Lucca Comics 2017: fumetti, mostre, autori da non perdere
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”Mondo Erotica is a way to observe my work and understand it. It’s a concentrated collection of my best artwork. It highlights the creative paths I have travelled. Nicola D’Agostino has been the right person to help interpret my work in the text.“
Excerpt fro the interview with Roberto Baldazzini for the upcoming release of his “Mondo Erotica” Artbook (Korero Press), which I translated, coedited and proofead.
Estratto dell’intervista (in inglese) a Roberto Baldazzini per l’ormai imminente uscita del suo artbook in inglese, “Mondo Erotica” (Korero Press), a cui ho collaborato con testi, traduzioni ed editing.
“The Weird Adventures of Tintin, by H. P. Lovecraft” by Muzski