Researchers found ‘at least’ 9 gender expressions in the human brain
Do it! Like it! Frenf it!
BIAS. A short sci-fi comic by Jeffrey Catherine Jones, 1972.
Stories of Apple on Instagram has almost 500 followers. I need your help to reach (and hopefully) surpass this goal!
Daredevil, Vol. 1 # 236 Page 01 by Barry Windsor-Smith, with Colors by Christy “Max” Scheele, Letters by Joe Rosen, a Script by Ann Nocenti, and parts of this issue were additionally Inked by Bob Wiacek, but this page is all Barry.
Valentina Mela Verde by Grazia Nidasio
Spider-Man vs. the Lizard
Spider-Man: The Manga Vol.1 Chapter 2: Professor Inumaru’s Transformation
Environmental metaphors come naturally to Silicon Valley (e.g. “app ecosystems,” “data is the new oil”), and corporate scandal in the tech industry, particularly Facebook, is where my mind went while watching Dark Waters. Like DuPont, Facebook has developed (or at least owns and operates) a set of services that are lightly regulated and whose core technology is unknown to both everyone outside of it and many people inside. What if we had some kind of documentation that showed what Facebook knew about its products — primarily targeted advertising, which has been used for discriminating against and pushing illegal political propaganda to its users — and when it knew it? And what would the public know that it didn’t know before?
The Legion Of Super-Scripters
Paul Levitz, Don McGregor, Stan Lee And Len Wein (1984)