Doctor Strange #14, page 1. Marvel Comics, 1976. Pencils by Gene Colan. Inks by Tom Palmer.
Do it! Like it! Frenf it!
Doctor Strange #14, page 1. Marvel Comics, 1976. Pencils by Gene Colan. Inks by Tom Palmer.
Some original David Mazzucchelli pages from his incredible “Born Again” storyline in Daredevil, with writer Frank Miller.
Joe Sinnott, Neal Adams And Al Williamson (1969)
Letter from Stan Lee to Jack Kirby, January 25, 1977:
“Dear Jack,
Just a line to tell you how much I enjoyed seeing you in Los Angeles—and I am sure Jim did, too.I am sorry we didn’t have more time to spend together, but at least we did have a chance to talk awhile.
I hope everything we discussed is clear and agreeable with you and that all will work out well. Keep rolling along on the SURFER—it is bound to be the “All the President’s Men” of 1977!
With all best wishes to you, Roz, and the family.
In the 1960s, director/UC Santa Cruz staffer Sheldon Feldner wrote to Marvel Comics asking if an artist would be willing to draft costumes for the University of California’s production of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Jack Kirby happily obliged, and they’re pure Kirby.
The costumes were made out of military surplus, plastic, and vinyl.
Walter Simonson breakdowns and finished art for the X-Men/New Teen Titans comic, 1982. Inks by Terry Austin; Colors by Glynis Wein; Words by Chris Claremont; Lettering by Tom Orzechowski.
Timothy from Creative Commons writes, “In the US beginning Jan 1, 2019–after a devastating 20 year drought brought on by the infamous 1998 ‘Mickey Mouse Protection Act.’ Creators, commons advocates, librarians, legal activists and others are celebrating in San Francisco at the Internet Archive on January 25, 2019 to mark the ‘Grand Re-Opening of the Public Domain.’ There will be keynotes (including from Cory Doctorow and Larry Lessig), panels with legal experts like Pam Samuelson and EFF, and lightning talks to showcase the important, weird, and wonderful public domain.”
Unpublished pencil sketch by Gene Colan for Daredevil #67 and the final cover by Marie Severin (pencils) and Bill Everett (inks), published by Marvel Comics, August 1970.
Anche quest’anno il mio regalo per le feste è solo uno, UN LINK!
Infatti QUI trovate tutti i miei fumetti (e non solo) del 2018, gratis come le saponette negli hotel.
Se però vi va di sostenermi e volete farvi un regalo o avete qualcuno a cui dovete ancora farlo qui invece trovate un tot di disegni originali che ho deciso di vendere, raccolti in un pratico catalogo come cosmetici Avon. Diffondetelo come un virus a tutta la vostra rubrica, così nel 2019 pago il fisioterapista!
Buon anno!
Phoenix and Nimrod by John Romita Jr [ OHOTMU ]