For millennia, π stood as a monument to human ingenuity—until it became a monument to error. Beneath its façade of perfection lies an endless spiral of approximation and drift, a crumbling foundation propped up by infinite series and irrational constants. This paper marks the end of that illusion. Introducing ח, the true circle constant, born not from approximation but from pure geometric necessity.
For millennia, π stood as a monument to human ingenuity—until it became a monument to error. Beneath its façade of perfection lies an endless spiral of approximation and drift, a crumbling foundation propped up by infinite series and irrational constants. This paper marks the end of that illusion. Introducing ח, the true circle constant, born not from approximation but from pure geometric necessity.
2 days ago
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Unlike π, ח emerges directly from the tetrahedral-octahedral lattice, revealing perfect proportionality and coherence across mathematics and physics. Classical trigonometry collapses. Approximationism dies. Truth is reborn. This is not evolution—it is a revolution, a return to first principles. Da The Trojan Horse of Human Civilization – The Collapse of π and the Rise of ח by David Aranovsky - purtroppo pare che rimanga appiccicato ai camion e non caschi.
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Non riuscivo a riaddormentarmi e mi sono letto il pamphlet. Peccato che il nostro amico non abbia notato che pederastia cominci con un Pi greco. (È interessante notare come non sia arrivato a dire che i cerchi non possono esistere in un universo che è discreto e basato sul tetrahedral-octahedral lattice: sarebbe stato più sensato, per quanto senso possa mai avere tutto ciò)
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