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Halil to British and Irish Residents, Halil's feed
From Deutschland 83 to The Legacy and Gomorrah, British viewers can't get enough of foreign-language dramas
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Fifteen years ago, if you'd mentioned to a colleague that you'd spent Saturday night glued to a subtitled European drama, you'd have been quietly declared pretentious, dull and, possibly, a little odd. Skip to today and foreign-language dramas aren't even on-trend, they're fully mainstream. Now we are as likely to discuss the latest Danish thriller over a morning flat white at our desks as we are a new season on HBO. - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)
The first line is 100% true because that's more or less how some percived me! :( I had a big thing for independent films, especially foreign language films in the early 1990s and people thought I was odd! - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to British and Irish Residents, Nature, Halil's feed
779 raptors killed illegally in Scotland during last 20 years says new report - A detailed 20 year review of the illegal killing of birds of prey in Scotland, published by RSPB Scotland, confirms that 779 protected raptors were illegally killed between 1994 and 2014. http://www.wildlifeextra....
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
In total, 468 birds of prey were poisoned, 173 were shot and 76 were caught in illegal traps. There were also seven attempted shootings. The figures include 104 red kites, 37 golden eagles, 30 hen harriers, 16 goshawks and 10 white-tailed eagles. - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)
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Grouse hunting is a nasty business. - John B. - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to British and Irish Residents, History, Halil's feed
190 years ago the first railway service began at Stockton and Darlington in 1825
10 years ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Halil to British and Irish Residents, Nature, Halil's feed
Lake District forests hit by ash dieback disease | Environment | The Guardian ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Trees at four different sites in the Lake District have been found infected with ash dieback disease, according to the Forestry Commission. The sites include areas of woodland near Ambleside and Keswick. It is not known how the trees became infected with the Hymenoscyphus fraxineus fungus (which was originally called Chalara fraxinea). Charlton Clark, a spokesman for the Forestry Commission, said: “The disease can be spread either by spores of the fungus being carried by the wind or by movement of infected ash plants, whose spores can then be blown to neighbouring trees. It could have arrived in the Lake District by either or both these means.” - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
afaik London is still ok, but it's still looking grim for UK ash trees! :( - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to British and Irish Residents, History, Halil's feed
British Museum - Room 2a: Waddesdon Bequest (http://www.britishmuseum.... )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
The Waddesdon Bequest is a superb collection of nearly 300 objects, left to the Museum in 1898 by Baron Ferdinand Rothschild. It consists of exceptionally important and beautiful medieval and Renaissance pieces, as well as a number of 19th-century fakes. Together, they paint a fascinating picture of the development of the art market in the late 19th century. Baron Ferdinand originally displayed the collection in the specially designed New Smoking Room at Waddesdon Manor, his mansion in Buckinghamshire, after which he named the Bequest. - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)
well the family certainly does have lots of dosh and we all know how they made their fortune so make of it what you will... - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to British and Irish Residents, Halil's feed
IMDb: 22 Christopher Lee & Peter Cushing Pairings - a list by vincent.verstraete ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
In an interview included on the DVD release of The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959), Lee said of his friend's death: "I don't want to sound gloomy, but, at some point of your lives, every one of you will notice that you have in your life one person, one friend whom you love and care for very much. That person is so close to you that you are able to share some things only with him. For example, you can call that friend, and from the very first maniacal laugh or some other joke you will know who is at the other end of that line. We used to do that with him so often. And then when that person is gone, there will be nothing like that in your life ever again." - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
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The other master of horror is obviously Vincent Price!!! - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to British and Irish Residents, Nature, Halil's feed
Pine marten seen in England for the first time in a hundred years - Nature - Environment - The Independent ( ) https://upload.wikimedia....
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
A dark shape moved rapidly through the woods and moments later, with a flash of its bushy tail, disappeared into the undergrowth. Keen nature-watcher Dave Pearce’s first instinct was to reach for his camera – and in doing so he took the photograph of a lifetime, capturing what is believed by some to be the first confirmed sighting of a wild English pine marten in a century. - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
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La martora eurasiatica! Wonderful animal, glad to know it still survives in England. - StefanoHBS - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to British and Irish Residents, Halil's feed
Is it time to ditch the term ‘black, Asian and minority ethnic’ (BAME)? | Lola Okolosie, Joseph Harker, Leah Green, Emma Dabiri | Comment is free | The Guardian ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Trevor Phillips: existing purely “to tidy away the messy jumble of real human beings who share only one characteristic – that they don’t have white skin” - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
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bentley & waltcrawford, I should point out that I've never ever heard/seen/read the term either until the post, I actually came across it while looking up some British police custodial death stats and there was a separate graph named BAME, so i had to look it up. Now here's the interesting thing, I check government stats all the time for various things including custodial deaths and I have never seen the term BAME until now. Also, I've never seen it on any forms or letters etc requiring ethnic minority origins. - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to British and Irish Residents, Halil's feed
In London, "regeneration" all too often means "social cleansing" | CityMetric ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Ten years ago, if you asked pretty much anyone living in social housing if they’d like to see their estate regenerated, it’s likely they would have said yes. New kitchens and bathrooms, new windows, lifts that work – what’s not to like? And if you said that, actually, you wanted to knock the whole lot down and rebuild it, but that residents could live somewhere else for a while before returning to a spanking new flat, they’d probably reason that they were still getting a decent deal. - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
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This is what's been happening to our downtown for the past 20 years. The worst part is that buildings that served people transition from homelessness were taken over and most of those tenants are back on the street. A lot of those buildings were domestic violence shelters for women and their children. Now, they rent for nearly $3K/mo to white people who complain about all the homeless people. - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to British and Irish Residents, Halil's feed
Beyond Pesticides Applauds EU's Decision to Ban Triclosan, While EPA and FDA Reject... -- WASHINGTON, June 25, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
The agency responsible for chemical oversight in the European Union announced today that the antibacterial pesticide, triclosan, is toxic and bioaccumulative, and will be phased-out for hygienic uses and replaced by more suitable alternatives. - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
The best news ever!!! - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to Plant Love, British and Irish Residents, Nature, Halil's feed
Ecologists on fungus vigil | Herald Scotland (http://www.heraldscotland... ) http://www.heraldscotland...
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"The concern for these species is longer-term because if the disease impacts trees as elsewhere in Europe, mortality of young trees is so great that it is unlikely that mature trees will be replaced once they die. So, it is the long-term loss of mature trees from our landscape that is a concern and it may take decades before the impacts on associated species are detectable." - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
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I think this is what we are all fearing, with the loss of ~90 million trees the long term effects on the whole ecosystem will not become apparent immediately and tragically when it does it may be too late to reverse the damage! :( - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to British and Irish Residents, Halil's feed
Frank Field MP accuses DWP benefits assessors of asking when terminally ill claimants “expect to be dead” (http://www.newstatesman.c... )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
In one case, my constituent’s mother was asked by when she expected her daughter to die and in front of her daughter. - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
People often refer to evil dictators/ is this not evil? - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to British and Irish Residents, History, Halil's feed
11th July 1859: The Elizabeth Tower was completed in May? 1858 the following year on 11th July 1859 the second bell Big Ben, since the first was cracked during testing, tolled for the first time! Unfortunately this bell too cracked in September 1859, according to the foundry's manager, George Mears, Denison had used a hammer more than twice the maximum weight specified. Big Ben was out of commission for three years.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
To make the repair, a square piece of metal was chipped out from the rim around the crack, and the bell given an eighth of a turn so the new hammer struck in a different place. Big Ben has chimed with a slightly different tone ever since and is still in use today complete with the crack. http://www.beautifulbrita... - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)
Drop this in your next chat with your friend while drinking a nutella milkshake, alas can't share posts yet via Julian - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to British and Irish Residents, History, Halil's feed
30th June 1837: Punishment by pillory was finally abolished in Britain.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Time to bring it back or too harsh? - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)
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I've always felt that "public spectacle" punishments were much more about people taking enjoyment in the suffering of someone they feel has earned it, rather than an actual just punishment for a crime, or an attempt to deter further crimes from being committed. - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to British and Irish Residents, Nature, Halil's feed
Dorset wildlife experts call for 'reptile tins' to be left alone - BBC News ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Rusty bits of tin found in Dorset nature reserves should be left alone, wildlife charities have urged. They are vital shelters for reptiles and are placed there by researchers counting protected species. Reptile conservationist Gary Powell said: "If tins are disturbed outside of an official survey then it can affect the results of the research". Disturbing protected species could result in breaking the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations Act. - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
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I get that people might think it is litter or garbage, but that's when I'd usually ask one of the folks who works on the preserve/refuge as an employee/ranger/volunteer, unless it is something more obvious (like a gatorade bottle in the middle of a trail.) - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to Plant Love, British and Irish Residents, Nature, Halil's feed
Roadside verges 'last refuge for wild flowers' - BBC News ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
More than 700 species of wild plants - almost half of the native flora of the British Isles - are found on road verges, according to a study. Many plants once found in meadows now only thrive beside roads, where they provide essential habitat for insects, says charity Plantlife. But it says one in 10 of the plants is at risk of extinction, in part because councils cut verges too early. - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
Local authorities say shorter verges are safer for drivers and pedestrians. Dr Trevor Dines, botanical specialist for the charity, said more than 97% of meadows had been destroyed in England since the 1930s, with road verges becoming the last stretches of natural habitat for wildlife such as bees and other insects. - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to British and Irish Residents, Halil's feed
If you have a new MP after the recent elections you might want to get on to the previous MP ASAP and ask them to forward any pending issues he/she was dealing with before they destroy them under the data protection act! Just found out myself!
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Halil to British and Irish Residents, History, Halil's feed
When Charles Stuart was executed didn't parliament and all the new republicans have the right to strip him of all his titles? How was he addressed on the day of his execution? Were they trying to send a message, ie we can and will execute a king if he's guilty of tyranny? Or am I over thinking it all? #ThinkingAloud
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Burial places of British royalty - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)
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Uncovered: hidden tunnel where the infamous Judge Jeffreys walked more than 400 years ago http://www.bournemouthech... Not sure if you've already came across this? - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to British and Irish Residents, Linguistics, Halil's feed
word of the day: unfettered - in terms of how the Tories will rule the next 5 years thanks to the Lib Dems who betrayed us and an unconvincing Labour leader!
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Now that the election is all but over and the the next 5 years will quite literally be blue, I can now be more attentive to my online social friends, sorry if I've been neglectful yet again! - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)
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As an italian, when I read comments about elections in foreign countries and the "X will rule the next 5 years" sentence, my thoughts are always "awwww how cute!" - FelisCatus - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to British and Irish Residents, Halil's feed
16 Breathtaking Walks To Take In London ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
“I like long walks, especialy when they are taken by people who annoy me.” Noël Coward - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to British and Irish Residents, Halil's feed
Westward’s colourful plan to tackle dog mess
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Westward Property Services grounds teams will from this spring, as part of their usual maintenance of grass and landscaped areas, be spraying dog mess to shame pet owners into picking it up. - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)
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No, I don't think group shaming the dog owners will work very well. A dog DNA register, a simple turd probe, and little flags with the owner's face and home address to plant in the offending turd. That should do it :) - Eivind - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to British and Irish Residents, Halil's feed
T minus 1 week...please help!
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Halil to British and Irish Residents, History, Halil's feed
Francis Walsingham matriculated at King's College, Cambridge, in 1548 with many other Protestants but as an undergraduate of high social status did not sit for a degree.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I'm confused, was this normal for the time that people of so called high status enrolled but didn't actually bother to sit for the degree? So highborns got free degrees in any field they wanted? - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)
It sort of sounds like legacy admissions at US universities. - John B. - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to British and Irish Residents, Halil's feed
1 decade ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Halil to British and Irish Residents, Halil's feed
Live: David Duckenfield evidence to Hillsborough Inquests - Wednesday March 18 2015 - Liverpool Echo (http://www.liverpoolecho.... )
1 decade ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
The new inquests into the deaths of the 96 Liverpool supporters who died at Hillsborough on April 15th 1989 are taking place at Birchwood Park in Warrington and are being heard by retired Court of Appeal judge Sir John Goldring, who has been made an assistant coroner for the purpose. - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
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If I'm being cynical, that's exactly why it wasn't conducted back then. - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)

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