Con il suo corpo lungo 7-12 mm è il più grande Salticidae presente in Europa centrale insieme a Sitticus Iongipes. Oltre a maschi molto grandi si possono trovare anche forme nane dal corpo lungo solo 5 mm. I due sessi presentano livree decisamente diverse, tanto da renderne difficoltosa l'attribuzione alla stessa specie a prima vista. Prosoma del maschio nero pece, con chiazze o strisce di peli bianchi tra gli occhi e nella zona posteriore; opistosoma rosso chiaro brillante con macchia lanceolata sul dorso. Pedipalpi e terzo e quarto paio di zampe bianchi, primo e secondo paio di zampe prevalentemente con peluria giallo-arancio. Femmina con prosoma bruno-nero, in genere con 2-3 strisce di peli chiari, opistosoma marrone chiaro o scuro con banda mediana da bruna a nera, dai bordi laterali bianchi e dall'estremità posteriore appuntita; la larghezza e lunghezza della banda scura e anche la larghezza dei bordi bianchi presentano però forti oscillazioni individuali. Esemplari adulti da aprile a luglio.
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Beh ma è vero! L'ho detto che ero OT poi! È stata pure gentile che ovviamente non aveva la minima idea di chi fossi
from Android
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WASHINGTON — A Brazilian spider delivers more than a painful bite that sends most victims to the hospital. Its venom stimulates an hours-long erection. Now scientists have figured out the chemical that seems to be responsible for the penis boost.
In Brazil, emergency room staff can immediately spot the victims of a bite from the Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria nigriventer). Patients not only experience overall pain and an increase in blood pressure, they also sport an uncomfortable erection.
"The erection is a side effect that everybody who gets stung by this spider will experience along with the pain and discomfort," said study team member Romulo Leite of the Medical College of Georgia. "We're hoping eventually this will end up in the development of real drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction."
The research was presented here at a poster session at the American Physiological Society (APS) annual meeting.
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Mentegatto, quelle che un tempo venivano chiamate crisi clitoridee, ed erano considerate un probabile sintomo neurologico di tabe dorsale o avvelenamento da cantaride oggi clitorism o ReGS (Restless Genital Syndrome) (ho disattivato il primo link perché veniva tagliato per colpa delle parentesi)
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Female Velvet Ant (Mutillidae, Hymenoptera)
Easily mistaken for a colourful ant by appearance and name, this is in fact a wasp of the family Mutillidae. The females are wingless and hence the common name of velvet ant, in conjunction with the thick usually brightly coloured pile of hair many species bear. The male is typically wasp-like in appearance.
Females lay their eggs in the nests of other insects, typically a ground-nesting bee such as a bumblebee or wasp nest. Her young then develop as idiobiont ectoparasitoids, eventually killing their immobile larval/ pupal hosts.
As in all Hymenoptera, only the female is capable of inflicting a sting, but in the case of the Mutillidae, that sting is reputed to be intensely painful. This unenviable feature has earned them the colloquial name of “cow killers” or cow ants.
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secondo me quel giorno ti dedicasti ai veleni :P
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Storvandre's feed,
Sweet Petite Acanthanura
Almost every time I head out into the Dandenong Ranges (Melbourne, Australia) - at this time of year (autumn) - I find an Acanthanura springtail. They are usually active on the surface on the surface on wet, mossy, logs: diurnally. Perhaps they are out at night too but it’s more difficult taking pictures at in the dark especially at high magnifications.
Known as the “tamamushi” in Japanese, Chrysochroa fulidissima is a striking species of metallic woodboring beetle (Buprestidae) which is endemic to Japan. Chrysochroa fulidissima typically occur in woods, forests, and other wooded areas. Like other Buprestids the larvae of C. fulidissima will bore through and feed on decaying wood. Chrysochroa fulidissima is typically one of the species used in the art of “beetlewing” work due to its elegant green elytra.
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A very cool American carrion beetle (Necrophila americana) that I found on my patio the other night. When these guys fly, they look just like bumblebees. Unfortunately, this one won’t be flying anywhere, since it was completely crispy and dead. Still cool though.