English community's inside jokes & idioms explained to outsider communities. The American equivalent of the Italian room (http://www.frenf.it/early... ). When in doubt, just ask! (:
English Inside Jokes
We have a tradition: #SaturdayFF (Saturday Fun Fact). On Saturdays, you post an interesting story or fact about yourself that you haven't shared on friendfeed before. Occasionally when someone thinks of something they'd like to share and they're afraid they will forget it by Saturday, they'll tag it with #WednesdayFF / whatever day FF or #NotSaturdayFF.
English Inside Jokes https://s-media-cache-ak0... This picture is thanks to a former FFer named Akiva. He posted it in 2009 as part of a #sorrymeme. The #sorrymeme was when someone would post a picture to try and get a reaction from others and sarcastically apologize for posting them. People would randomly bump this post on FF and we can't let it die over there.
Spidra Webster
English Inside Jokes
I just used something last night that, while not an inside Friendfeed joke, is a reference that comes up often enough that perhaps it ought to be explained. I used the spelling "gubmint". This is a typed representation of how a stereotypical Southern (probably also rural) speaker supposedly says "government".
It is meant to lampoon right-wing Americans who complain that government never does anything good & that the federal government especially isn't needed.
Spidra Webster
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English Inside Jokes
Like the Italians use "PICCI" to refer to their pets .. we remove the "y" at the end and add "eh". It's used when the animal is very cute, the person is excited, and/or as a term of endearment. Puppy = puppeh (not boobs), kitty = kitteh, bunny = bunneh!
Ahahah Kristin, now I can understand the reason why today, when I searched on m.friendfeed-media.com "puppeh" I found pet's pics too!
Alex Romano Milani
from iPad
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English Inside Jokes
We Italian (ex)FFers use the term "OALD" to say that a piece of news is, well, old. My understanding is that it should refer to a funny way to pronounce it, since old English spelling would have been "Olde" (which is not funny for an Italian :-) )
English Inside Jokes
I'm not quite sure if this was ever a #sorrymeme, but another user named Josh Haley posted this picture and it was bumped much like the picture of the Asian men having his nipples licked. It didn't gain quite the following .. but this will still make the English speakers cringe seeing it. :) (https://s-media-cache-ak0... )
John B.
English Inside Jokes
English-speaking FFers sometimes use dots ("...") to express speechlessness from disappointment or surprise at what someone is saying, similar to the Italian puntinare: http://www.frenf.it/early...
It wasn't really Steven but the nickname stuck. After a while he embraced it & now posts daily bunny pictures. Most of the Americans, Australians, and a few Europeans refer to him as Bunny / Bunneh.
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English Inside Jokes
We love to take sides on issues by using #Team____. While a lot of this is around declaring our food preferences such as #TeamCake#TeamPie#TeamCilantro .. it is also used to show support when someone is going through a difficult time especially concerning an illness. Ex: #TeamFFrank
English Inside Jokes #FARP is often used on posts about exercising, healthy foods, or even avoiding something terrible for you. FARP = Fat Ass Reduction Plan
that really looks like #FAP, which, as you can imagine, is the standard response to any female pic; also used in the variations "fip" and "fop"
Raibaz Raibansani
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English Inside Jokes
A FFer named Louis Gray (http://www.frenf.it/early... ) started a saying several years ago: "Sleep is unproductive and a waste of time." He started using it in 2006 & explained it in a Quora in 2011 (http://www.quora.com/Does... ). He started to leave the comment on posts when someone said they were about to go to sleep, had insomnia, wanted a nap, were tired, etc. He stopped posting regularly on FF but would still pop in occasionally to comment on someone's post.
It's become popular enough that people will comment with, "Sleep is unproductive and a waste of time" ... or quote/tag Louis in posts about sleep.
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English Inside Jokes
We ask, "DO ANYBODY NO..." instead of, "does anyone know," based on a Q&A from Yahoo a long time ago. It's used when we're not expecting a genuine answer OR when we want to get more attention to a question.