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Evaluate World Peace


Friendfed Mr. Noodle


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Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
Informal poll: In these completely arbitrary rivalries, which side would you choose? Smiley on the comment for the first option; frowny on the comment for the second option.
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Pink Floyd or Grateful Dead? - Friendfed Mr. Noodle - - (Edit | Remove)
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Coconino Press Vs. Oblomov Edizioni - nda - - (Edit | Remove)

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
If there are still people in this world that don't even believe the holocaust was real, what hope do we have of convincing people that the American Civil War was actually about slavery, and that the confederate flag (in any form) is a pro-slavery/racist symbol?
10 years ago from iPad - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
With any of those questions, I think there are certain people whose minds are closed and won't be persuaded regardless of what evidence they're shown. But there are also other people that can be reached and persuaded. - John B. - - (Edit | Remove)
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Propaganda will always win and what people teach their kids, what happened in my parents country is an excellent example of how facts can be twisted and the victims be portrayed as the perpetrators! History is seldom accurately recorded, however recent. - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
Must be a slow news day. The top stories/suggestions on Bing this morning are: 1) A country singer most people have never heard of is dead. 2) An ESPN personality acted like a jerk & got fired. 3) Amy Schumer is sad. 4) Eminem is a dick. 5) Jeb Bush opened his mouth again.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to!
When I open the home page ( ) in my browser (Chrome 43.0.2357.132 m on Windows 8), it automatically attempts to download an SWF file. Not sure if this is a misconfiguration on the server, or if there's some sort of vulnerability/hack on the home page, but I thought I'd make you aware of it.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
I find it incredibly ironic that many of the same people who say things like "America: Love it or leave it" and talk about "taking back" the US are also the ones that proudly fly the confederate battle flag, a flag that stands specifically for leaving America because they didn't love it.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I don't think I shall ever understand US politics but why hasn't there been a law to ban the flag since as you say it was about a fighting/warring for a separate state? - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)
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Watch: Confederate's Descendant's Scathing Address In S.C. Flag Debate - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
A day of extreme highs & lows on Sunday.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Watched the US women win the World Cup with the kidlet, so that was awesome. It was a truly amazing match, and I was just as excited to see the kidlet get into it as I was to watch it myself. She was much, much more interested in this World Cup than she was in the men's World Cup last year. - Friendfed Mr. Noodle - - (Edit | Remove)
4 other comments...
Ugh. There's not much you can do with that kind of crazy except try to be not crazy back and to set firm boundaries. I'm very sorry. - laura x - - (Edit | Remove)

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
Whoa. Just had a productive discussion on Facebook. Color me surprised. One of my "libertarian" friends was upset about the fact that SCOTUS was getting involved in our religious beliefs (he supports gay marriage, but doesn't believe the govt should be involved). After I explained to him that the ruling doesn't force churches to perform gay marriages, it just makes sure the states can't stop it, he seemed to come around.
10 years ago from iPad - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
I have a firm belief that people that feel the need to carry a weapon everywhere they go are people that live in constant fear (otherwise, why would they feel the need to carry a weapon). I also have a firm belief that fear and weapons are never a good combination.
10 years ago from iPad - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
I am a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed male in America. I have received every type of privilege available to anyone in the US (with the exception of disposable wealth). I recognize this. I wish I could say I have no biases, but that's simply not possible. I try to recognize those biases and push back against them as much as possible. I also recognize that, in a lot of cases, any biases I do hold are simply due to ignorance. There is not an ounce of malice in my body toward any group.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I truly do appreciate it when friends are willing to educate me on my biases and my ignorance, rather than writing me off. A lot of that has to do with the fact that I'm willing to listen when they are willing to teach me something, but I also worry that a lot of the divides in this country are as much the result of people being unwilling to teach as they are the result of people being unwilling to learn. I cannot possibly know how you see something or something affects you until you tell me, as I come from a completely different background than you do. I hope that the recent events in this country, and the reaction to those events, will encourage more people to teach and explain their points of view, and encourage more people to be willing to listen to those points of view. - Friendfed Mr. Noodle - - (Edit | Remove)
3 other comments...
Ok, I see your last point. - Clark Kent - - (Edit | Remove)

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
Sadly, it never ceases to amaze me how people take things to extremes. For instance, all of the rednecks in my Facebook feed are up in arms about "banning" the confederate flag. Not one of them has linked to anything that even remotely suggested banning it, though. It's similar to the way they also seem to assume that the opposite of "Pro-Life" is "Pro-Abortion", as though we're all running around trying to force women to get abortions.
10 years ago from iPad - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
At the same time, I heard someone on the radio today, talking about how they're going to continue to "civilly disobey" the new ruling on same sex marriage. As though the ruling said they all had to run out and marry same sex partners or something. - Friendfed Mr. Noodle - - (Edit | Remove)
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I also have to say that it makes me incredibly sad to see people that I know are good, caring people, but spout off these insensitivities all over Facebook, completely unaware of how hurtful they're being. I know they wouldn't ever turn someone away or fail to help someone, but they spend all of their time on Facebook spewing all of this crap that their church or party tells them to. My church, and my bible, tells me to love my neighbor as myself, that everyone is equal, no matter what. That's what I try to live and what I try to represent in my real life & my online life. I wish everyone could do that. - Friendfed Mr. Noodle - - (Edit | Remove)

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
I also have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised at the way John Roberts has been involved in the recent SCOTUS decisions. When he was first put on the court, I never would have expected that.
10 years ago from iPad - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I was pretty surprised that he (and not Kennedy) voted to uphold the ACA the first time around, but I was less surprised this time around. - John B. - - (Edit | Remove)
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Shelby County v. Holder was his work too. - John B. - - (Edit | Remove)

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
Ugh. Yet another teacher from the middle school that Thing 1 & 2 attended was arrested last night for child pornography/soliciting a minor. That's the 2nd one in the past 5 years or so (not to mention the kidlet's elementary school choir teacher being fired last year for cussing out her elementary school students, and the kidlet's old elementary school gym teacher getting fired this year for showing up drunk to work).
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
Spent the week in Orlando with Thing 1. I was at a conference for the first three days we were there, but then we went to Universal the last 2 days (we'd done Sea World and Disney when we were there 2 years ago).
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
While I wasn't as impressed by the attractions and rides they had at Universal as I was with Sea World or Disney, I have to say that Universal seems to do a lot more for their customers (granted, I'm basing this on this year at Universal and my experiences at the other parks from 2 years ago). When you buy a souvenir cup, you can easily refill it yourself from a "Coke Freestyle" self-service drink station (their souvenir cups have chips inside that communicate with those drink stations); if you just want water, you can get it for free, in any container, from those drink stations. Because of the way the souvenir cups work, you don't have to buy a new cup to use it on another day; you can just pay a discounted rate to add an extra day to the cup (we paid ~$15 for the cup initially, then, on the 2nd day, we paid $6 to be able to use it again). - Friendfed Mr. Noodle - - (Edit | Remove)
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I don't really remember any of those things being true of Disney (maybe they've updated since we were last there). Like I said, Disney certainly has more things that will appeal to adults and children, but Universal seems to do a better job of making their attractions appeal to adults and children at the same time, rather than having adult rides and kiddie rides separately. - Friendfed Mr. Noodle - - (Edit | Remove)

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
Sometimes I get stuck behind someone driving so slowly, I feel like I could park my car, get out, walk up to them, knock on their window, and ask them what their problem is, all while they're still moving.
10 years ago from iPad - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Doood, you might get shot in MIchigan - barrywynn - - (Edit | Remove)
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True dat. - barrywynn - - (Edit | Remove)

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
Bought a pet food container the other day that has icons on it that indicate it will keep spiders and water out of the container. This morning, there was ~1/4" of water in the bottom of it. I wasn't worried about spiders before, but now I am.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
KEEP US POSTED. - laura x - - (Edit | Remove)

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
Sometimes, the way people phrase things to fit in a tweet are awfully strange. This person has been with Facebook for 46 years?
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
I think I finally figured out why my version of Chrome on Windows actively blocks Flash, while most other people I talk to don't have that same "feature". I just checked the version number for my Chrome install, and it includes an "m" at the end. I'll bet that, somewhere along the line, Chrome decided that, since I have a touchscreen, it should switch me over to the mobile-optimized version or something.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
Hmm. When I logged in, the right-hand menu indicated I had 1 new DM. When I clicked the link, though, there were no messages there; just the form I could use to send a DM.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
It looks like that was introduced with the newest version. I think I saw that they're looking into it. - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)
Yeah, that seems to be a common bug. For a while I had 326 new messages. :-P - John B. - - (Edit | Remove)

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
Does Ramen expire?
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I doubt it. - Jenny H - - (Edit | Remove)

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
Today was "Disney Day" at church; a day when kids (and adults) were allowed to come to church dressed as Disney characters. Of course, the pedant in me was really frustrated by the fact that the two little kids next to me were dressed as Batman & Robin (who are DC characters; one of the few companies not yet owned by Disney).
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
Seen on Facebook a few weeks ago, and it genuinely made me LOL: "Now, Hozier wants me to pick him up from church."
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
I might be wrong, but I *think* real-time might be happening, now. There is a notification at the top of the page that says "1 new message(s)"
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Nevermind. That notification simply seems to indicate that I've posted something new, and it's not showing up yet. :( - Friendfed Mr. Noodle - - (Edit | Remove)
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those are my tests. yes, real time is under development, i can't wait to install a first version :) - senape - - (Edit | Remove)

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
This is pretty awesome.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"When I was 18, my best friend was like "Hey man let's go get tattoos" and I said no. Because I was afraid that I would pick something and then maybe a few years later the New Nazis would start and then pick the same thing as their logo. Like all of a sudden there are tanks rolling across Europe with the San Antonio Spurs logo on the side of them and I look like some huge asshole. So I didn't do it and he made fun of me and then went and got a tattoo by himself. Do you wanna know what tattoo my best friend got? He got a tattoo of the name of his favorite metal band: Isis. Have you ever won an argument 12 years later? It feels pretty great!" - Friendfed Mr. Noodle - - (Edit | Remove)

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
People on Google Plus need to stop sharing the GIF of that gross-looking slug that sticks out it's tongue or whatever. I'd hide it, but as soon as I'd do that, two more shares of it would pop up in its place.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to!
I'd like to suggest a minor UI tweak. Would it be possible to make the floating black bar at the top of the screen act as a "Back to Top" link? I'd like to be able to click/tap that bar to scroll the page back to the top. Thanks.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
while we are at it, a link at the top of the page to the beginning of the column at the right would also be useful for those reading from a mobile phone. - .mau. - - (Edit | Remove)
If you click "" it does bring you back to the top (but reloads the page.) I usually want the reload, so that works well for me. - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)

Friendfed Mr. Noodle to Friendfed Mr. Noodle's feed
Quick Tip: Adding New Feeds to WordPress ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...