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Evaluate World Peace


Aaron Tay

Academic Librarian Singapore

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Aaron Tay to Library Society of the World
Looking at the new "featured results bar" in Primo feature where you can surface/callout a bar of results on the 4th result based on scope (ILS/PCI etc) or resource type (book dvd, database, images etc). Similar to Summon which does it for newspaper articles and images but more flexible. Wondering what to use (if at all) for a tab that does "Everything" (catalogue + PCI + IR).
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Aaron Tay to Library Society of the World
Is this place going to be a permanent? Or at least a Candidate to consider? I feel like having this place dilutes focus.
1 decade ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I was thinking about that this morning. We need a place that is good enough. While we only have 44 subscribers, we will most likely loose some LSWers in the transition no matter where we go. Unless something better comes along or gets built, I think this place is good enough for me. Now, if the LSW room languishes over time, then I will probably migrate my conversation someplace else. - Joe - - (Edit | Remove)
3 other comments...
Not surprising this place feels very close to FF compared to - Aaron Tay - - (Edit | Remove)

Aaron Tay to Library Society of the World
Anyone done a study where you went thru Faculty citations and counted % that are not available via library resources? Maybe kinda like http://libraryconnect.els... but not just for grant proposals. I guess % using library resources will fall through the years?
1 decade ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I haven't seen such a study, probably because it's still so time-intensive to get an accurate list of faculty publications. It'd be cool and probably eye-opening, though. - Ondatra iSkoolicus - - (Edit | Remove)
5 other comments...
Anyway, some context, I may have some extra hands going in and this was a suggested area to work on. - Aaron Tay - - (Edit | Remove)