Do it! Like it! Frenf it!

Evaluate World Peace

avatar A place to check and eventually ask questions that someone may have already asked before, and someone else may have already answered. A place to be Captain Obvious. Check also

bezdomnyj82 to bezdomnyj82's feed,!, Noob's Question Room
I'm just testing imgur uploader add-on functionalities https://addons.mozilla.or... COOOL it sounds almost as easy as uploading on the old FF... :D
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
noob's question: how do you upload from imgur? Something like "Complete idiot gudi to imgur upload to" :) - cecca - - (Edit | Remove)
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messa nei bookmark (di, grazie edit: come al solito ho capito male :) Pensavo di avere la possibilità, dall'add on di Firefox, di caricare un'immagine da imgur a qui :) - cecca - - (Edit | Remove)

bezdomnyj82 to bezdomnyj82's feed,!, Noob's Question Room
[ITA]Ho notato che è stata modificata la pagina del feed personale con l'inserimento del submission form. Grande Senape! Ho solo due domande: a volte mi si apre della stessa larghezza della home nella pagina altre volte me la strizza come in foto, è normale? e se non inserisco alcun recipient in automatico mi inoltra il messaggio sul mio feed, ma inserire altri recipient è impossibile. il form inoltre sparisce una volta postato qualcosa e si sposta sotto il post...
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
[Ita+1] ...invece di stare al suo posto. Non è la versione definitiva vero? - Ma credo di avere già la mia risposta: ci stai lavorando in questo momento suppongo, per cui nulla, ignorami. :D - bezdomnyj82 - - (Edit | Remove)
[Eng] Senape, I realized you are modifying the "user feed page" layout because I found a new submission form there. GREAT! Two feedbacks I'm giving: 1 - the layout sometimes squeezes some others is as wide as the home layout. 2- by default messages written there are forwarded to "your feed" and is impossible to add recipients even if the option is there, when pressing "Send" the form disappear and reappear under the body of the post - I guess the answer is that you are working on it right now so this feedback my be kinda pointless, so don't bother answering me :D - bezdomnyj82 - - (Edit | Remove)

Sphera to Noob's Question Room
Ma perché su alcuni avatar c'è una T dentro una specie di macchia? Cosa vuol dire?
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
credo siano dei tester ufficializzati da senape - trustinart - - (Edit | Remove)
Ah, ok, grazie! - Sphera - - (Edit | Remove)

bezdomnyj82 to Lavori in corso - Work in progress, Noob's Question Room
[bug/feature?] I saw that when you have an URL in a post and the post is open by its timestamp link to its individual page, sometimes the links in the message's body are interpreted as broken image links and displayed as broken link icons next to eventual working image links actually present in the body itself. Is this correct? [just asking]
10 years ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Spidra Webster to Noob's Question Room
I'm not sure where on to advertise a new room in order to find interested members. I wanted to let folks know about the Plant Love and Cycles & Human-Powered Vehicles rooms.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Cross post nere - Bic from iPad - - (Edit | Remove)

cecca to Noob's Question Room
Is it possible to block a user? How?
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
it is not yet possible to block someone. However, it is in the priorities, and the feature will be implemented very soon. As usual, feel free to suggest anything, senape is all ears xD - Haukr - - (Edit | Remove)
4 other comments...
because I don't like you and your "attitude". Simple, isn't it? - cecca - - (Edit | Remove)

bezdomnyj82 to bezdomnyj82's feed,!, Attivisti del, Lavori in corso - Work in progress, Noob's Question Room
[DOUBT] I googled "" from a different computer other than mine and I reached the public stream from "!", the room. I wasn't logged in but anyhow the empty form and the "Send" button were over there. Is all of this supposed to be this way? That being visible there doesn't make any sense for me, while it should be visible when visiting your own feed when logged in and it isn't. Thanks [not requesting - just feedback]
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Did you try to post anything? - Ale Roots from Android - - (Edit | Remove)
5 other comments...
Lately I'm cross-posting my feedbacks, for instance, because I dunno in which room they are better fitted, at least for now. If we as a group could define a single room for feedback, or suggestions, and an other for bugs, and another just for questions it would be easier for me to avoid cross-posting too much. - bezdomnyj82 - - (Edit | Remove)

April Russo to!, Noob's Question Room, April Russo's feed
[TIP] For those that may not speak the language for some of the rooms here: Rename the room in your language by creating a Frenfbook for it. Prefix it with "R" so you know it's for a room (or "S" for "stanzetta", if you are Italian). https://dl.dropboxusercon...
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
pro tip :D - bezdomnyj82 - - (Edit | Remove)
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bezdomnyj: Perhaps you misunderstood what I meant by renaming them. You would not be really renaming them. You are only using a frenfbook to create an alias for it. This is not something you can not already do. The image above is a screenshot of how I have already done it for mine. But you might forget the real name, so you should be able to add a description of what is in your frenfbooks (which you can not do at this time). Being able to add the link to the actual room will help you remember which room it's really for, as well as a quick & easy way to get there from your frenfbook alias, so you can post to it. Your example is something I can already do now by subscribing you to some nasty rooms and adding them to your current frenfbooks and then hiding the room from your room list. Your friend can already subscribe you to a Justin Beiber room and hide it in your "Science" frenfbook, full of people that share lots of science posts. They could also do something like that on Friendfeed or Twitter, too. This is not a unique or new problem. - April Russo - - (Edit | Remove)

bezdomnyj82 to!, Noob's Question Room
10 years ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bezdomnyj82 to bezdomnyj82's feed,!, Attivisti del, Lavori in corso - Work in progress, Noob's Question Room
[IMHO] [two unsolicited cents] text strings used for naming rooms should be univocal, like the URL, once you set a name for a room no one should be able to name their room in the same way - more than a couple of rooms have been duplicated in the migration process from ff to here, (ex. "stanzetta dei bottoni" ect.) [just suggestion not request]
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bezdomnyj82 to bezdomnyj82's feed,!, Noob's Question Room
OK, there are lots of new users, so HI and Welcome You all... Use this thread do say me who you are and why I should follow You if I'm not following you yet. Or use this to suggest me interesting people to follow. I'm Lorenzo, I'm 33 years old, and I'm a cyaltrone :D
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

bezdomnyj82 to bezdomnyj82's feed,!, Attivisti del, Noob's Question Room
[brainstorming] About possible new names for "", I think it would be nice to link the new identity to Douglas Adams' narrative universe. It would be a clear reference to the past for former friendfeed users without beeing too obvious and cumbersome, while being funny and easily engaging for possible new users. I'm speaking of the old "So long and thanks for all the fish" and "Don't Panic" attitudes, widely representative for specific groups of possible users.
10 years ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More... - boltz - - (Edit | Remove)
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the yesterday extra hours felt to me more like the restaurant at the end of the universe, every hour was sort of a reenactment of the possible ending of life and everything else, forever and ever. - bezdomnyj82 from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

otyx to Noob's Question Room
ci sono anche i turchi?
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
yep. alcuni - bezdomnyj82 from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

bezdomnyj82 to!, Attivisti del, Noob's Question Room
[BUG] now tath senape has corrected the mistake of one "unexpected" comma, a post of mine has linked two separate recipients as if they are one, and now it's impossible for me to click one of them, to open the relative room.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
vedo. ora lo sistemo - senape - - (Edit | Remove)

manuel "fmf" ferrero to Noob's Question Room, manuel "fmf" ferrero's feed
Test, scusate.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
perché @maia mi hai dislikato? - manuel "fmf" ferrero - - (Edit | Remove)

sioD to!, sioD's feed, Slucchettati, Noob's Question Room
Ciao a tutti! c'è modo di sapere se qualcuno ci ha cacciato fuori dal feed? Perché ogni tanto mi sembra che gente che pensavo di avere sottoscritto mi appare come non seguita
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
non so non credo, al momento - chiaratiz - - (Edit | Remove)
in realtà intendevo il contrario (cioè qualcuno che io sto seguendo mi caccia fuori). Guardando le preferenze però forse non è possibile farlo al momento - sioD - - (Edit | Remove)

manuel "fmf" ferrero to Noob's Question Room
come faccio a fare un post in home E aggiungere un utente?
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
sempre da add recipients, a destra di send (ho la versione inglese) - Haukr - - (Edit | Remove)
3 other comments...
ah, ecco. grazie. - manuel "fmf" ferrero - - (Edit | Remove)

Jennifer D. to Noob's Question Room, Jennifer D.'s feed
I am not sure, but it looks like the Tumblr import is bringing things into my feed, but they don't show up in the Home feed. Is that part of the recent changes?
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
it's possible, since i've modified the behavior of the home as a special frenfbook. you've found an actual bug, i will fix it in the next release - senape - - (Edit | Remove)
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thank you! btw, i've fixed it. probably i will deploy it this evening ;) - senape - - (Edit | Remove)

Joe to Noob's Question Room
Is there a way to get or determine our frenfit number? I think I was in the 1,000-1,100 area, but it would be cool to know what my exact number is.
10 years ago from iPad - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
interesting question. - bezdomnyj82 - - (Edit | Remove)
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comunque me lo gioco al lotto, mi piace - chiaratiz - - (Edit | Remove)

bezdomnyj82 to bezdomnyj82's feed,!, Attivisti del, Lavori in corso - Work in progress, Noob's Question Room
When you are erroneously deleting a post, and then you access the trash bin to restore it, is supposed to bring the thread up in home despite not being edited, liked or so?
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
in a certain sense the post is "touched" (sorry for unix jargon), so it makes sense that it pops up. - .mau. - - (Edit | Remove)
I see... - bezdomnyj82 - - (Edit | Remove)

bezdomnyj82 to bezdomnyj82's feed,!, Attivisti del, Lavori in corso - Work in progress, Noob's Question Room
Is it somehow conceivable to have, some day in a far future, a characters countdown in the sending form while writing a status update, starting a thread, commenting or answering someone. Wouldn't be nice to know how many letters are still available while composing something? Thanks. As always is not a direct request, just a feedback on possible features.
10 years ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
bez ti devo dire una cosa: ti dimentichi sempre i soggetti, devi volere più bene ai soggetti (però sono d'accordo, sarebbe bello il conto dei caratteri disponibili anche se di solito non mi sento logorroica e ovviamente dipende se i caratteri disponibili sono pochi o moltissimi, se sono moltissimi non serve) - chiaratiz - - (Edit | Remove)

bezdomnyj82 to Noob's Question Room
To test the functionality of the "world peace" bar feature up there, we all can just dislike this thread and add comments and dislike them too. So go on and dislike without further hesitation.
10 years ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
oh, I was wondering what that was! now I get it. - Ondatra iSkoolicus - - (Edit | Remove)
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Patrizia Mandanici to Noob's Question Room
Ho provato a cercare dappertutto, ma non ho trovato risposta a questa domanda: ma c'è un limite di parole ai messaggi che si possono scrivere? Io ne ho scritto uno di recente e a un certo punto non sono potuta andare avanti, ne ho scritto un altro per terminare il discorso.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Jennifer D. to Noob's Question Room, Jennifer D.'s feed
This might be covered elsewhere, but is there a privacy policy or 'terms of service'? I might just be bad at tracking it down.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
scroll down to bottom of site its bottom right-hand side next to bookmarklet. - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)
4 other comments...
Awesome - thank you so much! - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)

bezdomnyj82 to!, Attivisti del, Lavori in corso - Work in progress, Noob's Question Room
[my two cents] the 2 killer features I'd like to have some day: 1) when pressing "follow" being somehow asked which feature import in which frenfbook, by default selected "all" to "home", two click away from completing the following process painlessly, otherwise a few seconds more to be completely in control of what is going in your Home.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
2) a system for filters, you can personalize and save and set on and off over the different frenfbooks - ex. You are following House of Cards on HBO, and you'd like filter your homepage during the release of the new season to avoid spoilers, so you can chose to temporarily be hiding threads containing the words "Underwood" "House of Cards" "spoiler" "Robin Wright" when at work - and not hiding them into a specific frenfbook you'd like to have to liveblog the season finale. so filters like hide by keywords, buf also hide by content type (import from selected services or youtube videos) - bezdomnyj82 - - (Edit | Remove)
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@Professor m.v.s. even just a drop-down menù on the follow button, letting you chose between an ordinary "follow" or a "following settings" menù - if you don't mind filtering you can just press follow and you are ok to go in just one click - bezdomnyj82 - - (Edit | Remove)

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