Marco Delmastro
Guitars & players,
Musicanti - Musicians
Why my guitar gently weeps. The slow, secret death of the six-string electric. And why you should care. https://www.washingtonpos...
Why my guitar gently weeps. The slow, secret death of the six-string electric. And why you should care. https://www.washingtonpos...
7 years ago
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Dai commenti: "Comparable guitar shops in Europe are like a night and day difference. I felt like I walked into music heaven when I first visited Der Music Store in Cologne, Germany, wow. I'm left-handed, and I never in my wildest dreams imagined I could go into a shop with a whole room dedicated to left-handed instruments. I walked out with a $4000 Taylor guitar, something I could never have done in the US."
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(Vernon Reid <3)
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