Francesco Pelagi
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Help! My adviser won’t stop looking down my shirt! - I’ve just joined a new lab for my second postdoc. It’s a good lab. I’m happy with my project. I think it could really lead to some good results. My adviser is a good scientist, and he seems like a nice guy. Here’s the problem: Whenever we meet in his office, I catch him trying to look down my shirt. Not that this matters, but he’s married.
What should I do?
Dear Bothered,
A: Imagine what life would be like if there were no individuals of the opposite—or preferred—sex. It would be pretty dull, eh? Well, like it or not, the workplace is a part of life.
It’s true that, in principle, we’re all supposed to be asexual while working. But the kind of behavior you mention is common in the workplace. Once, a friend told me that he was so distracted by an attractive visiting professor that he could not concentrate on a word of her seminar. Your adviser may not even be aware of what he is doing.
Francesco Pelagi
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(e te lo dice uno che a 70 è un fico della madonna.. ma so benissimo dove, come con chi stare e perchè)
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Francesco Pelagi
Musica allo stato puro
This morning, Roger Waters and Nick Mason unveiled this commemorative plaque which has been installed onto the front of the University of Westminster (formerly known as the Regent Street Polytechnic) in London. It was whilst studying there that Roger, Nick and Richard Wright met, later leading to the forming of Pink Floyd. https://scontent-mxp1-1.x...
beh, che scienza. Anche comprare gli stessi jeans in una catena di lusso o normale c'e' grossa differenza.
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a me non da fastidio la modalità supermercato, ma il fatto che non ci siano prodotti solo italiani. Se vuole essere una vetrina sull'eccellenza gastronomica italiana, o anche senza eccellenza, cosa c'entrano i prodotti stranieri?
Francesco Pelagi
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