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If you're not thoroughly confused, it is clear you have not been paying attention. Twitter: @stplanken

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Stephan to Stephan's feed, Lovefest
Seeing how my girls (2 and 5) hug each other in the morning before breakfast.
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Later: "Don't touch my cereal!" "Dad, she is looking at me!" Never a dull moment. :-) - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)
1 other comments...
Adorable ! - Cincia - - (Edit | Remove)

Stephan to Stephan's feed
I leave for a few days and boom, "2071 and still growing".
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Stephan to Stephan's feed
Duck. Duck. Duck. See, it's the ducking autocorrect that prevents me from saying bad things. Duck!
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
(I had to scroll twice over it before seeing) - low level - - (Edit | Remove)
6 other comments...
Goose! - John B. - - (Edit | Remove)

Stephan to Stephan's feed
"Chocolate is healthy, prevents diabetes, improves thinking and keeps you skinny, scientists say" : ( http://www.nationalpost.c... ) [ ]
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
This jpg is only displayed when viewing the post on its own page. And it tries to render the first link (to the article) as a thumbnail. - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)
1 other comments...
I don't think so. I often get the images not showing up, but other people get the "too large" icon. - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)

Stephan to Stephan's feed
So I woke up at 4:30 or so. "No big deal, it's Saturday, after all." Well, that was disappointing.
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Stephan to Stephan's feed
Does anyone know: does Google intercept URLs typed in the address bar in Chrome for iOS?
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I'm not sure - I know I've got mine set to sync searches (when I've logged that account on that device,) but I'm not sure if it captures that otherwise. - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)
It's just me being cautious. I know there was an issue with incognito mode in iOS 7, so I wondered about this. - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)

Stephan to Stephan's feed
Seems like I can't login to this site unless I allow scripting from I understand what this is about but why should I trust that site? (I did it on Safari but I'm not willing to take that risk on my desktop browser.)
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
it's a temporary solution for that stupid cookie-law that forces me to show that more stupid pupup. - senape - - (Edit | Remove)
That law is so silly, I can't believe that they are serious about it. - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)

Stephan to Stephan's feed
Seems like I'm unable to upload with the iOS Flickr app. Anyone else seeing this?
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I was just able to use it on my iPhone. - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)
5 other comments...
Well call it real hard time; -) - ♕Dr. Eynollah ♕ - - (Edit | Remove)

Stephan to Stephan's feed
The small town gas station attendant didn't allow us to leave the store with an ice cream for my 5 y/o while awaiting a propane refill but then later asked me for the weight they added to the bottle. #logic
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Stephan to Stephan's feed, Parenting
My wife was outside for a chore. Sarah, 2 y/o, went to the bathroom all by herself. Milestone.
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
You should be proud of her. But I guess that you'll have more troubles to access your bathroom from now on... one lady more to share bathroom with! - misterpinna - - (Edit | Remove)
No kidding. :-) - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)

Stephan to Stephan's feed
Badgers are getting a bit out of control. Our 2 y/o thought she could go say hello to "the kitty" this afternoon. Glad my wife was there to stop her. A friend has been patiently trying to get one of the two with a shotgun, nearly succeeded. It will be dark in half an hour.
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Damned Wisconsin Badgers! - Joe - - (Edit | Remove)
2 other comments...

Stephan to Stephan's feed
Frost advisory in effect for the next two days. #hellberta
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Stephan to Stephan's feed
Just read that B B King passed away.
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Stephan to Stephan's feed
I have 2 photos stuck in a queue on the iOS Flickr app. Even after a reboot, so it must be something in their server. Seems like I am unable to upload any new photos now. (This is not with the latest app version.)
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Updated to the newest version, that worked. Looking at my own stream in iOS but eh... That looks... Barebones. - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)
1 other comments...
Not seeing that either, everything or public. With the iOS app browsing albums is noticeably faster. Photos that are set to private lost their little padlock. The stream is probably designed to resemble the phone's camera roll, doesn't seem to match the album look. - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)

Stephan to Stephan's feed
I bought "Thinking out loud" for Sophie (as she really likes it) and wanted to sync it to her iDevice. What was supposed to be a one minute job turned out to be a one hour struggle with iTunes.
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Stephan to Stephan's feed
I can't believe the alarm went off. It feels like I went to bed only minutes ago. If I become ruler of the world, I will extend the days by 4 hours just to get some more sleep.
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
If I become ruler of the world, I will make sure a week is made of 7 days: 5 Saturdays and 2 Sundays, to be sure we can all have a proper amount of relax - brixie - - (Edit | Remove)
1 other comments...
By the way, grateful for all the coffee today. I really should pour me two mugs at a time though. - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)

Stephan to Stephan's feed
I hate to state the obvious, but World Peace is dropping to an all time low of 92%. :)
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Quick! Post pictures of cute kittehs and puppehs! #BreakingTheInternet - Kristin - - (Edit | Remove)
We use the dislike ti empathise with sad posts: ence the index has lost meaning - Bic - - (Edit | Remove)

Stephan to Stephan's feed
Astronomers have discovered a baby blue galaxy that is farther away in distance and time than any galaxy ever seen. It's among the universe's first generation of galaxies, from 13.1 billion years ago. ( ) [ ]
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Stephan to Stephan's feed
This is the second month in which my cell data usage is high. I beginning to believe the culprits are Facebook and my browser. Both could be related to the end of FF (I never really checked FB and this site seems to require a lot of bandwidth). I'm going to restrict both to wifi only to see if this makes a difference.
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
i've disabled almost all of the notifications of Fb. also messenger is too much data expensive (and not so useful to me) - Pea Bukowski - - (Edit | Remove)
2 other comments...
Yes, I liked that change indeed. - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)

Stephan to Stephan's feed
I may not live in Australia. But when I left work I saw a beetle so large, that had it hitched a ride it would have exceeded the truck's maximum hauling capacity.
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
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It is actually amazing how many insects there are are (or varieties of insects that I'm familiar with) and the vast array of sizes they come in. I'm just glad to live here and see those ginormous ones as exceptions to the rule. :) - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)

Stephan to!, Stephan's feed
What is the significance of the yellow T symbols on people's avatars?
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
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I fear that it's not that simple to devise a GOOD way to guess the right faq to be presented to the user. My own experience is bad: a lot of useless suggestions. In an environment like could be useful to organize faqs and present people with options at first broad and then more and more refined. - .mau. - - (Edit | Remove)

Stephan to Stephan's feed, Lovefest
When driving Sophie to school this morning Pharrell William's Happy was playing. Much to my surprise Sophie started to sing and dance in her car seat. She said they have been dancing to that song in class. School clearly is not what it was when I attended. :-)
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
it depends on teachers, finally (at least in Italy) - chiaratiz - - (Edit | Remove)
1 other comments...
They regularly listen to music towards the end of the day. It is great seeing her having so much fun with it. (Most teachers seem to be doing the same, I think it's great.) - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)

Stephan to Stephan's feed
"(These) are issues people have to come to conclusions about by themselves, from within. Otherwise you're just listening to others and you don't know what kind of soapbox they're standing on — whether it's full of science or hot air."
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Sage advise. (This particular quote is about critical looks at Internet "scientists".) - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)

Stephan to Stephan's feed
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
The Messenger probe slammed into the surface of Mercury at 3:26 p.m. EDT (1926 GMT) Thursday. - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)
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<3 - Pea Bukowski - - (Edit | Remove)

Stephan to Stephan's feed
Insurance companies and fitness trackers -- it was just a matter of time.
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Stephan to Stephan's feed
Anyone knows reasons why websites are blocking Tor traffic?
10 years ago from iPhone - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
One reason could be: blocking users by IP would be impossible. But wouldn't that be the same for VPN? - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)
5 other comments...
Thing is, this is happening for smaller sites as well. I would assume that these are less of an interesting target for attacks or abuse. This could be just a fashion statement. I just find it a bit disconcerting that Tor is being targeted that way. - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)