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Spidra Webster

Middle-aged on Midgard. Frustrated creative person. Likes to laugh.

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Spidra Webster to English Inside Jokes
I just used something last night that, while not an inside Friendfeed joke, is a reference that comes up often enough that perhaps it ought to be explained. I used the spelling "gubmint". This is a typed representation of how a stereotypical Southern (probably also rural) speaker supposedly says "government".
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
It is meant to lampoon right-wing Americans who complain that government never does anything good & that the federal government especially isn't needed. - Spidra Webster - - (Edit | Remove)

Spidra Webster to Spidra Webster's feed, Plant Love Celebrating Female Botanists!
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"With International Women’s Day on Sunday 8th March Dr M is wondering, could botany be the most gender neutral profession? It would be nice to think so, but a glance into botanical history suggests otherwise. Back in the 18th century, dallying with Linnaeus’ sexual system of plant taxonomy and classification was certainly considered an unsuitable occupation for a lady!" - Spidra Webster - - (Edit | Remove)

Spidra Webster to Oh Canada! http://assets.vancitybuzz... Local architects create compelling images of transit vote implications
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Spidra Webster to Noob's Question Room
I'm not sure where on to advertise a new room in order to find interested members. I wanted to let folks know about the Plant Love and Cycles & Human-Powered Vehicles rooms.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Cross post nere - Bic - - (Edit | Remove)

Spidra Webster to Spidra Webster's feed, Plant Love
http://jillanddanaadventu... http://jillanddanaadventu... La Huerta at Old Mission Santa Barbara
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
This is where I'm taking a road trip to early tomorrow. - Spidra Webster - - (Edit | Remove)

Spidra Webster to Spidra Webster's feed, Plant Love
My peach tree set fruit. Things were looking good. Then today it looked like they were cracking. Except I looked closer and saw it was a problem with either slugs or snails. :(( https://farm9.staticflick...
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
They are always a pest in our greenhouse as well. - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)
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Someone did a pretty scientific experiment on it recently. The copper worked (you have to keep the copper buffed and you also have to make sure no snail/slug eggs are within the area you put the copper around). Most other things did not work. I just don't have a lot of time right now to try to fix this up. Hope I don't lose the whole crop. - Spidra Webster - - (Edit | Remove)

Spidra Webster to Spidra Webster's feed, Plant Love Syrian seedbank wins award for continuing work despite civil war
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Syrian scientists who risked their lives preserving the region’s ancient farming heritage with nearly 150,000 seed samples are presented Gregor Mendel award in Berlin - Spidra Webster - - (Edit | Remove)

Spidra Webster to Spidra Webster's feed, Plant Love
http://www.pacifichttp://... http://cdn4.pacifichortic... The Life of Dr Francesco Franceschi and his Park
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"His name at birth was Emanuele Orazio Fenzi, and he had already become an important Italian horticultural figure before he changed his name to Franceschi and moved to the United States. He soon became a significant American horticulturist, contributing to the botanical literature and altering California’s landscape through his numerous plant introductions. After twenty years in Santa Barbara, he returned to Italy, resumed using the name Fenzi, and moved to what was then the Italian colony of Libya in North Africa. His impact on that landscape was probably even greater than his impact in California, because he planted thousands of eucalyptus, was among the first to introduce and propagate exotic plants, and helped initiate a modern agriculture program for the country. Seven years after his death in Libya in 1924, a portion of his Santa Barbara property was designated Franceschi Park. - See more at: http://www.pacifichorticu... ; - Spidra Webster - - (Edit | Remove)

Spidra Webster to Spidra Webster's feed, Plant Love Colorado Vault Is Fort Knox For The World's Seeds
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
There's that eebil gubmint money at work again... - Spidra Webster - - (Edit | Remove)
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My friend did her Master's thesis on seed vaulting for Native American tribes in New Mexico. She now works for a non-profit that sells native seeds. I'm glad there are people out there trying to preserve and perpetuate food biodiversity. - Jenny H - - (Edit | Remove)

Spidra Webster to Plant Love Baja farmworkers' strike crimping some produce supplies in U.S.
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Once small farmers in the US showed organic to be something there was a market for, agribusiness started up organic Mexico. Farmworking conditions aren't great in the US. I imagine they're even worse in Mexico. The workers feel the unions they're allowed to join are in the pocket of growers so they want to form their own union and negotiate directly with growers. - Spidra Webster - - (Edit | Remove)

Spidra Webster to Spidra Webster's feed, Cycles & Human-Powered Vehicles
The League of American Bicyclists had a #bikechat on Twitter today. The guest was a bike law firm. Because so many people don't consider bicycles legitimate transportation, bike law varies from state to county to city, making much more of a legal minefield for cycle tourers than people taking a car road trip. Here are some good guides to US legal differences:
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Spidra Webster to Cycles & Human-Powered Vehicles
Welcome! Tell us about your HPV/s! I own a Bridgestone with a Xtracycle attachment, a recumbent Haluzak Horizon, a folding recumbent Bike SatRday Mark 1 and a Brompton T-5 folding bike. I need to sell at least one of these....if I could find one bike that does it all, I'd just own one.
1 decade ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I have a custom mixte-ish touring bike I call Jacaranda, made by a builder called Violet Crown Cycles. Belt drive, disc brakes, butterfly/trekking bars, front basket and rear rack, and general awesomeness. My next bike will probably be a 'bent! - Ondatra iSkoolicus - - (Edit | Remove)
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I was hunting for somebody, ANYBODY, who makes bikes with mixte frames. (I ride my bike to work and like to wear long dresses. Diamond frames not an option.) The Soma Buena Vista readymade came close to what I want, but at the time there wasn't a disc-compatible version, and I was sick of rim brakes trying to eat my skirts. I think I ran into VCC via an article on the North American Handmade Bicycle Show. - Ondatra iSkoolicus - - (Edit | Remove)

Spidra Webster to Lega Nerd
Windows 10 to make the Secure Boot alt-OS lock out a reality | Ars Technica ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Those of you with long memories will recall a barrage of complaints in the run up to Windows 8's launch that concerned the ability to install other operating systems (whether they be older versions of Windows, or alternatives such as Linux or FreeBSD) on hardware that sported a "Designed for Windows 8" logo. - Spidra Webster - - (Edit | Remove)

Spidra Webster to Spidra Webster's feed, Plant Love
Research | Research news | 2015 | Leaf odor attracts Drosophila suzukii ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
In 2014, more spotted-wing Drosophila suzukii than ever before were observed in Germany. This pest lays its eggs in fresh and ripening fruits before they are harvested. Infested fruits are often additionally infected with bacteria and fungi, and become unsuitable for sale and further processing. Currently, the only way to effectively control this pest insect is through the use of insecticides. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology have now identified a leaf odor which is highly attractive to Drosophila suzukii. Beta-cyclocitral lures the spotted-wing drosophila but no other related drosophilids. Researchers were able to measure the olfactory specialization of the insect to this leaf odor on the basis of the response of a certain sensillum - Spidra Webster - - (Edit | Remove)
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Yeah, I'm not complaining. I'm very impressed there's a bookmarklet! - Spidra Webster - - (Edit | Remove)

Spidra Webster to Spidra Webster's feed, Oh Canada!
I was shocked to find out UC Berkeley has a Canadian Studies program. I lived there all those years and never knew that! http://canada.berkeley.ed...
1 decade ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I wouldn't have expected that in California. Maybe in one of the states bordering Canada. - John B. - - (Edit | Remove)
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They list "Yahoo Canada" as one of the resources, so that instills a lot of confidence. :) - Stephan - - (Edit | Remove)

Spidra Webster to Plant Love Breeding Oca for the UK climate
1 decade ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Spidra Webster to Plant Love CA Farmer Craig Underwood Grows the Peppers That Go Into Sriracha Sauce
1 decade ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Spidra Webster to Plant Love I wanted to take another opportunity to plug Folia, a site I'm a member of, although school makes me not as active as I used to be. If you garden, this site is tremendous for helping you track your garden milestones, meet nearby gardeners, meet people growing the same crop... http://www.greenhousecana...
1 decade ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
It's an English language site (started in the UK) but has members from all over the world. - Spidra Webster - - (Edit | Remove)

Spidra Webster to Plant Love
https://farm9.staticflick... What I saw when I went to water my potted trees today. Scared the &8#$! out of me!
1 decade ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
O HAI. - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)
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I feel like the Australians are so blasé about killer wildlife, much less non-poisonous wildlife, that they would have just ignored it. - Spidra Webster - - (Edit | Remove)

Spidra Webster to Spidra Webster's feed, Plant Love
http://grapesandwine.cals... http://grapesandwine.cals... Convenient, inexpensive quantification of elemental sulfur by simultaneous in situ reduction and colorimetric detection
1 decade ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Given the title of this article, I find it hilarious that it comes from a series called "In Plain English" which is meant to communicate research papers to people in more colloquial English. - Spidra Webster - - (Edit | Remove)
The article is about a process to use sulfur (which is used in the industry to reduce powdery mildew) in winemaking in a way that minimizes the effect of sulfur compounds on the wine's taste. - Spidra Webster - - (Edit | Remove)

Spidra Webster to Spidra Webster's feed, Oh Canada!
Dalhousie just launched its own crowdfunding site for Dalhousie research projects, etc. I think UCLA did something similar. I wonder if this kind of fragmentation works?
1 decade ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Spidra Webster to Oh Canada!
Good ol' CanCon. It's responsible for this gem:
1 decade ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I just love that this came out of an insistence on Canadian content. - Spidra Webster - - (Edit | Remove)

Spidra Webster to Lovefest
https://farm1.staticflick... Thank you, Senape!
1 decade ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
All the mustard pictures here have actually made me crave soft pretzels but I have no idea where I'd get one around here at 10pm. - Spidra Webster - - (Edit | Remove)
Shoot. Forgot to pick some up at the store. Was in a hurry. - Spidra Webster - - (Edit | Remove)

Spidra Webster to Noob's Question Room
Please excuse me. I don't know Italian and I don't want to trust Google Translate in this case: I created a private room (to act as a replacement for a private room here on Friendfeed) but was unable to figure out how to invite people to it. I tried their username and that didn't work. I tried the entire URL of their user profile and that didn't work.
1 decade ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I can try to make a room and invite you to it. Hang on. - Ondatra iSkoolicus - - (Edit | Remove)
6 other comments...
Me too. Hope to get this fixed soon. In senape we trust :) - cecca - - (Edit | Remove)

Spidra Webster to Lovefest
I love that there's a group here called "Lega Nerd". Such a funny wordplay.
1 decade ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
:D That's the place where we ask for help with technology (lots of nerds, as usual). Feel free to ask, should you need :P - Haukr - - (Edit | Remove)
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Don't know if the room is related, but there's also a funny collective blog/community at - L'Andre - - (Edit | Remove)