW places] - We presently do not have an official policy regarding which e-resources do or do not go on our e-resource A-Z list.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
However, my general practice has been to add databases (A&I and full text), links to purchased primary text collections, and platform links to dynamic and large collections such as journals where new content is consistently added. When it comes to e-book platform links, like EBL, Ebrary, EBSCO as well as things like Cambridge Companions, they too are added because they are dynamic and/or large (over 100 titles). - Galadriel - - (Edit | Remove)
What is the e-resource A-Z list policy/practice at your library? - Galadriel - - (Edit | Remove)

Galadriel to Library Society of the World, Galadriel's feed
Ciao bella gente! | Hello beautiful people!
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...