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Evaluate World Peace




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mebassett to mebassett's feed
it's been awhile, but dropped by 'cause you might enjoy this essay I wrote. Late Stage Social Capitalism. Life in the West in the 21st Century could be characterized by a decline in friendship, a rise in isolation, and a crisis of mental health. Yet instead of fixing this, we are continually creating new economic transactions to replace friendship or to solve the problems that the lack of friendship might create.
2 months ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
bookmark - momobo - - (Edit | Remove)
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Yeah, You can definitely go on writing in english - StefanoHBS - - (Edit | Remove)

mebassett to mebassett's feed
my latest on generative AI and copyright
1 year ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Speaking of copyright, I remember :-) If I understand correctly what you wrote, it's not really important how the dispute between NTY and Microsoft/OpenAI will end (probably with an out-of-court arrangement, I suppose), since anyway the result will benefit BigCorp and not us, right? I agree! - .mau. - - (Edit | Remove)
3 other comments...
It's very depressing, yes. - .mau. - - (Edit | Remove)

mebassett to mebassett's feed
Advertisers, cults, terrorists, and American megachurches know how to target people at the right time to get them to "convert". The last of these has evolved an entire liturgy for that purpose. Through a couple of personal anecdotes, we trace the history and purpose of that liturgy and draw a parallels with a less "American" cults.
2 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
you should read (unfortunately there is no English translation, only Spanish and French ones). It is centered in the Catholic Church in Italy, which luckily do not profess jihad nor hosts rock events, but there is some common ground. (but at least in XX and XXI century Catholics are less interested in temporal kingdom than Protestants) - .mau. - - (Edit | Remove)

mebassett to mebassett's feed
AI is finally useful for business, and everyone is likely underestimating its impact. But unless AI is open-source and truly owned by the end users the future for everyone but the software providers looks grim.
2 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
While I agree with your thesis, I have some doubts whether having AI open-source could be enough. When you talk about removing unwanted content from people, was that removal explicit - and therefore it could be found by digging enough- or it is the result of many microtweaks which cannot be put together by a human? (This is why AI must be truly owned by the end users, who must be able to add explicit behaviors) - .mau. - - (Edit | Remove)

mebassett to mebassett's feed
another new essay (sofia was very productive). Optimization is a mathematical languages that we’re using to describe our societal interactions, how learning happens, and how fundamental physics works. Let’s count some of the ways. this one doesn't even mention marx.
3 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I hope y'all don't mind me sharing them here. - mebassett - - (Edit | Remove)
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I can't assure I will read every essay of yours, but I do read and enjoy some. - .mau. - - (Edit | Remove)

mebassett to mebassett's feed
new essay. chasing glory.
3 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
bookmark - momobo - - (Edit | Remove)

mebassett to mebassett's feed
human attention has become a marxist commodity:
3 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
«social media companies hire programmers and data scientists to operate “engaging user interfaces” that strip mine your attention. That attention is bought and sold to advertisers». Indeed, while it's common to <del>here</del> hear warnings of the like of "attention is nowadays a scarce resource", I never thought at the labour behind the "mining of attention"! (BTW, I keep forgetting why you use marxist and not marxian, when you look at the philosophic work). - .mau. - - (Edit | Remove)
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the funny thing is that I don't remember to ever have misspelled "hear". Who knows what I was thinking at when I wrote it... - .mau. - - (Edit | Remove)

mebassett to mebassett's feed
desire & loathing.
3 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...

mebassett to mebassett's feed
hi guys! another long english post if you're interested. I wrote a (absurdly long) blog about money ( ) the gist is that I don't think there are many _new_ economic ideas coming from politicians, and the ones that I have seen are kinda weak, so I tried to come up with a new one myself.
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
che qualcuno tra i più svegli lo legga e gli faccia un bel commento, grazie - barbottina - - (Edit | Remove)
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at the moment is one of my favorite podcast - momobo - - (Edit | Remove)

mebassett to mebassett's feed
anyone here a tolkien fan? believe it or not I read more tolkien than marx. Magic in tolkien is different from other fantasy, it's just an expression of a character's natural power, not really a spell. A character just speaks his or her will, and if he or she is powerful enough it happens. I felt a lot of scenes in Tolkien like this were good analogies for politics. so I tried to explain that idea in another essay!
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
I am a MASSIVE Tolkien fan, and I enjoyed your essay! You definitely hit the nail on the head. - LaMucci, Criceto di Satana - - (Edit | Remove)
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A niche phenomenon indeed, but very much amplified by certain Italian left-wing snobs, that have used it to blindly classify Tolkien as "fascist" and as such unreadable and/or unenjoyable by anybody vaguely liberal. Thus so many closet left-wing Tolkien fans in Italy at least in the '80 and 90', until somebody decided to clarify the situation (e.g. "Difendere la Terra di Mezzo" (Defending Middle-Earth) by Wu Ming 4, that was published in 2013, and is BTW available here: https://www.wumingfoundat... ) - Marco Delmastro - - (Edit | Remove)

mebassett to mebassett's feed
the warm welcome here reminds me of the old internet before big corporations took over. I like it. shame I can't speak Italian.
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
We're like old refugees on a desert island, we get excited if someone new arrives :D - Pea Bukowski - - (Edit | Remove)
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(chissà che sto scrivendo ahahah) - barbottina - - (Edit | Remove)

mebassett to Cocktail di Benvenuto
Hello! I found this site because it sent some traffic to my site and an essay I wrote ( ), and I was curious. So I wanted to say hi.
5 years ago - Comment - Hide - - - (Edit | Remove) - More...
Hi mebassett. Welcome. Are you AL? - Von - - (Edit | Remove)
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Hi! <3 - flipperella - - (Edit | Remove)