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avatar The Library Society of the World. The LSW has moved to .

Stephen Francoeur to Library Society of the World
Wondering what people are feeling these days about the LSW sites on, (the Discourse instance), Slack, Facebook, and Although has gathered a lot of attention and use in the past month, I still see regular activity in Slack and am wondering how people are deciding when to go where. At some point, we'll want to consider the Discourse install at, which has monthly server costs to keep alive. I'll cross-post this question in all the locations.
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to bentley's feed, Library Society of the World
I'm blanking out on a name. A librarian, I think in the Chicago suburbs, who has (had?) a couponing website. Anyone remember the name? Is she still couponing?
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Found! Thanks to LSW at (The answer to the question was ) - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to bentley's feed, Library Society of the World
Circulating Ideas (podcast): Episode 85 - Barbara Fister https://circulatingideas.... "Steve chats with Barbara Fister, librarian at the Gustavus Adolphus College library in St. Peter, Minnesota and writer of the Library Babel Fish blog at Inside Higher Ed." It just dropped this morning so I haven't listened to it yet.
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
At 00:34: shout-out to LSW on Friendfeed and she talks about the LSW's Journal of Creative Library Practice. http://creativelibrarypra... - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to bentley's feed, Library Society of the World
#alaleftbehind: for Hamilton and Kate Koturski http://shelfcheck.blogspo... (click through for link to more info)
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to bentley's feed, Library Society of the World
"TL;DR: Patricia Hswe and I wrote an article for American Libraries and the editors added some quotes from a vendor talking about their products without telling us. We asked them to fix it and they said no."
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Joe to Library Society of the World
Looks like people be discoursing and slacking.
9 years ago from iPad - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to bentley's feed, Library Society of the World
I just saw that Jessamyn West did a Reddit AMA two weeks ago. "I'm Jessamyn West, a famous librarian. AMA!"
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to Library Society of the World, bentley's feed
"Sacramento Public Library has created this guide for teens in need of self-help books."
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to Library Society of the World, bentley's feed
I don't think I've ever heard of it phrased quite like this: laundering.
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
" Thrift stores like Goodwill receive many more [book] donations than they can physically accommodate. Employees rifle through donations, pick out the stuff that is most likely to sell and send the rest to a landfill. The same thing happens at public libraries; they can take only as many donations as their space and storage will allow, so eventually they have to dispose of books, too. (For libraries, the process is a little more complicated; they can’t legally sell books, so they essentially launder them through groups with names like Friends of the Library, which sell the discards and donate the proceeds to the library.)" - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to Library Society of the World, bentley's feed
"I suggested to students that a single research paper that required 10 sources might cost $500--more if you figure in the cost of network access, on, say, a metered-by-minute and by-data system and that they have a distinct privilege of access. Paired with this post, I think a good first-year composition exercise would be to have students calculate the cost of their papers if they didn't have the kind of access they do."
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Comment by Douglas Eyman https://www.insidehighere... to Barbara Fister’s article, “Checking Our Library Privilege.” https://www.insidehighere... (via Library Link of the Day ) - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)
Thanks bentley: I hadn't realized that Barbara responded to my own comment on her piece (and pointed to my book in the process). - waltcrawford - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to Library Society of the World, bentley's feed
Interview with a Prison Librarian http://www.askamanager.or... "Recently, a commenter, Oryx, mentioned that she used to work as a prison librarian, and I wanted to learn more. She graciously agreed to do an interview for us, and here’s the Q&A."
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

LibrarianOnTheLoose to Library Society of the World
Hi library peeps! I haven't been on this site pretty much since it got up and running, in favor of the Discourse page. How y'allz been?
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to Library Society of the World, bentley's feed
National Archives Virtual Genealogy Fair - October 21 & 22, 2015 "Lectures will feature tips and techniques for using Federal records at the National Archives for genealogy research. Lectures are designed for experienced genealogists and novices. Recorded sessions will remain available online after the event."
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Schedule and handouts (and YouTube): - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to Library Society of the World, bentley's feed
Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana: Why does your website have a link to Dunkin' Donuts at the bottom of every page?
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
(They just got a new website in September. The link doesn't appear in the old website. ) - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)
3 other comments...
Aha! I misread the map in the quick reading I did. I saw that it was called library or something (too lazy too click on the link now), but I saw the mile thing and.... *major* reading comprehension fail on my part. *facepalm* And now I want a Dunkin' Donuts at my library. Because across the street (where the closest one is) is still too far away. Or too close. Or both at the same time? Schrodinger's Donut. - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)

mehlib to Library Society of the World
Hello. Are we still using this?
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I am. - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)
13 other comments... | Show last 10...
I think it's tied for third on the "LSW Refuge" list, with, sigh, Twitter a strong first. But I check at least daily. - waltcrawford - - (Edit | Remove)

Galadriel to Library Society of the World
{Cross Posted @ all the LSW Spots} We're exploring the difference between locally-hosted and OCLC-hosted EZ Proxy. If your institution uses OCLC-hosted EZ Proxy, what would you say are the pros and cons?
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I'm particular interested in your perceptions of how OCLC has supported the institution when it comes to security concerns where there's a sudden need to block a certain user's login id, responding quickly when there's been a report from a publisher of excessive downloading via the EZ Proxy IP, and if the "Add new database access in a matter of days." has worked for you. - Galadriel - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to Library Society of the World, bentley's feed
"First Library to Support Anonymous Internet Browsing Effort Stops After DHS Email: A library in a small New Hampshire town started to help Internet users around the world surf anonymously using Tor. Until the Department of Homeland Security raised a red flag." https://www.propublica.or... (via )
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
And they've restored their TOR participation - http://lj.libraryjournal.... - librarychic - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to Library Society of the World, bentley's feed
The 50 Most Used Passwords Unmasked: What 10 Million Passwords Reveal About the People Who Choose Them (via )
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Why 270 (#28)? - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)
2 other comments...
There's also an I-270 in Maryland (and maybe elsewhere). - John B. - - (Edit | Remove)

bentley to Library Society of the World, bentley's feed
Circulating Ideas (the librarian interview podcast): Episode 75: #nextLoC "Steve chats with Jessamyn West about hopes and expectations regarding the next Librarian of Congress." http://circulatingideas.c... https://circulatingideas....
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to Library Society of the World, bentley's feed
At my old job, when I did reference in Spanish a lot, I used to change the language choice on Google all the time, so I could print directions, etc. It was very easy to do: advanced, language, click on language, done. Today, I needed to print directions in Polish, but... you have to log in to do basic stuff like that now? Really? Or am I missing something?
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
(Also, it used to be that, even after you went to another language, there was always a "click here to change to English" link, so you could find your way back. Not anymore. I guess that was too convenient. Today, I had to guess which of the many links in Polish was the way back.) - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)
I did log in, 'cause I had to, using our reference account. Something I didn't think of until later: if any of the librarians at the other reference desks used Google in that half hour, they would've encountered Polish Google. Oops. - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)

lris to lris's feed, Library Society of the World
Between the search committee stuff and putting together a full-day workshop on our rubric for Oregon folks (yay Anne-Marie Deitering!), things have been on the hectic side for me. Next up: the start of Fall Term in a few weeks. I had kind of thought this would be a less full summer...
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
The good news is that on the search committee we brought 3 candidates in who were all fantastic. I don't think I've ever honestly thought we could hire all three in a pool before. - lris - - (Edit | Remove)
The bad news is mostly called Inbox - lris - - (Edit | Remove)

Meg VMeg to Library Society of the World
Slack killed this place, huh.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I should probably sign up? - bentley - - (Edit | Remove)
2 other comments...
I am not sure if I like the slack interface. The discourse version is ok, but I have turned more to Twitter. - Joe from iPad - - (Edit | Remove)

Galadriel to Library Society of the World
Come work with me! The University of Connecticut (UConn), one of the nation’s leading public research universities, seeks applications for the position of Electronic Resources Librarian: https://hcmprodweb.psoft....
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bentley to Library Society of the World, bentley's feed
There’s a library-shaped hole in the Internet (via Library Link of the Day )
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Joe to Library Society of the World
Hello vendor, thank you for the price quote for this particular database, but this is for the wrong institution. We are a private institution in Colorado, not a public institution in California.
10 years ago from iPad - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
But the price does seem reasonable. I haven't compared to see if our price is similar (or not) to their quoted price. - Joe from iPad - - (Edit | Remove)

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