Ho appena conosciuto un tizio che mi ha raccontato di aver soccorso anni fa un falco pellegrino (lo Stretto è sulle loro rotte migratorie) con un'ala impallinata. Dopo averlo fatto curare se lo è ritrovato su un albero in giardino per gli otto anni successivi, prima che morisse dopo una frattura a una zampa. Gli dava una bistecca al giorno e i topi non facevano in tempo a mettere il naso in giardino.
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"An owl has been issued with his own library card in recognition of his work tackling seagulls at the University of Bath.
Yoda the European eagle owl visits the campus with his handler twice a week to unsettle the gulls there. The seven-year-old is employed as an environmentally friendly method to control the population and limit any adverse effects.
His presence discourages gulls from nesting – when they can become territorial and aggressive – on the campus or scavenging food from staff and students.
The library management team decided to issue a library card to Yoda in recognition of his “valuable service” to the university. The card, which is valid until 2020, features a photograph of the bird, described as Prof Yoda The Owl."
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ha la classica espressione dell'ordinario ormai assestato.
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Io sto contando i tuoni qui a Roma. Ma so bene che non pioverà
neurom ⚠️
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Io sto aspettando la conferenza stampa della NASA ma tanto lo streaming non va quindi tra poco torno a casa sotto il solleone.
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