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Catherine Pellegrino

jukebox graduate

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Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World
The auto-suggested ISBN isn't in our catalog., don't even know what to say to that: http://content.screencast...
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Grab bag! - Meg VMeg - - (Edit | Remove)

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World
This one made me giggle: http://content.screencast...
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
That's deep. - Ondatra iSkoolicus - - (Edit | Remove)
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Sigh I have always noticed Primo's autosuggest is extremely bad even by library vendor standards. - Aaron Tay - - (Edit | Remove)

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World
J's school let out for the summer yesterday, and my husband is out of town, so I brought him to the library today and put him to work annotating the "list of periodicals indexed" in one of our old print indexes, based on a master list of our library's holdings. Why pay a student worker to do this when you can get a 7-year-old to do it for free?
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I can't figure out if that's nepotism or exploitation. Nepxloitation? :-) - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)
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I used to alphabetize, file, and read off the last 4 digits of people's SSNs. - laura x - - (Edit | Remove)

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World, Catherine Pellegrino's feed
This Week in Awkward Book Cover Typos:
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
ooooooooooooof. - Ondatra iSkoolicus - - (Edit | Remove)

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World
Wow, the independent filmmakers are getting even more desperate/annoying: cold-calling, with a follow-up email that admits, "alas, it's precisely the kind of email that almost no one ever clicks to open." YA THINK?
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
no kidding - lris - - (Edit | Remove)
ha. indeed. - mehlib - - (Edit | Remove)

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World
I just deleted an entire folder of outraged emails concerning the Great APA Style Guide Typo Disaster of 2009. What has taken you down memory lane lately? (crossposted to
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
SLIS graduation a few weeks ago. TEN YEARS SRSLY?! - Ondatra iSkoolicus - - (Edit | Remove)
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Do you have an APA cite to that Chronk article? - Joe - - (Edit | Remove)

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World
Cry "havoc!" and let slip the pre-ALA vendor emails.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
lol even teensy SLA inundated my inbox - Ondatra iSkoolicus - - (Edit | Remove)

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World
Metadata is hard, ladies and gentlemen: http://content.screencast...
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
what the what? - Ondatra iSkoolicus - - (Edit | Remove)
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Yes. Gale. (*cough* *cough*) Though that only explains some of them -- not the ones from Sage. At this point, I throw my hands in the air and say "hey, discovery services were never intended to be exhaustive search tools, right? Right?" :-) - Catherine Pellegrino - - (Edit | Remove)

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World, Catherine Pellegrino's feed
I dunno how the barista knew about my professional affiliation: (cross-posted from Twitter)
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World, Catherine Pellegrino's feed
"The main thing our discovery layer is good for, is discovering problems with our link resolver." (paraphrased, from a librarian at an even smaller school near here)
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World
I just spent over half an hour diagnosing and repairing a wireless doorbell. #ThingsIDidntLearnInGradSchool The biggest challenge was that the library's bottle of Elmer's had dried out so much that it was unusable.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I sort of love this. Especially the part about the Elmers. - laura x - - (Edit | Remove)

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World, Catherine Pellegrino's feed
Another day, another faculty member coming to the shocking realization that they cannot use Big Research University Across The Street's electronic resources without being physically located on their campus. #librarylife
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Has there never been talk of a consortial arrangement? - Meg VMeg - - (Edit | Remove)
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Well, the problem is basically that we're two separate, independent institutions (otherwise, MPOW would have a shitload more cash). We could declare ourselves a "consortium" but I don't think the vendors would go for it, and they DEFINITELY wouldn't go for ND just saying, "hey, couldja just add in my buddies across the street for a few extra bucks?" - Catherine Pellegrino - - (Edit | Remove)

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World, Catherine Pellegrino's feed
That thing where you realize that the LibGuide that you inherited from another librarian has all of its links set up as links within a Rich Text box, instead of a "Links & Lists" box, and you're going to have to reconstruct every link in every box.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
...and the librarian from whom you inherited it is your boss. - Catherine Pellegrino - - (Edit | Remove)
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Ditto. :-( :-( - fitzm - - (Edit | Remove)

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World
Well, so, um, that kind of backfired: we went through 39 boxes of paper in the fall, and 38 in the spring. Our total printing is up 40,000 pages (8%) over last year. #oops http://content.screencast...
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Printing on campus overall is down, though, so the net effect is that our humble printer is carrying a larger percentage of campus printing: 38.4% last year, and 42.7% this year. Yay. (Not.) - Catherine Pellegrino - - (Edit | Remove)
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"everyone else is printing here, guess I will too!" :P - Marianne - - (Edit | Remove)

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World
Codsignal request: Can anyone point me to a succinct teardown of the argument that it actually does cost $XX,XXX to publish a scientific journal, to help me respond to my scientist non-librarian friend @wandsci's tweets below? http://content.screencast...
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I don't have a succinct teardown argument that specifically addresses cost per journal, but I think this post by Heather Morrison about Elsevier's 39 percent profit in the STM realm last year should address the point (and she does, in her post). - It doesn't cost $XX,XXX if the huge publishing corporation doing it is making a 39 percent profit, right? At MOST it costs $XX,XXX-39 percent. (And I think that's being way too generous about the corporation's motives.) - Marianne - - (Edit | Remove)
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That was a good brief tweet. (Somehow, I think folks from "regular" journals are going to say "we earn EVERY SINGLE CENT WE MAKE," because not suicidal.) - waltcrawford - - (Edit | Remove)

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World, Catherine Pellegrino's feed
When editing the box with the library's hours, in order to post the hours for exam week, I left out ONE forwardslash and inadvertently turned all the text on the library home page bold. This is why I hate working without a staging server. ΰ² _ΰ² 
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Sounds like a shortcoming in the software that doesn't handle unclosed tags. - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World
If you were watching Twitter today, you may have caught a bit of this; I'm very, VERY glad that PLoS has apologized: http://news.sciencemag.or...
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"A peer reviewer’s suggestion that two female researchers find “one or two male biologists” to co-author and help them strengthen a manuscript they had written and submitted to a journal has unleashed an avalanche of disbelief and disgust on Twitter today -- and prompted an apology from the journal's publisher." - Catherine Pellegrino - - (Edit | Remove)
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(Admittedly, with many hard science papers where work is only being done at one or two places, the source--if not necessarily the author[s], will be pretty obvious. There's always open peer review..) - waltcrawford - - (Edit | Remove)

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World, Catherine Pellegrino's feed
Y'all, I just chaired my last meeting of The Committee From Hell. #BeerMe
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
🍺🍻 - Julian - - (Edit | Remove)
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πŸ‘€ - mehlib - - (Edit | Remove)

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World
So, let me get this straight: IT wouldn't let us buy a license for Camtasia, because they said they were about to get Kaltura anyway, which would do the same thing as Camtasia and since they were paying big bucks for Kaltura we should use that, but it turns out that since Kaltura doesn't actually do the same thing (and tends to blow up the computers it's installed on) they're telling us we now have to look at "free" software to do what Camtasia does?
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More... Comment

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World
Well golly gee willickers, that's some awesome access you offer there, PMC! http://content.screencast...
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
freaking embargoes - mehlib - - (Edit | Remove)

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World, Catherine Pellegrino's feed
TIL that I did half again as much instruction this year as I did last year. Well. THAT explains quite a few things.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
This is one of those posts that makes me want to be able to hit smiley face and frowny face at the same time. GO YOU. And also omigosh, you poor thing. - Marianne - - (Edit | Remove)
2 other comments...
yikes - Stephan1eCogSc1L1brar1an - - (Edit | Remove)

Catherine Pellegrino to Library Society of the World
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I am absurdly comforted by the reappearance of the Melvil[le] Dewey/Dui codslap graphic for this room. - Catherine Pellegrino - - (Edit | Remove)
I just helped the most adorably Type-A student try to shrink down engineering homework solution pages into the allowable one-page "cheat sheet" for an exam. We didn't manage to get them readable at the size that she needed, but we had fun anyway. - Catherine Pellegrino - - (Edit | Remove)