jules-'s feed,
Capelli castani, tinti
Forse c’entra il fatto che credo mi stia venendo la febbre, ma la puntata di stasera mi sembra particolarmente folle
Ma ci mancherebbe pure leggere i libri di Travaglio, direi che gli highlights dei suoi articoli sono ben più che sufficienti.
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Paintbrush 1.0
L’avevo forse già messo? Lo posto soprattutto in precisa polemica con il talento ributtante di Luciano (stavo riguardando gli archivi della stanzetta)
Capelli castani, tinti
"Pierino, però insomma, ahah, mi viene da chiamarla Piero, perché lei è una persona adulta" "eh no mi chiamo Pierino però" "Pierino"
Inoltre tra marito hoarder e forse violento, suocera imperscrutabile e figlia fuori di testa devo dire molto wtf anche per la storia della donna scomparsa lasciando le istruzioni per la lavatrice http://laprovinciapavese.... -
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“Cosa significa quel sangue sui biglietti?” “Che si è tagliato con la carta?”
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Comunque che ridere quando sono arrivati alla casa in Svizzera ed era tutto aperto, io ho molto sperato che bussassero e il tipo aprisse con una faccia tipo “be’?”
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The charging document states that Flynn made a false statement to the FBI when he stated that in December 2016 he did not ask Kislyak "to refrain from escalating the situation in response to sanctions that the United States had imposed against Russia that same day; and Flynn did not recall the Russian ambassador subsequently telling him that Russia had chosen to moderate its response to those sanctions as a result of his request."
The document also says that Flynn falsely said he did not ask Kislyak to delay the vote on a pending United Nations Security Council resolution.
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Ho una grande idea per una serie tv: un procuratore impazzito che va in giro per l'america a incriminare la gente per il mancato rispetto di leggi vecchie di due secoli e mai utilizzate prima. S01E01: Il Logan Act. Lo stato vs Jimmy Bluewhale, di Jackson Hole (WY), colpevole di aver twittato a Kim Jong Un "Please don't listen to the fool in the white house, we want to live in peace".
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Stupid Watergate
Pare che Tillerson si dimetterà da Segretario di Stato il mese prossimo, per essere sostituito da Mike Pompeo (direttore della CIA), il quale verrà a propria volta sostituito da Tom Cotton (senatore; ostruzionista; aveva discusso di libri di Le Carré con Sessions durante una delle sue udienze in Senato invece di chiedergli le cose).
Trump Jr. did not respond to these messages either, but WikiLeaks was undeterred. “Hi Don. Hope you’re doing well!” WikiLeaks wrote on December 16 to Trump Jr., who was by then the son of the president-elect. “In relation to Mr. Assange: Obama/Clinton placed pressure on Sweden, UK and Australia (his home country) to illicitly go after Mr. Assange. It would be real easy and helpful for your dad to suggest that Australia appoint Assange ambassador to [Washington,] DC.”
WikiLeaks even imagined how Trump might put it: “‘That’s a real smart tough guy and the most famous australian [sic] you have!’ or something similar,” WikiLeaks wrote. “They won’t do it but it will send the right signals to Australia, UK + Sweden to start following the law and stop bending it to ingratiate themselves with the Clintons.”
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fanno giustamente pressione col nuovo presidente per cercare di migliorare la loro posizione. Questi (wikileaks in generale, assange in particolare) rischiano veramente la pelle, mi sembra il minimo.
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The UK foreign secretary condemned Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s conviction for spying in Iran last week as a mockery of justice, but added that she was “simply teaching people journalism” – a statement her family and her employer both said was untrue.
On Saturday, three days after Johnson’s statement to a parliamentary committee, Zaghari-Ratcliffe was summoned before an unscheduled court hearing, where the foreign secretary’s comments were cited as proof that she was engaged in “propaganda against the regime”.
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(Mia battuta preferita dopo che la Patel è stata invitata a dare le dimissioni: "we're so Priti, oh so Priti, we're vacant")
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è terribile l'aggettivazione ossessiva e invariabile stile Trump, tipo failing NYT: "false allegations", "dodgy dossier", "false allegations from the dodgy dossier". Non dice MAI dossier senza premettere dodgy.
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MPs have passed a motion ordering Theresa May to release 58 secret studies into the economic damage from Brexit, triggering a huge political row.
Ministers provoked fury by refusing to say they will abide by what independent parliamentary clerks advised would be a “binding” decision. http://www.independent.co...
MPs approved unopposed Labour’s motion, which asked for a “humble address” requesting the Queen to direct Brexit Secretary David Davis to release the documents.
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C'è chi non fa come Rhonda? ma è come se un italiano buttasse la pasta nell'acqua fredda, o peggio mettesse la panna nella carbonara! Non si poteva non dare una simile notizia, mi spiace ma la gente deve sapere come fare un hamburger.
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jules-'s feed,
Capelli castani, tinti
Comunque la Sciarelli a un certo punto stasera ha detto "precedenza sessuale di gruppo" e spero che voi foste sintonizzati.
Nix removed the apron that Ogborn was wearing and ordered her to dance and perform jumping jacks while she was naked. Nix then ordered her to insert her fingers into her vagina and expose it to him as part of the "search." He also ordered her to sit on his lap and kiss him, and when she refused to do so he spanked her until she promised to do it. The caller also spoke to Ogborn and demanded that she do as she was told or face worse punishment. Recalling the incident later, Ogborn said that, "I was scared for my life."
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jules-'s feed,
Posto che tra pedofili, scandali e crisi di governo infinite non ho mai letto niente sul Belgio che mi facesse anche solo vagamente venire voglia di farci un salto, forse c'è una svolta in uno dei loro tipici casi belgi bizzarri ed efferatissimi. Allego traduzione automatica buffa dall'olandese. https://en.wikipedia.org/... http://deredactie.be/cm/v...
The Brabant killers (also the Nijvel Gang (Dutch: De Bende van Nijvel, French: Les Tueurs du Brabant) are believed responsible for a series of violent attacks that mainly occurred in the Belgian province of Brabant between 1982 and 1985. Twenty-eight people died and 40 were injured. The gratuitous violence of the gang, believed to consist of several people who assisted a core of three men, made it Belgium's most notorious crime spree. The active participants were known as: The Giant (a tall man who may have been the leader); the Killer (the main shooter) and the Old Man (a middle aged man who drove). The identities and whereabouts of the "Brabant killers" are unknown although one may have been killed after the last known robbery.
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