strega ☆
strega ☆'s feed,
"siri, portami da bricoman a genova" "ho trovato asilo infantile di sant'olcese" allora ditelo che è ligure il programmatore di siri, manca giusto che mi dica "stattene alla casa"
Belin, Bricoman è in val Bisagno in via Ponte Carrega, devi uscire a Genova est, provenendo da A7, dopo Bolzaneto prendi A12 per nervi
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mi hai fatto tornare in mente quella volta che, usando Dragon (il programma di dettatura), dissi "Martin Luther King" e lui capì e scrisse "martello per single"
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SHAME ON YOU, Salvador Sobral!!! SHAME ON YOU!!! Is this how a winner of the Eurovision Song Contest is supposed to speak out? You tried so hard to portray yourself as a humble man, as a true artist, and you may have tricked the entire Europe, but you did not fool me! Let me tell you something Salvador Sobral - last year, when you missed out on ALL of the ESC rehearsals, and your sister did them for you - the European Broadcasting Union - EBU should have disqualified you! It was unprofessional and extremely unfair to all of us who were there, doing all the hard work! It was also very sad and unfortunate that you were sick, I have to say, but if you are having health issues - YOU DON‘T TAKE ON such a huge project like Eurosong! Even in your own victory speech you were unpleasant to all of us, your fellow Eurosong contestants - but NOW, you are being far more rude by picking on Israel‘s representative Netta Barzilai נטע ברזילי and her song, it is just outrageous! So patronising and completely inappropriate, not gentleman-like of you to do this! You should apologize ASAP!!! You are not just a winner of Esc, you are a host now, as Esc is held in your own country, so this behavior of yours is even worse! If you hate the concept of Eurovision so much, you never should have competed! Now, you even say you want to get as far away from the fact you won the Esc... Come on...
strega ☆
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