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Evaluate World Peace



50% slav*, 50% terron*, 50% stronz*puntinista.

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endiei imported, endiei's feed, frenfumetto


The Legion Of Super-Scripters

Paul Levitz, Don McGregor, Stan Lee And Len Wein (1984)

5 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
File under: sfornapersonaggi, stakanovisti, dovreste fargli un monumento, però mancano Ditko e Kirby - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)
Nota: Len Wein ha scritto davvero di TUTTO, dall'horror agli X-Men passando per i fumetti delle automobiline Hot Wheels. - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei to quel che non ti ho detto
Astenersi IPSTE e startappari, grazie.
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

endiei to endiei's feed, Ctrl room, È IL MALE, Longform
Prime Mover: How Amazon Wove Itself Into the Life of an American City
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Mike Subelsky, a Baltimore tech entrepreneur, [has] mixed feelings echo those of many Americans about the emerging dark side of digital life. “For my generation, the internet was the equivalent of landing on the moon. But the internet seems to have made some things so much worse,” he said. “I’m not sure this is the world I want my kids to be growing up in.” - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei to endiei's feed, iPhone Italia, iPad Italia, MacChecacchio, MacChebello
"Defining the decade: ten years of Apple on one page"
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Buon riassunto e spunto di discussione su quanto ha fatto Apple dal 2010 al 2019. - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)
Mi sembra manchi almeno un *gate, quello dei riflessi nelle foto degli iPhone. - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei to endiei's feed,!, La stanzetta delle stanzette, Academics on
Esiste una stansetta per traduttori e puntac^^studiosi dell'italiano e di altre lingue?
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
No, per carità! :D - Valentina Quepasa - - (Edit | Remove)
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Nonché tutti molto modesti. - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei to quel che non ti ho detto
Questo thread di commenti è unguardable. (semicit.)
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

endiei imported, endiei's feed, Musica allo stato puro


Iggy Pop + David Bowie playing live in 1977. A collectible 33 RPM transparent vinyl with a splatter effect. Limited Edition of 500 copies. Get your copy NOW!
Available from: Qrates Bandcamp

5 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Ho curato la grafica di questo vinile ad edizione limitata e devo dire che è uscito spettacolarmente bene. Addirittura meglio del 45" degli Stones. - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)
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(se siete a Bologna e dintorni ho delle copie già aperte per visione e manipolazione) - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei to endiei's feed, È IL MALE
Le "J" nei messaggi di posta di chi usa Windows (e Outlook)…
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
J - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei to quel che non ti ho detto
(il problemino di Amazon è che siccome Amazon e il cliente "vincono tutto", quello che perde è il venditore, che ha quasi sempre torto)
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

endiei imported, endiei's feed, Sull'arte



theres this statue in singapore that was created by fernando botero and its just this giant fat bird and i think he should officially be added to the ‘wonders of the world’

This is the Absolute Unit other Units report to

5 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
La stessa statua abbellisce la rotonda davanti all'aeroporto di peretola dove evidentemente simboleggia le ambizioni impiombate dell'aviazione fiorentina - 0 - - (Edit | Remove)
L'uccellino ciccione! È la statua preferita dei miei figli - barbottina - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei imported, endiei's feed, frenfumetto


“I prefer the Doomsday Clock series.”

Thanks M!

5 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Se non vado errato ce n'era una uguale con "Before Watchmen". - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei imported, endiei's feed, frenfumetto


This one’s in Nancy Likes Christmas

5 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

endiei imported, endiei's feed, frenfumetto



This was the hardest single page I ever drew. Alan Moore was too sick to write much Top 10 for me, so he wrote one page of script of Peregrine getting ready for work while listening to the news. The second page was a top down shot of Peregrine leaving her flying mansion, looking directly down on all of Neopolis. Every inch of the page had to be covered with cityscape. It took me four days working all out to get this finished. By then he’d recovered and had to figure out the rest of the story. 

It’s widely considered the finest issue of Top 10. Including by me.

The Hardest Single Page Gene Ha Ever Drew

5 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

endiei imported, endiei's feed, frenfumetto


the cover to Giant-Size Thor (1975) #1 by Gil Kane and Joe Sinnott

5 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

endiei to endiei's feed, È IL MALE
The New York Times - "Prime Power: How Amazon Squeezes the Businesses Behind Its Store"
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"Twenty years ago, Amazon opened its storefront to anyone who wanted to sell something. Then it began demanding more out of them." - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei to quel che non ti ho detto
Leggono testata online: i titoli sono la fiera del sensazionalismo.
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

endiei imported, endiei's feed, Web e Comunicazione

There is a whole segment of our collective discourse/history from around 2012 to the present day missing. It is basically lost from our collective memories. Unsearchable and unfindable. Surrounded by sea scum of outrage and bullshit. This needs to change.
Please for the love of blog, start a damn blarg.

114 :: Please for the love of Blarg, Start a Blog — thejaymo
5 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

endiei imported, endiei's feed, MacChebello


Note: this post was originally written and published on Patreon. Please consider supporting Stories of Apple to help the research and production of new content.

5 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
(sì, avrei bisogno di un obiettivo macro…) - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei to endiei's feed, frenfumetto, Bologna, Fiffì di Romagna
Su ci sono le prime informazioni sulle mostre del festival BilBOlbul 2019 (che si terrà a Bologna dal 29 novembre al 1 dicembre), tra cui una dedicata ad Alberto Breccia!!!
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Se riesco vengo - Piero - - (Edit | Remove)
10 other comments...
La mostra di Silvia Rocchi per "Susi corre" (Canicola), presso Adiacenze (vicolo Spirito Santo 1, Bologna, è grossomodo una traversa di Via d'Azeglio) è ancora APERTA ed è MOLTO BELLA. Ha anche una componente audiovisuale estremamente azzeccata! - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei to endiei's feed, Bologna, È IL MALE
“Nel ventre di Amazon” - intervista di Enrico Torriano a Roberta, ex lavoratrice presso il centro di distribuzione Amazon di Crespellano (BO). http://www.vmastoryboard....
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
(madonna, quella rivista la compravo quarant'anni fa, esiste ancora!) - vic - - (Edit | Remove)
25 other comments... | Show last 10...
"there was zero, or even negative, enthusiasm for the kinds of team-building exercises that one often sees today. Most of us saw them as artificial, pointless, and a waste of time. It takes effort to build and maintain an organization whose members like and respect each other, and who enjoy each other’s company. This can’t be created by management fiat, nor by external consultants; it grows organically from the enjoyment of working together, sometimes playing together, and appreciating what others do well." Kernighan B., "UNIX. A History And A Memoir" - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei to endiei's feed, frenfumetto, Mal di fegato
Portiamoci in avanti con il disagio grazie al… Calendarietto per il 2020 di Eliana Albertini (da scaricare e stampare)
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Scrive Eliana: "Da un paio d'anni a questa parte a fine anno sono solita fare un megaregalone cioè mettere disponibili gratis tutti i fumetti che ho fatto durante i dodici mesi precedenti. Siccome quest'anno i principali fumetti che ho fatto sono dentro un libro che è in vendita e che potete comprarvi o regalare, non mi pareva proprio il caso, a meno che non voglia già mollare tutto e fare la giostrara (un'opzione che sta comunque nella mia lista). MA io sono buona e mi sono inventata lo stesso un modo per regalare qualcosa: [dal link] potete scaricare un calendarietto da stampare e portare sempre con voi. Non si sa mai che in farmacia tirino un po' la cinghia e non ve lo regalino, o che vostra nonna non vi dia un doppione del suo con le citazioni del papa buono. Su questo non ci trovate né santi né madonne ma principalmente l'espressione di un solo stato d'animo che può essere tradotto con "diobono siamo vivi per miracolo". Fatene quello che volete, mandatemi una foto, mettete una foto. Potrei anche decidere di attribuirgli un hashtag che fa molto #tendenza: e infatti lo farò, lo decido proprio ora, sarà: #tomareomo Ciao - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)
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p.s. Comprate il libro di Eliana Albertini, pubblicato da poco da BeccoGiallo: - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei imported, endiei's feed, frenfumetto

Fiction anticipating reality? In the comicbook Jupiter’s Legacy #5, issued in July 2017, writer Mark Millar depicts a future where Elizabeth Warren is President of the USA.

5 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Nota: se in Italia implementeranno l'articolo 17 della Direttiva Europea sul Copyright come stanno facendo in Francia, non potrò condividere immagini del genere su AOL/Tumblr, nemmeno a scopo accademico o giornalistico, e se dovessi riuscirci Tumblr e altre piattaforme e siti che ripubblicano l'immagine, tra cui, saranno passibili di sanzione/causa da parte dei detentori dei diritti (in questo caso Millarworld/Netflix). - ___ - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei to endiei's feed, Quelli di Milano, Web e Comunicazione, È IL MALE
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
o secondo la moda del momento "MUFFAMI" - vic - - (Edit | Remove)
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dall'articolo del post "Capisco che molte persone fossero su Tumblr solo per il porno, ma anche quelle persone avevano qualcosa da condividere, quando non si masturbavano" ahahahahahahah - psicocaccola - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei imported, endiei's feed, frenfumetto, Editoria


Tom King’s assertion that influential contributors get co-creator credits is important — one that may mark a new chapter in the ongoing story of “creators rights.”

And regardless of how the matter plays out in the high-stakes world of intellectual property owned by multinational conglomerates, there is an intrinsic value giving credit where credit is due simply among those of us who simply value the characters and the compelling storytelling they bring about.

King calls attention to the fact that comics is an inherently iterative and additive endeavor. While latter-day writers and artists may “stand on the shoulders of giants,” it is entirely possible that they may grow taller than the giant below them.

But let’s talk lingo…

But if we want to debate semantics, we need a more nuanced vocabulary. Given that the term “creator” tends to imply “originator,” we run the risk of accidental misinterpretation and unintentional confusion. It’s telling that the King uses the word “contributions” in his proposal, which encompasses those that created the character (Bob Kane, Bill Finger) and those who “developed” it (Denny O’Neil, Frank Miller et al).

That said, “contributor” sounds a little too “participation trophy” for some tastes. Instead, I nominate “defined by” as a suitably reverent and all-inclusive term. Thus in Tom King’s example…

Batman defined by Bob Kane, Bill Finger, Denny O'Neil, Neal Adams, Steve Englehart, Marshall Rogers, and Frank Miller.

This may seem like a long credit line to grace the page of every Batman issue, but when you consider that comics found a way to evolve from a single “Bob Kane” credit to include writer, penciller, colorist, letterer, editor, cover artist, and more; I think we can manage.

What do we mean when we say “influential contributions”?

But whereas the traditional method of identifying authorship is fairly straightforward — whoever’s names are on the credits page of a character’s first appearance — King asks for a more nuanced evaluation of credit. But this can get complicated and subjective. It calls into question what constitutes a character in the first place?

I LOVE this question — it’s one I’ve given lots of thought to.

Just as these characters are rendered on the page by combining four specific ink colors (cyan, magenta, yellow and black), so too are these characters formed by combining four specific identifying traits:

  • Entity: Both perfunctory yet integral, this refers to the character’s individual “self.” It is the basic element that makes Jack Kirby’s and Joe Simon’s Bucky the same character as Ed Brubaker’s and Steve Epting’s Winter Soldier. Whereas each of the other three traits can change dramatically, the continuity of consciousness creates an indelible link to its previous incarnations. 
  • Design: The fundamental visual appearance of a character. It’s the property that allows people who look nothing alike (Adam West, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, Christian Bale, and Ben Affleck) to disappear into the iconic entity we recognize as Batman.
  • Characterization: The personality and attitude of a character defines the choices they make and the way they respond to the world around them. Though possessing identical power sets, the contrast between Plastic Man’s lighthearted frivolity and Mister Fantastic’s intellectual seriousness illustrates why character relies on characterization.
  • Worldbuilding: Transformative events (exposure to chemical waste, loss of loved one, etc.) and individual elements (Hell’s Kitchen, a Batmobile, Kryptonite, etc.) can become so tightly integrated with a character that they become associated with and an extension of that character.

Okay, so let’s try… Wolverine

Wolverine is an excellent example of a character that has been developed significantly since he showed up as an antagonist in Incredible Hulk #181-182. He stemmed from a concept by editor-in-chief, designed by Marvel’s art director, fleshed out by a writer who had just a few issues with the character, developed dramatically over decades by another writer, with a selection of other artists and writers contributing here and there.

Here is just one guy’s take on who defined Wolverine, with totally arbitrary percentages, because I have a OCD urge to quantify everything…

Chris Claremont (~40%)

  • “Logan” name
  • claws as part of body
  • Adamantium reinforced bones
  • healing factor
  • mysterious backstory
  • character development

Len Wein (~10%)

  • mutant animal senses
  • ferocious attitude
  • Government agent

John Romita (~10%)

  • original costume, claws

John Byrne (~10%)

  • brown & tan costume variant
  • advanced age, war veteran, Alpha Flight

Dave Cockrum (~5%)

  • distinctive hairstyle

Gil Kane (~5%)

  • iconic cowl

Barry Windsor Smith (~5%)

  • Weapon X background

Paul Jenkins / Joe Quesada / Bill Jemas (~5%)

  • “James Howlett” name
  • youth background

Roy Thomas (~5%)

  • “Wolverine” name
  • Canadian

Frank Miller (~4%)

  • Japanese samurai background

Bob Harras* (~1%)

  • bone claws

* Wolverine #75 writer Larry Hama has reported that he was against the idea of bone claws, so I’m guessing it was X-Men editor Harras that conceived it?

5 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

endiei imported, endiei's feed, frenfumetto


5 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

endiei to endiei's feed, Kindle addicted + more, quel che non ti ho detto
Io ne ho visti formati che voi utenti non potreste immaginarvi: XPS in fiamme dentro Acrobat Reader, e ho visto gli AZW balenare via WiFi verso i Kobo. E tutti quei file proprietari andranno perduti nel tempo, come errori PostScript nei RIP di stampa. È tempo di convertire.
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
c'e' stato un periodo in cui prendevo dalla stampante i fogli con tutto il codice della stampa PostScript stampato erroneamente che la gente faceva e me li appendevo in camera. Li trovavo riposanti da guardare - psicocaccola - - (Edit | Remove)
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lol - psicocaccola - - (Edit | Remove)