craiv's feed,
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http://avherald.com/h?art... "On Apr 27th 2019 it became known, that four independent whistleblowers, current and former Boeing employees, had called the FAA hotline for whistleblowers regarding aviation safety concerns on Apr 5th 2019. The concerns reported were wiring damage to the AoA related wiring as result of foreign object damage as well as concerns with the TRIM CUTOUT switches."
http://avherald.com/h?art... "On Apr 27th 2019 it became known, that four independent whistleblowers, current and former Boeing employees, had called the FAA hotline for whistleblowers regarding aviation safety concerns on Apr 5th 2019. The concerns reported were wiring damage to the AoA related wiring as result of foreign object damage as well as concerns with the TRIM CUTOUT switches."
6 years ago
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in un pezzo che ho letto qualche settimana fa si pronosticava che il 737 max ormai è fritto, la perdita di fiducia ormai è troppo grande per poterci mettere una pezza. Tu che ne pensi?
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naltro, da https://www.easa.europa.e... sembra che abbiano in programma di accettare automaticamente le certificazioni senza ulteriori verifiche ma al momento non è così (infatti EASA ha dovuto sospendere le operazioni indipendentemente da FAA).
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