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ilcomizietto to Biblioteca di Alessandria, ilcomizietto's feed, Science , Quelli che la scienza la capisHAHAHA
Avviso per i fan di Carlo Rovelli: https://www.lafeltrinelli...
4 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Sconsiglio l'acquisto a chi non è studente di fisica o altra disciplina scientifca a livello universitario. Pieno di matematica. - ilcomizietto from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

ilcomizietto to ilcomizietto's feed, Science
Ho scoperto ieri che il protossido di azoto (N2O) ha un potenziale di riscaldamento globale pari a 341 volte la CO2. Il protossido di azoto è usato nelle bombolette di panna spray. Ne compro poche all'anno, forse meno di dieci, ma mi sa che d'ora in poi saranno parecchie di meno.
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
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E io che pensavo che il protossido d'azoto fosse quella cosa che usavano i tamarri nordamericani per fare i salti con le auto in [Dukes of] Hazzard! - nda - - (Edit | Remove)

ıɔ ǝɯɯǝ ˙ɹp to ıɔ ǝɯɯǝ ˙ɹp's feed, Science , Madre!, Quelli che la scienza la capisHAHAHA
Se siete interessati a far partire una pasta madre da zero quelli di wild sourdough cercano volontari per un esperimento:
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
We will guide you through creating a “wild” sourdough starter using only water and flour following a ten-day protocol. If you are curious (and a little ambitious), we are hoping to recruit some folks who want to make more than one starter using different flour types or using the same flour type but setting one outside and one inside your home. Once you have made your starter we will ask you to observe it and record some observations about its aroma and how fast it rises. You will submit these data through a short online questionnaire. - ıɔ ǝɯɯǝ ˙ɹp - - (Edit | Remove)
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Alla fine hanno fatto anche lo streaming su Youtube perché c'era troppa gente interessata, ergo lo si può rivedere: - Marco Delmastro - - (Edit | Remove)

ilcomizietto to ilcomizietto's feed, Science , Quelli che la scienza la capisHAHAHA
Effetto serra e km 0, relazioni non banali:
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Dipende cosa si misura e come si misura e in genere si hanno solo stime. A spanne si può dire: meglio prodotti (vegetali) *freschi e di stagione* locali e meno carne, meno manzo soprattutto. - ilcomizietto - - (Edit | Remove)

ilcomizietto to Astronomia ed Astronautica, ilcomizietto's feed, Science , Quelli che la scienza la capisHAHAHA
The Planetary Report, gratis, tutti i numeri dal 1980 ad oggi:
7 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

ilcomizietto to ilcomizietto's feed, Science
La ricerca di base, aperta, pubblica e libera, è una condizione *necessaria* per stare meglio domani. Ergo, quest'anno donazione di 100CHF al CERN. (Nella pagina INFN non ho trovato una pagina donazioni. Ma è possibile donare il 5x1000. Forse. Credo.)
7 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Invernomuto to Science , Invernomuto's feed
Fisici del frenfi a me! Spiegateci le implicazionih!
8 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
È estate. C'è la prova costume. - Snowdog from Android - - (Edit | Remove)
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la spiegazione di boltz è quella che mi convince di più - Invernomuto - - (Edit | Remove)

reloj to Science , reloj's feed
La protagonista del mayor escándalo de la ciencia española pierde los 1,86 millones de euros de la UE. Cuatro de los revolucionarios estudios de la bióloga Susana González han sido ya retirados por dudas sobre su veracidad
8 years ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"Ante una sospecha de fraude, todos deberíamos alertar a los supervisores o a los responsables superiores. A mi nunca me alertó nadie de que alguien estuviera generando datos falsos", asegura Serrano. - reloj - - (Edit | Remove)
Ma chi l'avrebbe dovuto avvisare? - reloj - - (Edit | Remove)

ıɔ ǝɯɯǝ ˙ɹp to ıɔ ǝɯɯǝ ˙ɹp's feed, Science
Quando fanno le cose divertenti al CERN non mi chiamano mai https://www.theguardian.c...
9 years ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Halil to Science , Halil's feed
Here Be Dragons: Hostile aliens, tall people and black holes To anticipate even some of the risks that come from our research, we must vigorously debate the future, urges a provocative book by Olle Häggström https://www.newscientist....
9 years ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
THE year is 2056, and scientists have just created the first computer with superhuman intelligence. Aware of the risks, the programmers trained it in ethics. The machine functions flawlessly. Aiming to maximise happiness in the universe, and calculating that sentient beings are happy less than half the time, the computer exterminates all sentient life. The balance of happiness increases from negative to zero – only there’s nobody left to enjoy it. - Halil from Android - - (Edit | Remove)
Futurologists refer to this sort of misunderstanding as perverse instantiation, and Olle Häggström is concerned about it. He’s also worried that genocidal ETs might annihilate Earth, that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) could produce an uncontrollable black hole, and, more prosaically, that increased use of human growth hormone could have some strange and unpleasant consequences. - Halil from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to History, Science , Halil's feed
This Is The Earliest Known Reference To The 'Demon Star' Ancient Egyptians appear to have tracked the bright-to-dim cycles of the distant star system with the naked eye.
9 years ago from Android - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
The researchers analyzed the text of the ancient Cairo Calendar found on a papyrus (above) that dates to sometime between 1244 and 1163 B.C. - Halil from Android - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to History, Science , Halil's feed
Frances Kelsey, scientist - obituary - Telegraph ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Frances Kelsey, the scientist and doctor, who has died aged 101, became a national heroine for her efforts to keep thalidomide off pharmacy shelves in America; her refusal to approve the morning-sickness drug spared a generation from the catastrophic birth deformities that occurred in other countries around the world. - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to Science , Halil's feed
Sci-Fi Cloaking Device Could Protect Soldiers from Shock Waves ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
A researcher at the defense company Boeing has filed a patent for a sci-fi-esque cloaking device that would protect soldiers from intense shock waves generated by explosions.   - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to Science , Halil's feed
Pushy bacteria create their own superfluids - ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Certain types of swimming bacteria can lower the viscosity of an ordinary liquid, sometimes even turning it into a superfluid, according to work done by researchers in France. The team studied how the collective swimming motion of bacteria can substantially alter a fluid's hydrodynamic properties. In some cases, the change is so great that highly active bacteria create a "negative-viscosity" liquid and are then pushed along by the fluid itself. The researchers suggest that the energy from such bacterial suspensions could be used to drive tiny mechanical motors in microfluidic systems. - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to Nature, Science , Halil's feed
Bat reseachers closer on white-nose syndrome | Local News - WCVB Home ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"It's clear that this is perhaps the biggest decline in wildlife from an infectious agent in the past century," Bennett said. --- Bennett's lab, which typically studies human fungal infections, is focusing on the substance the fungus secretes. The team has partnered with a pair of University of California researchers.      "A lot of these pathogenic fungi, that's how they cause disease, they secrete," Bennett said. "We're looking at those potential factors that could allow it to cause disease in a bat. It's a relatively new direction for us - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
"I don't envision giving drugs to bats, but there may be a clever way to do something," Knudsen said. "It's such a dire prediction, we have to do something. Even if it's awkward and silly, I think someone clever will think of a way to perhaps spray a bat cave with some sort of antifungal agent." - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to Nature, Science , Halil's feed
Researchers identify the genetic footprint of horse domestication - ( ) https://upload.wikimedia....
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

Halil to Nature, Science , Halil's feed
Wildlife Extra News - New American website can identify birds from photographs (http://www.wildlifeextra.... )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
A remarkable new aid to birdwatchers has been developed that enables computers to identify hundreds of US and Canadian bird species in photographs. - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
The bird photo identifier, developed by the Visipedia research project in collaboration with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, is available for free at: http://merlin.allaboutbir... - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to Nature, Science , Halil's feed
Question: I've looked and can't find any examples of natural devolution in nature, so is it just a theory or are there any real examples in wildlife where devolution, natural or otherwise, has occurred? Thanks
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
What do you mean by devolution? Do you mean evolving some ability and then losing it? If so, penguins might be an example. Their evolutionary ancestors could fly, but modern penguins can't. - John B. - - (Edit | Remove)
Good point, I guess the definition is determined by the example, but the term implies a change that results in a lesser developed species ie an undesirable adaptation, at least that's how it sounds to me. - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)

Jennifer D. to Science , Jennifer D.'s feed
A Bat's Secret to Flying Like a Boss? Tiny, Tiny Hairs | WIRED ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
"IT’S HARD TO overstate just how amazing bats are. After all, they’re the only mammals with the true power of flight (the flying squirrel can glide its heart out, but that doesn’t really count). Bats can perform incredible banks and turns and dives a bird would envy: An eagle may be able to swoop in and snag a fish from a river, but a bat can pinpoint a tiny insect and run it down mid-air. Bats have the power of echolocation to guide their fighter pilot-status flight, yes, but a team of scientists just uncovered an extra way the proto-vampires boost their hunts: They use microscopic hairs on their wings to feel their way through the air. The hairs act like levers of sorts, tripping nerves that send signals to the brain, allowing the bat to precisely correct its flight to avoid obstacles and pick off insects—no small feat in the pitch blackness." - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)
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I haven't seen any yet, but we seem to have an overabundance of owls (that I can hear) this year. - Jennifer D. - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to Nature, Science , Halil's feed
$750K in funding to advance Noble technology | Peterborough Examiner (http://www.thepeterboroug... )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
“The results of this research will not only further our knowledge and understanding of euglena as a wastewater management solution, but it will also further the development of the technology and provide a cost-effective alternative solution to current wastewater treatment methods,” Fleming director of applied research Mary Lou McLean stated. - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to Plant Love, Science , Halil's feed
Phylogenetic structure and host abundance drive disease pressure in communities : Nature : Nature Publishing Group ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Pathogens play an important part in shaping the structure and dynamics of natural communities, because species are not affected by them equally1, 2. A shared goal of ecology and epidemiology is to predict when a species is most vulnerable to disease. - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
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Here we show that the phylogenetic and ecological structure of the surrounding community can be important predictors of disease pressure. We found that the amount of tissue lost to disease increased with the relative abundance of a species across a grassland plant community, and that this rare-species advantage had an additional phylogenetic component: disease pressure was stronger on species with many close relatives. - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to Nature, Science , Halil's feed
New perspectives on how ecological communities are assembled ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
What do you get when you combine a professor who literally wrote the book on community ecology and another who has more than 40 years experience as a leader in the field of evolutionary biology? You get a new way to look at how organisms of all sorts interact and evolve to form ecological communities. Two Michigan State University professors published their results in the current issue of Trends in Ecology and Evolution, and together they have come up with a new way to think about how evolution and ecology interact in community assembly. - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to Plant Love, Science , Halil's feed
Citrus evolution history revealed with genomes - Science News - redOrbit ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
From oranges, lemons, and limes, to kumquats and multi-colored grapefruits, the whole world loves us a good citrus fruit. Citrus are among the most important cultivated fruit trees worldwide. The high commercial value of citrus as a crop means that it has been the subject of a lot of research, but the evolutionary history and the origins of citrus as “domesticated” cultivated citrus species were poorly understood. Now, advances in genome technology have allowed scientists to build an accurate picture of the evolution and variability of the genus. - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)
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^^^That's an old English nursery rhyme and the ending is not very pleasant, the origins/meaning of most are actually quite grim! - Halil - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to Nature, Science , Halil's feed
Scientists reveal how a sea sponge gets its remarkable strength - ( )
10 years ago from Bookmarklet - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
The clever design underlying the remarkable strength of a sea sponge's anchoring fibres has been unravelled by scientists in the US. The team found that the strength of a fibre comes from the particular way that it is made from about 25 concentric silica cylinders. The researchers believe that this natural design could be copied to make strong artificial materials for use in larger structures such as buildings and aeroplanes. - Halil from Bookmarklet - - (Edit | Remove)

Halil to La stanzetta delle stanzette, Nature, Science , Halil's feed
Two new rooms; 1) Nature and 2) Science Please join and post, feel free to invite others!
10 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

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