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Cancelletta to Podcast, Vegetarian Stuff
La nutrizionista Silvia Goggi ha fatto un podcast sull'alimentazione vegana. Segnalo solamente perché non l'ho ancora ascoltato
6 months ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
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L'HO SCOPERTO SOLO OGGI, VOLEVO DARVI L'ANTEPRIMA, INGRATI - Cancelletta from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

Cancelletta to Vegetarian Stuff, Cancelletta's feed
Ricettina orientale veloce (x 2 persone) con gli udon noodles e i germogli di soia che sono in offerta in questo periodo da Lidl: carota + zucchina + aglio + salsa di soia
6 months ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Carota + zucchina a julienne, rosolate in padella con olio e mezzo spicchio di aglio tagliato fine - Cancelletta from Android - - (Edit | Remove)
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Eh i gamberetti son la morte sua - Cancelletta from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

Cancelletta to Vegetarian Stuff, Cancelletta's feed
In mensa ormai sanno che sono vegetariana, e qualche addetta ogni tanto commenta con "immaginavo avresti preso quello", oppure "per te oggi potrebbe esserci questo", etc...e io già così lo trovo picci. Ma oggi l'addetta più giovane si è superata.
12 months ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Dopo aver sbirciato le opzioni chiedo se nel sugo all'arrabbiata non ci siano per caso alici o roba simile. In mensa spesso fanno sughi un po' ad cazzum - Cancelletta from Android - - (Edit | Remove)
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per i celiaci da noi c'è il microonde apposta, mai visto utilizzare da nessuno. probabilmente un celiaco in tutta la azienda avrà protestato e gliene hanno messo uno. dare il menù per celiaci a un intollerante al lattosio è veramente demenziale - Cancelletta - - (Edit | Remove)

nda imported, nda, Vegetarian Stuff



A little pig latin for @copperbadge

As epic as any history of the Caesars! 

6 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Cancelletta to Vegetarian Stuff
Roba salata da abbinare al melone?
7 years ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Cancelletta to Vegetarian Stuff
Quando e come siete diventati vegetariani (se lo siete/chi di voi lo è)?
7 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Io no ma quasi, la carne mi fa male - chiaratiz from Android - - (Edit | Remove)
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Io ad esempio mangio tutto (più o meno), ma la carne pochissimo perché non ne sono mai stata particolarmente ghiotta e soprattutto mi sono accorta che il manzo francese è completamente indigeribile per il mio organismo (vai a sapere). In pratica mangio solo del pollo (che so, una volta a settimana o ogni dieci giorni), del prosciutto (con la stessa frequenza), del tonno in scatola e del merluzzo. Per un certo periodo avevo una coinquilina vegetariana e contemporaneamente un'intolleranza al lattosio: fatta eccezione per le uova e qualche affettato, tutto il resto che mangiavo era vegetale, e anche se son passati un po' di anni e la mia alimentazione ora è più varia, continuo a mangiare molti prodotti di origine vegetale (tofu, bevande vegetali, legumi eccetera) e la carne non mi manca più di tanto (certo, la piadina col salame casalingo, i cappelletti e le lasagne sono un discorso a parte). - MayaBastanza from iPhone - - (Edit | Remove)

Cancelletta to Vegetarian Stuff, Cancelletta's feed
Interessante articolo scritto da un onnivoro http://www.minimaetmorali...
7 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
stigmatizzare le fisime di certi vegani, offendere i vegetariani, usare il sarcasmo, criticarli e in alcuni casi aggredirli, sembra una manovra diversiva. Nient’altro che un meccanismo psicologico finalizzato a nascondere qualcosa che tutti comprendiamo, ma che è difficile accettare. - Cancelletta - - (Edit | Remove)
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E insomma. . Bisognerà dare un riguardata.. al vangelo. Tipo quel tipo che dice "mangiate la mia carne e bevete il mio sangue " per non parlare della moltiplicazione dei pesci ..da mangiare - yery from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

Cancelletta to Vegetarian Stuff
Brownies vegani cioccolato e mandorle - fatti ieri: semplici, veloci e buonerrimi http://blog.giallozaffera...
7 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
manfatti: basta che ci sia del cacao e anche le capre in cucina come me fan la loro figura - Cancelletta from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

spikkia to Vegetarian Stuff, spikkia's feed, La stanzetta sugna free
Pizzette di melanzane, con parmigiano al posto della mozzarella.
8 years ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

spikkia to Vegetarian Stuff, La stanzetta sugna free
Come (non) preparare le polpette/hamburger di fagioli neri.
7 years ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Sono partita da questa ricetta --> poi come al solito ci ho messo del mio. La prima cosa importante da tenere a mente è che i fagioli neri hanno bisogno di stare mezz'ora in pentola a pressione (da quando fischia), non di meno, ne ho la prova. Per fare le polpette/hamburger è importante lasciarsi un po' di liquido a disposizione, altrimenti verranno dure, quelle che erano rimaste avevo pensato di metterle nei vasi delle piante grasse, al posto dei sassi, quindi il consiglio del liquido da aggiungere ve lo do con cognizione di causa. - spikkia - - (Edit | Remove)
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(buò) - Haukr - - (Edit | Remove)

spikkia to Aggiungi un Frenf a tavola, Vegetarian Stuff
Amici a cena, saremo in 4, pensavo di preparare: (antipasto) bruschette con salsa di carote (primo) pasta con ragu vegetariano, forse la infilo al forno se trovo una scarmozina buona (secondo) boh, io non cucino carne (contorno) sfoglie di patate al forno con paprika. Mi aiutate a colmare il boh?
7 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
una frittata? ma forse con pasta, frittata e patate, li uccido tutti - spikkia - - (Edit | Remove)
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ah ops ok allora come non detto :D - monicabionda - - (Edit | Remove)

spikkia to Vegetarian Stuff
Sono pazza, per questo ho appena acceso il forno.
8 years ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Cipolle, zucchine, carote, peperoni, conditi con sale, semi di sesamo, semi di sesamo, erba cipollina, paprika dolce, una spolverata di pangrattato e olio. - spikkia from Android - - (Edit | Remove)
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qui da giovedì scorso di nuovo terrificante :( - {°)) from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

Ratavoloira to Vegetarian Stuff, schisciatevela
Ho fatto a caso delle polpette vegetariane buone, le scrivo qui così non mi dimentico: seitan, scalogno, polpa di melanzana cotta, menta e basilico tritati tutti insieme, un uovo, sale pepe e pangrattato, impanate e cotte in forno. Non hanno neanche grassi U.U
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
cose che ci starebbero bene dentro: un po' di parmigiano e del sesamo nella panatura. - Ratavoloira - - (Edit | Remove)
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vengono buonissime al forno u.u e soprattutto rimangono buone anche fredde, cosa che al fritto è impossibile per sua intrinseca natura - {°)) from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

spikkia to Vegetarian Stuff, spikkia's feed
Non ho foto, ma del resto una pottiglia arancione non è che si proprio fotogenica, ma fidatevi: salsa/crema (pesto?) di carote con paprika dolce e mandorle.
8 years ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Prima ho cercato un po' di ricette online, poi come mio solito sono andata a fantasia. Ho pulito, fatto a tocchetti e sbollentato 3 carote. Non devono ammollarsi troppo come se doveste mangiare delle carote lesse (che non capisco mai che tipo di.colpe si debbano espiare per costringersi a mangiare delle carote lesse, ma è un altro discorso). Frullate con aglio, mandorle, olio, un pochino di latte, e una spolverata di paprika dolce (più o meno a seconda del gusto). Ottimo per condire la pasta o da spalmare sulla bruschetta. - spikkia from Android - - (Edit | Remove)
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Ecco, crude o lesse proprio non riesco neanche a pensarle, ma se le cucino, ultimamente ne mangio un bel po'. Al forno, tipo chips, sono ottime, o nella zuppa con la zucca o le patate. Online comunque ho trovato diverse ricette del pesto senza cuocerle. - spikkia from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

spikkia to Vegetarian Stuff, spikkia's feed
Sfoglie di patate e carote, condite con paprika dolce, semi di sesamo, sale, olio e pangrattato.
8 years ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Al forno, no, non ho guardato quanto le ho tenute, vado a occhio di solito, ma negli ultimi minuti ho acceso il ventilato, così sono venute croccanti al punto giusto. - spikkia from Android - - (Edit | Remove)
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@valentina ho un teglia, con bordo basso, quasi come fosse una leccarda... @inverno non credo di aver fatto in tempo a portarle a tavola :D @cincia affare fatto! - spikkia - - (Edit | Remove)

John B. to Vegetarian Stuff
Penne with Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto Recipe ( ) http://foodnetwork.sndimg...
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
This was a pretty good use for leftover sun-dried tomatoes. - John B. from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
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Www, that looks really yummy! - Cincia from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

Jennifer D. to Vegetarian Stuff, Jennifer D.'s feed
Mustard-Parmesan Whole Roasted Cauliflower Recipe : Food Network Kitchen : Food Network http://foodnetwork.sndimg... ( )
9 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Trying this recipe out today. I did forget to rub the garlic on at the beginning, so I'm adding some to the remaining mustard mixture, and then adding it and the parmesan at the end to cook for an extra 5 minutes, as recommended in the comments. - Jennifer D. from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
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Like to mustard - Mario Pietre from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

Jennifer D. to Vegetarian Stuff, Jennifer D.'s feed
Vegan Palak Paneer Recipe on Food52 ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"There's no cheese in this "paneer" recipe, but there are perfectly seasoned, super crispy, cheesy-flavored blocks of tofu. Take some time to press and marinate the tofu in advance—the resulting texture is absolutely worthwhile. The green sauce may darken over time, but leftovers will taste even better on the second day, after the flavors and spices have had some time to mingle." - Jennifer D. from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
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I'm tempted to try this method for Shahi Paneer as well. - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)

Jennifer D. to Vegetarian Stuff, Jennifer D.'s feed
Bruschetta With Caramelized Radicchio And Goat Cheese | Tasty Kitchen: A Happy Recipe Community! ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Ingredients: 2 heads Radicchio Lettuce; 1 whole Small Red Onion, Peeled & Thinly Sliced; 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil; 2 Tablespoons Honey; ⅓ cups Balsamic Vinegar; 1 whole Baguette Bread Cut Into 1/2 Inch Thick Slices; 6 ounces, weight Log Goat Cheese, Softened - Jennifer D. from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
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This is (roughly) the recipe I made yesterday. The radicchio from my farm share was lighter than the dark red variety, but still had that trademark bitterness, and I only had a sweet onion on hand. I added a splash of red wine vinegar to the liquids and that seems to have balanced things out. Honestly, it tastes a bit like balsamic roasted Brussels sprouts, but as a spread. I had it (cold) today on toast with an acidic cream cheese, and it was very good. - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to Vegetarian Stuff, Food, bentley's feed
How a trucker lost 65 pounds by cooking vegan meals on the road “With such incredible results, Anderson decided to start a blog in hopes of creating a community of support and inspiration for others trying to do the same.” Plant-Fueled Trucker Facebook page and Instagram account. https://scontent-ord1-1.c...
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
“The biggest game changer was that he began cooking his own meals. He put himself on a restrictive diet, cutting out all meat, fish and dairy, and adding nutritious fruits and vegetables like avocados, potatoes and blueberries to create a well balanced diet. […] It takes careful planning and a little bit of time on his day off. When he's not on the road, he preps his meals for the coming week. […] Anderson's meals aren't boring even with such a restricted diet and lack of kitchen space. Instead, Anderson uses the truck's electrical power to his advantage and carries along a pressure cooker, waffle maker, hot plate, toaster and Nutribullet. He makes dishes like vegetable stir-fry with peanut sauce, which has rice, cauliflower, broccoli, curry powder, dried parsley and pepper. His meals are also quick to make since time of the essence for him. For example, the stir-fry takes 12 minutes. […] Beyond the weight loss, Anderson's seen a transformation in his overall health. "I don't take no antidepressants, anymore. No blood, no medicine at all and it's all doctor approved," explained Anderson, who is also now exercising again.” - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)
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He also has pictures of his setup in the truck cab. - - - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)

Jennifer D. to Vegetarian Stuff, Jennifer D.'s feed
Chao Slices - Field Roast ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"Welcome to Field Roast’s newest family member: a vegan coconut cheese alternative seasoned with a traditionally fermented soybean curd called Chao by the Vietnamese. We continue our fascination with blending Asian and European heritages by partnering with a Greek cheese maker and a family in Taiwan who makes the Chao. We bring it all together in Seattle to create Chao Slices." - Jennifer D. from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
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Nice! I wasn't sure if Field Roast shipped overseas or not. I've been impressed with most of their stuff - they don't shy away from fats or salt, so they don't get the "over-processed sawdust" aftertaste that I've run into with some non-meats or non-cheeses. Their "Celebration Roast" or "Meatloaf" are pretty big favorites of mine, and they carry a lot of their stuff at the co-op near my house. - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to Vegetarian Stuff, Food, bentley's feed
What to do when life gives you kolhrabi. Or fennel. Or Tokyo turnips. The Contorni Matrix: (via and )
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Jennifer D. to Vegetarian Stuff, Jennifer D.'s feed
David Venable’s Summer Squash Fritters With Garlic Dipping Sauce Recipe - NYT Cooking http://graphics8.nytimes.... ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
INGREDIENTS: FOR THE GARLIC DIPPING SAUCE: 20 garlic cloves, peeled (about 2 heads); Extra-virgin olive oil; 1 cup mayonnaise; 3 tablespoons lemon juice; 1 teaspoon kosher salt; ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper; ¼ cup chives, minced; FOR THE FRITTERS: 1 ¼ cups all-purpose flour; ¾ cup shredded white Cheddar; 1 teaspoon kosher salt; 1 teaspoon ground black pepper; 1 teaspoon garlic powder; 2 large eggs; ¾ cup cold beer; 1 cup grated zucchini (about one 6- to 7-ounce zucchini), drained on paper towels 15 minutes; 1 cup grated yellow squash (about one 6-to 7-ounce squash), drained on paper towels 15 minutes; 1 small yellow onion, halved and thinly sliced; ½ cup canola oil, for frying - Jennifer D. from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
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Yum! - Jenny H from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

Jennifer D. to Vegetarian Stuff, Jennifer D.'s feed
Pot-Roasted Artichokes With White Wine and Capers Recipe - NYT Cooking http://graphics8.nytimes.... ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"INGREDIENTS: ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil; 3 ½ pounds baby artichokes (about 18); 2 medium garlic cloves, thinly sliced; 1 ½ teaspoons Maldon or other flaky sea salt; 1 ½ cups dry white wine, such as Sauvignon Blanc; 1 heaping tablespoon drained capers; A five-finger pinch of mint leaves (preferably black mint), torn at the last minute (see note)" - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)
"PREPARATION Heat the oil in a heavy pot (wide enough to hold the artichokes with room to spare) over medium-high heat until it just begins to smoke. Stand the artichokes cut sides down in the oil, wait a minute, then reduce the heat to medium-low, sprinkle in the garlic and salt, and cook, without stirring, just until the garlic turns golden and smells toasty, about 3 minutes. Pour in the wine, cover the pot and cook, without stirring, at a vigorous simmer until you can insert a sharp knife into the thick artichoke bottoms with barely any resistance, about 25 minutes. Five minutes or so before they’re fully tender, scatter on the capers and cover again. Uncover, raise the heat to medium-high, and bring the liquid to a boil. Cook until all the wine has evaporated (the bubbling sound will become a sizzle), about 3 minutes. Add the mint and keep cooking the artichokes in the oil (it’s OK if a few of them tip over), until the cut sides of the artichokes are deep golden brown, 3 to 5 minutes. Lower the heat if necessary to prevent the artichokes from getting too dark. Arrange the artichokes prettily on a plate, and scoop the capers, oil and slightly crispy mint over top. Serve straightaway or at room temperature. A five-finger pinch is as much as you can grab with just the tips of all five fingers." - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)

Jennifer D. to Vegetarian Stuff, Jennifer D.'s feed
How to Cook with Mushroom Stems ( ) https://farm9.staticflick...
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"Lastnightsdinner's Velvety Mushroom Soup ( ) is a great way to use up your mushroom stems, and its taste lives up to its name: It truly is velvety—without the use of any cream—and it's also intensely mushroomy, thanks to the trifecta of mushroom stock, dried mushrooms, and fresh mushrooms. The base doesn't start with a mirepoix, but you won't be missing out on any flavor: The mushrooms are deglazed with sweet vermouth, fresh thyme is used in both the stock and the soup, and a Parmesan rind (along with all of the mushrooms, of course) provides umami. Note that the recipe calls for more shiitake stems than caps. Plan to cook this soup after you make another recipe calling for shiitake mushroom caps, or simply use any extra shiitake caps in place of some of the cremini or white button mushrooms. " - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)
The soup calls for parmesan rind, but could easily be replaced with something else (like some extra salt) if you wanted to make a vegan version. - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)

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