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faboomama to faboomama's feed
When I do my studies, I talk out loud to spell correctly, but when I don't get the right pronunciation that messes up what I'm trying to write. It's silly to be annoyed at the teacher anyway. I record myself reading passages and tweets and there's not really a reason to do that since, as I said, it's not like I'll be actually speaking a lot of Korean anyway. For my speaking needs, I have the basics anyway since it all mostly relates to food. HAHAHA
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I really want to be annoyed at my Korean teacher for making us speak in Korean a lot during class, but I can't. It's actually helping. My sole goal was to be able to read & understand for my own selfish reasons. It's not like I'll be audibly speaking Korean and a lot of the words are tongue twisters for me. - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)
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You'd like this: Here in LA, a lot of Filipino, Northern African and Middle Eastern people get accosted by abulitas for not knowing Spanish. It's really unfair. From the 50s - 70s/80s, in some school districts, speaking Spanish at school was punished. My kid's principal said that her teacher would hit their mouths. A coordinator said they would get their legs swatted. So, we have a lot of people my age (42) and younger who can't speak Spanish because their parents never taught them. Not to mention the whole attemped at assimilation and whiteness for others, so they weren't even allowed to speak Spanish at home. Which brings up back to the first sentence. A lot of my friends from these areas learned Spanish, not because they wanted to, but they were sick of being shamed for something they shouldn't have to deal with. Once, and Egyptian & Libyan friend were getting beaten by an old lady for not knowing Spanish. They were trying to tell her, "We're African!" and she wasn't having it. - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)

faboomama to faboomama's feed
Been watching Angry Mom. Such a twisted, disturbing, annoying yet hysterical kdrama. This post is In Appreciation of Han Gong Joo, who is probably the best princess I've seen on TV. https://faboomama.wordpre... https://faboomama.files.w... https://faboomama.files.w... https://faboomama.files.w...
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

faboomama to faboomama's feed
I know I've watched too much Korean TV when I'm looking around my hotel on Google Maps and seeing shopkeepers I recognize from variety shows.
9 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Then I had my Gandalf moment where I stumbled across a part of Seoul, "I have no recollection of this place." like I've ever been there. Dumbass. - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)

faboomama to faboomama's feed
This. Is. Glorious. >> A Series of Tweets from the CEO of Frito Lay that He Meant to Type into the Google Search Bar
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
LOL - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)
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come on, it's clearly a satiric post - vic - - (Edit | Remove)

faboomama to faboomama's feed
I was watching ep. 1 of King of Food with my son. He saw how they tenderized a crap cut of beef to make a tasty steak. So guess what we're having for dinner.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
The unfortunate part is that only have a 90 minutes to get this done. Pray for me and my teeth. - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)
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It was edible, but nowhere near as tender as I could've made it. - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)

faboomama to faboomama's feed
I've lived in El Sereno for 8 years and the 3 things I miss the most here are being able to walk or call out for Chinese and Indian food. I also miss living near a Peruvian place. That all changed today. A mere 10 min. from my house, I found a little Peruvian restaurant. There are no words to express my delight. No longer do I have to run to East Hollywood or Koreatown for Peruvian food.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I also miss being able to walk to Ethiopian food, but that's what I get for leaving Hollywood. I'll deal with crappy parking in Little Ethiopia. - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)
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The ceviche I had today was +++++. I don't know how they do it, but I'm so in love with Peruvian ceviche. - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)

faboomama to faboomama's feed
If you ever get the urge to watch the ultimate makjang-fest of a hot mess, then I hightly suggest 'Here Comes Jang Bo Ri'. If you prefer to keep your sanity, then stay away from it.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
The show is 50 episodes long. I'm on ep. 33 and berate myself every night I binge-watch this shit. It's just terrible. Think of every storyline in, say 'All My Children' over it's entire run, whittle down the cast and bring on the tears. The cast is full of accomplished actors doing terrible at their jobs. The script is terrible. Our heroine is a complete idiot and the her nemesis tells the most outrageous lies then blames everyone else when she gets caught. Then there's the parents beating on their kids and people getting slapped. It's just too, too much. - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)
Yeesh O_o - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)

faboomama to faboomama's feed
Sent off my passport for renewal and opened a new travel account. Also looked into travel insurance, which is cheaper than I expected. Now, I just need to figure out if it'll cost me more if I stay one extra day.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I also need to figure out if we'll have to climb a ton of stairs, though I suppose I should get off my ass and just walk the stairs and hills in my neighborhood regardless. I'm pretty sure there are 2 stops that have 200+ steps. I do know if I want to go to Namsan Tower and avoid the scary cable car, I'll have to walk 7832002 steps. - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)
Did the dumbest move: Just realized that I don't have my passport number because I didn't make a copy of it before sending it out. - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)

faboomama to faboomama's feed
This live map has 249 feeds of public transportation from around the world:
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Fascinating to watch the moments when the trains pass each other and all the bus running on a route at the same time. - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)
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It's so addictive. When I hear the bus coming, I go straight to the map to see if they match up. - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)

faboomama to faboomama's feed
I'm not the only one who sees a person's name and immediately wonders what horrible nickname they were given as a child, right?
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

faboomama to faboomama's feed
Last week, after my Korean class, i took to Twitter to complain about how my teacher ignores me. Like, she'd ask a question over and over again, I answer and then when they white dude answered, she'd be like, "Good!". Today, was a totally different class. She asked a question, I answered and she received it.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Other classmates even mentioned it at the break. It wasn't until I got home that I remembered last week's tweets AND that the Korean center follows me on Twitter. - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)

faboomama to faboomama's feed
When my neighbor is coaching the baseball kids, telling them to turn their bodies, all I can think of is "PIVOT!".
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

faboomama to faboomama's feed
Over the past 20 or so years, I've been underwhelmed by vampire movies/shows. That all changed when I saw the first episode of Blood. It was such movie-like spectacle and the CGI was amazing. Just finished ep. 6 and I'm totally hooked.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
That said, it *is* a Korean medical drama. These shows leave a lot to be desired. First off, are the grody close ups of scalpels cutting flesh and blood pooling inside the torso cavity during surgeries. GROSS! Secondly, the lack of basic hospital hygience/etiquette is disturbing. In the last ep. a doctor just brought a bunch of blood samples, IN GLASS TUBES, to another doctor's office. WTH, right? She tripped & dropped the vials. Then, without putting on gloves, she just starts cleaning it up. COME ON! - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)
The cast is pretty impressive and the writing is rather tight. There are a few 2nd/3rd tier characters I think have more depth than we know, but so far, so good. I do wonder why bad vampires always have to have dark clothes and heavy eyeliner. and the Bad Boss Vampire is always shown as super cultured and rich. I really hate that trope. - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)

faboomama to faboomama's feed
Y'all...I'm still on a high from the Korea TImes Music Festival. It such an awesome show with so much talent. The surprise female MC was Hani from EXID and she was so cute, so she was so nervous.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
At KCON last year, I met a guy who was a HUGE Girl's Day fan. FF to Sept. and I met him at the Korean Cultural Center. When EXID came out, I looked up and he was standing right next to me just about to lose his shit. I tried to get his attention, but I'm not EXID. All the male fans in the Hollywood Bowl, standing up shouting out "AW YEAH!" was one thing, but when they did 'Wi Are', the entire Bowl lost their damn minds. - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)
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So, I walked into Korean Cultural Center tonight and saw the lady who sitting right next to me during the concert. At break, a girl came up to me and asked if I was at this concert. She was sitting behind me, but I only talked to her mom. I'm totally blown away. Out of ALL the seating in the Hollywood Bowl, how random 4 people that attend these Korean classes sat next to each other. - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)

faboomama to faboomama's feed
Native Americans Walk Off Set of Adam Sandler Movie: http://indiancountrytoday...
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
""We were supposed to be Apache, but it was really stereotypical and we did not look Apache at all. We looked more like Comanche," he said. "One thing that really offended a lot of people was that there was a female character called Beaver's breath. One character says 'Hey, Beaver's Breath.' And the Native woman says, 'How did you know my name?'" “They just treated us as if we should just be on the side. When we did speak with the main director, he was trying to say the disrespect was not intentional and this was a comedy.”" - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)
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wow, so much for being considerate human beings, taking the piss out of people will never end! It's all to do with free speech apparently, the right to insult people! :-( - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)

faboomama to faboomama's feed
I don't know how to add photos here. Is my best option just to upload it to tumblr, then import?
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Either that, or provide a link to where the image is hosted. If you want to share one from Flickr, you can get the image URL's from the 'download' page (by right-clicking on the image.) Then, you paste that URL into the post. - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)
There is no way to upload images directly to frenf. Instead, you need to upload them to tumblr, Flickr, Twitter, your own server, etc. and paste the link (which will then be embedded, I think) - Friendfed Mr. Noodle - - (Edit | Remove)

faboomama to faboomama's feed
Soy tan triste. ‘Sábado Gigante’ Ending in September 2015
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"Sábado Gigantes (sic) still No. 1 on Saturday nights among Hispanics and has made history in the U.S. television industry. There’s no doubt that the dynamic mix of humor, amateur talent contests, audience games, human-interest stories, celebrity interviews, emotional family reunions, and the presence of some of the biggest Latin music stars have granted Sábado Gigante over the past five decades the privilege of becoming an indisputable milestone in the history of international television." - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)

faboomama to faboomama's feed
There's a show in Japan called 'Handjob Karaoke'.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Every time I think I'm used to odd or off-color Japanese variety shows, another one pops up. h/t: - faboomama - - (Edit | Remove)
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o_O - John B. - - (Edit | Remove)

faboomama to faboomama's feed
This lady I went to school with is a great-grandma at 42. She has 6 grandchildren and 2 great-grandkids. At 42. *drops dead*
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Whoa! So the great-grandkids are 1, the grandkids who are their parents are, say 14, her children who are their parents are, say, 28, and she's 42. Three generations having kids in their young teens. - Stephen Mack - - (Edit | Remove)
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Yikes. I of all people know that it's possible to get pregnant even when trying very hard not to, but that is a little scary. - laura x - - (Edit | Remove)

faboomama to faboomama's feed
How are you guys importing tumblr here? It won't even actually my tumblr accounts.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I added them at the top of the page, in Preferences > Services. Once the account is connected, clicking "Refresh" imports recent posts. - John B. - - (Edit | Remove)
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Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)

faboomama to faboomama's feed
The Santa Fe Dam. So much work has gone into make this place a nice park and restoring habits for all the different birds.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...