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50% slav*, 50% terron*, 50% stronz*puntinista.

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Don’t Fall for Facebook’s ‘China Argument’ - America’s global dominance in technology requires fierce competition at home, not the coddling of monopolies.
6 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More... Comment

endiei to endiei's feed, frenfumetto, Bologna
Il blog di “Fumo di China” – BilBOlBul, le mostre e gli autori da vedere http://ilblogdifumodichin...
6 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Una guida (perlopiù) fumettistica all’edizione 2018 del festival culturale bolognese, realizzata per il blog della storica rivista di critica e informazione sui fumetti Fumo di China. - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)
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Ci stiamo orientando per la mattina di sabato 15 dicembre. Citofonare nda per adesioni. :) - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei to endiei's feed, frenfumetto
Mi segnalano (purtroppo oggi) che domani Mordillo sarà a CAOS XIV, Mostra Internazionale di Illustratori contemporanei a Cremona. https://www.comune.cremon... https://www.comune.cremon...
6 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Mordillo presiede la giuria del concorso (tema: CAOS) e inoltre "è protagonista di un’esposizione di quasi 150 opere, una retrospettiva delle sue illustrazioni più significative, a partire dagli esordi negli anni '50 fino ai lavori più attuali". - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)
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awwwwww mordillo - psicocaccola - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei imported, endiei's feed, frenfumetto


the cover to Mys-Tech Wars (1993) #1 by Bryan Hitch

6 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
La Marvel UK è stata una fucina di talenti: Frank, Pacheco, Larroca, Erskine, Hitch… - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)
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:-0 - psicocaccola - - (Edit | Remove)

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Back at the Drug Store, I was astonished and elated to find this issue of FANTASTIC FOUR in my latest dive through its big bin of somewhat-older comics. And the reason is that this issue pre-dated all four of the FANTASTIC FOUR issues that I’d previously found there. It was evidence that it was possible not only to fill in the gaps between those issues and the current ones, but also to delve back even further into the history of the series. So this was a pretty exciting turn of events.

This issue has become oft-reprinted in the years since, in that it’s both effectively a self-contained story and most of the action takes place in–well, let’s get to that in due time. That’s a beautiful splash page of the Thing by George Perez and Joe Sinnott. Perez would become my favorite contemporary artist for many years, and I still think Joe Sinnott is just about the best inker comic books have ever seen. I must confess that the Thing talking about having been just a guy in an armored suit confused me a little bit–did this mean that he’d been in a costume for the preceding 175 issues and had only just now been literally transformed into an actual monster? And how did that square with the MARVEL’S GREATEST COMICS story I had read in which Ben was permanently cured? Had he been in an armored costume ever since then? It was all very mysterious and intriguing.

The story opens with the FF on their way back to Earth after a prior adventure in which they faced Galactus, who is responsible for this mysterious transformation on the part of the Thing. Apparently, the team were able to defeat Galactus only with the help of their passenger: the Impossible Man. I already knew all about Impy from the subsequent issues I had read–he could transform his body into any shape or form he desired, and he was childlike and a bit of a brat. 

The Thing is so not used to his rocky form that he winds up accidentally destroying their ship’s braking system, leading to a brief action sequence in which the Human Torch exits the ship and creates thermal updrafts in order to slow its crash-landing in the lake near Central Park. It has to be said that writer Roy Thomas and George Perez fit in a ton of character and incident on these pages, mostly due to Perez’s facility at crafting 8 panels on a page or more. Anyway, everybody survives the crash, but now they’ve got to get across town and back to the Baxter Building.

The New York checkered cabs of this era will only pick up 4 passengers, and the there are five who need the lift, so Sue uses her power to remain invisible. Along the way, though, Impy gets bored and freaks out the cab driver by changing into a rear view mirror ornament among other things, and the FF wind up in the middle of traffic trying to soothe the poor cabbie. An unlucky motorist has the poor sense to lean on his horn in the Thing’s direction, causing his vehicle to suffer an enginedectomy at Ben’s bad-tempered hands.

As luck would have it, the team is right outside the 575 Madison Avenue offices of Marvel Comics–and when the Impossible Man hears of this, he makes a beeline inside to demand that Stan Lee make a comic book about him. And this whimsical look into the Marvel offices of 1976 is why this issue is so remembered and so often reprinted. Roy and George are in conference with Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, the big two of FF lore, when the Impossible Man bursts in–Roy and George are stymied because with the FF away, they have no information with which to create their authorized comic book featuring the team. In a characterization that is perhaps retroactively too on-the-nose, Kirby tells them they should just invent their own stories.

The issue pauses here for the letters page, which this month is devoted not to the readers’ knocks and boosts but rather to writer Roy Thomas explaining the genesis of the story we’re in the midst of. Among other things, he mentions a similar story being in the works at the same time for NOVA, but it would be many years before I’d get the opportunity to have a peek at that one. Looking at it today, I find this page really indulgent (especially when Roy digresses to talk about an impending meeting with a fellow Elvis aficionado) but I have to say that it did its job perfectly. Already the various creators who made up the ranks of Marvel were better known to me as personalities than their DC counterparts whom I’d been following for many years.

Back at the story, Stan remembers the Impossible Man from years ago, and how the Marvel readers expressed that he was too silly for the Marvel books. This pisses Impy off, and he goes on a wild in-joke filled rampage through the Marvel offices, using his powers to mimic the powers and attributes of assorted Marvel characters. From what I can tell, George wasn’t using the actual Marvel offices as reference for this fight–he simply drew a generic set of offices designed however the story needed them to be. The Ff show up in the midst of Impy’s rampage and try to corral him, but to no good effect. Marvel Comics is being trashed.

Getting to the heart of the Impossible Man’s anger, Reed snaps up Stan Lee and explains to him that all it will take for the Impossible Man to go away is being featured in a single conic book issue. Stan’s not having it until the Thing stares him down. But there are more important issues for the FF to deal with: a classified ad informs them that the Frightful Four have taken over their Baxter Building headquarters and are holding tryouts for their fourth member that afternoon. Conveyed by Impy, the FF head out–and Stan immediately and two-facedly reverses his decision on doing an Impossible Man issue. Comedically standing in front of a huge personalized Howard the Duck poster, he proclaims that “Marvel Comics hasn’t got time to waste on silly-looking characters!” I’d already read the next issues in which the FF and their evil counterparts battled it out, so the wrap-up where the Frightfuls are confronted was just checking boxes to me. But this was another wild and fun issue by Roy and George.

6 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Più metafumettistico di così… :) - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei imported, endiei's feed, frenfumetto


The perils of relying on a single panel’s worth of expository infodump to clear up a subplot that’s been running for something like ten years.

File under: retconning, poor storytelling, too much heads.

6 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

endiei to endiei's feed, frenfumetto, Bologna
"5 cose che non sono riuscito a fare a BilBOlbul 2018" http://www.nicoladagostin... http://www.nicoladagostin...
6 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
(però alcune potete farle voi) - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei to endiei's feed, Slucchettati, Bologna, Fiffì di Romagna
Anteprima italiana a Forlì del documentario “Il visto per Dubček” http://www.nicoladagostin... http://www.nicoladagostin...
6 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Nel pomeriggio di lunedì 26 novembre, a Forlì, presso il campus locale dell’Università di Bologna, verrà proiettato un documentario slovacco sul politico Alexander Dubček, che nel 1968 cercò di dare un “volto umano” al socialismo cecoslovacco. - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)
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Per ora so solo che una copia del documentario sarà sicuramente in possesso del Prof. Gambetta, Decano di Scienze Politiche di Bologna e Forlì, e/o del Prof. Privitera, sempre di Scienze Politiche. - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei imported nicoladagostino, endiei's feed, Web e Comunicazione
Le piccole soddisfazioni della vita: “Il tuo account Google Ads è stato disattivato per mancanza di spesa”.
6 years ago from Twitter - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

endiei imported nicoladagostino, endiei's feed, frenfumetto
RT @marco949: Courtesy of @thekevinparr and heritage auctions Miller’s Layouts and Janson’s finishes Dream team of storytelling and inks a…
6 years ago from Twitter - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
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Illuminante il confronto tra il layout di Frank Miller e la pagina rifinita e inchiostrata da Klaus Janson! - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei imported nicoladagostino, endiei's feed, Slucchettati
RT @thevisioncom: In Italia gli #studenti fuorisede sono centinaia di migliaia, ma non esistono politiche abitative che tutelino i loro dir…
6 years ago from Twitter - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Lettura altamente consigliata. - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei imported nicoladagostino, endiei's feed, frenfumetto
Se gli spazi non ci sono (più), non resta che crearne di nuovi. Giusto? :)
6 years ago from Twitter - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

endiei to endiei's feed, Nartroconsumo, Amazon sei la mia rovina, È IL MALE
Everything on Amazon Is Amazon!
6 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"Amazon-affiliated brands are promoted in search results on the site and inflated by reviews from Amazon’s Vine program, in which users receive items in exchange for their feedback. And, compared to better known competitors, they tend to be priced aggressively. In creating its own brands Amazon is indeed like any other large store. But Amazon isn’t any other large store. It’s Amazon: the world-historical logistical experiment that happens to call itself a store. It has unlimited shelf space and a boss with an eye on global domination. It tends to try a lot of things at once." - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)
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Magari Beautiful Nomad è per senzatetto/migranti. - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei imported, endiei's feed, frenfumetto


I Met Stan Lee by Steve Manale

Pun intended.

6 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
(battutaccia) - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei imported, endiei's feed, frenfumetto


I really do like the gimmick of Byrne’s first few West Coast Avengers issues starting with a splash of a character’s head staring at the reader. (He shifts it up immediately after the issues above, so that it’s characters – or, in one case, a moon, because… sure? – talking to the camera but not necessarily just their head. But still, I wish he’d kept with this idea for the whole thing.) (From West Coast Avengers #42-46, 1988, ‘89) – Graeme

6 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

endiei imported nezmar, endiei's feed, frenfumetto
RT @90sManiax: There's nothing too short that I can't cameo. #StanLeeForever
6 years ago from Twitter - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

endiei to endiei's feed, Musica allo stato puro
[Mai così attuale] Almemegretta - Fattallà
6 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

endiei imported, endiei's feed, Lega Nerd

NCSA Mosaic

6 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Che emozione quando lo usai per la prima volta. - mattiaq - - (Edit | Remove)
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Beh, c'è chi non ha mai usato Netscape… - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei imported, endiei's feed, frenfumetto


Unpublished cover for X-Factor #2 by John Byrne. 1985.

Published cover by Mike Zeck & Joe Rubinstein.

When asked why his cover was not used, John wrote:

Shooter was pissing all over X-FACTOR in those early days. Nothing was good enough to match his “vision”. Not using my cover probably amounted to not a whole lot more than “Because I can.”

6 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

endiei to endiei's feed, frenfumetto, Editoria
"10 motivi validi (+1) per cui non ho scritto del tuo fumetto" http://www.nicoladagostin... https://c1.staticflickr.c...
6 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Una breve lista di motivazioni rivolta alla cortese attenzione (e comprensione) di autori, editori e addetti stampa. - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei to endiei's feed, frenfumetto, Bologna, Quelli di Milano
ARGH NOVEMBRE TOUR: http://maicolemirco.blogs...
6 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Martedì 13 h19 Libreria modo infoshop Via mascarella 24/b BOLOGNA - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)
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Mercoledì 28 h18:30 Red la Feltrinelli via sabotino, Milano Via sabotino 28 (porta romana) MILANO - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

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Marc Spector: Moon Knight #28, 1991, by J.M. DeMatteis, Ron Garney and Tom Palmer, anticipates the rhythms (and, in a way, the relative visual minimalism) of the Warren Ellis/Declan Shalvey Moon Knight run of more than 20 years later.

6 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

endiei imported, endiei's feed, frenfumetto


page 13 from Elektra: Assassin (1986) #8 by Bill Sienkiewicz, Frank Miller and Gaspar Saladino

6 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
madonna la bellezza - Cancelletta - - (Edit | Remove)
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molto bello - vlad - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei imported, endiei's feed, frenfumetto


Sensational She-Hulk #39, page 3 by John Byrne & Glynis Wein. 1992.

6 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

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Get on the Bus

6 years ago from Tumblr - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Molto consigliato. In Italia è stato pubblicato all'inizio di quest'anno dalla piccola ma coraggiosa casa editrice toscana Barta: - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)
Molto consigliato. In Italia è stato pubblicato all'inizio di quest'anno dalla piccola ma coraggiosa casa editrice toscana Barta: - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)

endiei to endiei's feed, frenfumetto
il blog di “Fumo di China” - "Considerazione sugli annunci manga a Lucca"http://ilblogdifumodichin...
6 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Severo ma giusto. - endiei - - (Edit | Remove)