Musica allo stato puro
On ''Infidels,'' Mr. Dylan has again caught the mood of the times, but the songs don't stand for anything; they merely certify today's doom and gloom malaise in a tone of smug agreement. ''Infidels'' isn't so much a warning of impending doom as a gleeful announcement that the end is indeed near. It implies that the world isn't worth saving and that America is leading the way to hell.
On ''Infidels,'' Mr. Dylan has again caught the mood of the times, but the songs don't stand for anything; they merely certify today's doom and gloom malaise in a tone of smug agreement. ''Infidels'' isn't so much a warning of impending doom as a gleeful announcement that the end is indeed near. It implies that the world isn't worth saving and that America is leading the way to hell.
7 months ago
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It is as though the Dylan of the 1960's returned for one last time to thumb his nose and gloat, ''I told you so - now let's get the whole thing over with.''
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e comunque non sono d'accordo, secondo me Infidels visto con il senno di poi è un grande album. sicuramente assai diverso dal primo periodo e pure dalla trilogia "cristiana" del secondo, ma resta un album suonato e registrato magnificamente, con musicisti eccezionali, e pure i testi delle canzoni di Dylan, letti a distanza, hanno un senso. eccome se ce l'hanno. certo negli States in pieno delirio reaganiano erano troppo controcorrente per poter essere apprezzati, pure da dei critici asseritamente non allineati come quelli che scrivevano per il NYT.
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