Do it! Like it! Frenf it!

Evaluate World Peace


nda imported, nda, OCD Monk

I’m doing a fair amount of what I think of as “batch writing” at the moment – filling single-project notebooks with material to organise and assemble, writing very long and complete outlines.  The latter are one pass for the story beats and whatever else about the story occurs to me, one pass for detail, meat and correction.
The downside to this…. well, it’s not really a downside, but it’s also when you discover if your story idea doesn’t have legs.  Which stops you from dying partway through the actual execution, but it is somewhat disheartening when the thing that you thought was a really strong idea just dies after the first act or whatever.  So I do have some notebooks that have been put away, just to let them settle and cook down, and I’ll revisit them with new eyes sometime in the future, and maybe trip over the thing that I can plug in to make them work.  Or they’ll get cannibalised for parts sometime, which is also a thing that happens.  This is why we keep notebooks and Loose Ideas folders and never ever throw anything away.

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