"Proporre l’erotismo ricercato di Roberto Baldazzini su Patreon vuol dire confrontarsi con tre sfide, che sottintendono questioni sull’innovazione, la sostenibilità e la tolleranza dell’espressione artistica e creativa su Internet."
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Timothy from Creative Commons writes, “In the US beginning Jan 1,
2019–after a devastating 20 year drought brought on by the infamous 1998
‘Mickey Mouse Protection Act.’ Creators, commons advocates,
librarians, legal activists and others are celebrating in San Francisco at the Internet Archive on January 25, 2019
to mark the ‘Grand Re-Opening of the Public Domain.’ There will be
keynotes (including from Cory Doctorow and Larry Lessig), panels with
legal experts like Pam Samuelson and EFF, and lightning talks to
showcase the important, weird, and wonderful public domain.”
Una breve lista di motivazioni rivolta alla cortese attenzione (e comprensione) di autori, editori e addetti stampa.
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nda's feed,
Rick Veitch racconta come stampa e vende i suoi fumetti "on demand" via CreateSpace+Amazon. Interessanti anche i commenti, in cui si affrontano alcuni aspetti importanti (purtroppo il tutto è solo su facebook) https://www.facebook.com/...
Ma soprattutto: "The money, so far, isn’t enough to live on. But its nothing to sniff at and has been steadily growing with the backlist continuing to perform month in, month out. More so with a book like The Spotted Stone that spiked after being nominated for an Eisner." E se ha problemi Rick Veitch...
Patrizia Mandanici
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Il 2017 di Storie di Apple inizia con due grosse novità. Storie di Apple /Stories of Apple ha un account su Instagram e ha una pagina su Patreon, per finanziare concretamente la creazione dei prossimi articoli in inglese e in italiano con una piccola (o grande, fate voi) quota mensile.
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PM Studios, the developers behind the popular PlayStation Vita game SUPERBEAT XONiC, made quite a few new friends over the weekend. After finding out that links to cracked versions of their game were widely shared on Reddit they 'thanked' the pirates for their interest, offering a discount on top.
from Bookmarklet
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Download gratuito dei primi due volumi per chi non se li può permettere, autorizzato da Dave Sim. Pagamento "a piacere" con donazione via Paypal.
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(non devo spiegare chi è Sim e cosa sia Cerebus, vero?)
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'Lo studio “Gli effetti sulla pirateria dei provvedimenti in materia di diritto d’autore”, porta a risultati indubbi. Nella quasi totalità dei casi gli eredi dei siti inibiti dall’Agcom non solo riprendono tutti gli utenti dei siti chiusi, ma addirittura si riscontra un aumento, in qualche caso considerevole (oltre il 1000%), del traffico.'
from Bookmarklet
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[…] in the coming weeks, we will restrict access to articles on WIRED.com if you are using an ad blocker. There will be two easy options to access that content.
You can simply add WIRED.com to your ad blocker’s whitelist, so you view ads. When you do, we will keep the ads as “polite” as we can, and you will only see standard display advertising.
You can subscribe to a brand-new Ad-Free version of WIRED.com. For $1 a week, you will get complete access to our content, with no display advertising or ad tracking.
from Bookmarklet
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Oltre ai fumetti da edicola e fumetteria e alle cosiddette graphic novel da libreria, esiste un fitto sottobosco di autoproduzioni, in cui il lettore curioso o insoddisfatto può trovare nuovi stimoli.
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Come dicevo altrove: leggetelo, se volete capire da dove arriveranno i prossimi autori di fumetto d'autore italiano (ma anche internazionale)
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A CCC made Apple TV App for displaying CCC-talks may not be released on the platform. According to Apple the app is in breach of developer terms and conditions because it enables access to content of which the company disapproves: Apple criticizes that the CCC's app allows watching publicly given talks, which among others deal with security holes in the widely used Bluetooth technology, or help "jailbreaking" Apple devices - enabling the use of applications that have not been approved by Apple. The talks criticized by Apple are all available under the website media.ccc.de and can also be watched through the Apple TV YouTube app, which is not criticized by Apple.
from Bookmarklet
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"Google has launched its €150m (£109m) fund for European publishers to tap to develop new digital news projects, with large-scale grants needing approval from a council including Telegraph chief Murdoch MacLennan."
from Bookmarklet
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"[…] as online audiences have grown, the pain of moderating conversations on the web has grown, too. And in many cases, the most vibrant coversations about a particular article or topic are happening on sites like Facebook and Twitter. So many media companies are giving up on comments, at least for now. So far this year, Bloomberg, The Verge, The Daily Beast and now Motherboard have all dropped their comments feature."
from Bookmarklet
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'[…] advertisers have had fifteen years to show self restraint. They've had the chance to not secretly track people, set cookies for their own benefit, insert popunders and popovers and poparounds, and mostly, deliver us ads we actually want to see.
Alas, it was probably too much to ask. And so, in the face of a relentless race to the bottom, users are taking control, using a sledgehammer to block them all. It's not easy to develop a white list, not easy to create an ad blocker that is smart enough to merely block the selfish and annoying ads. And so, just as the default for some advertisers is, "if it's not against the law and it's cheap, do it," the new generation of ad blockers is starting from the place of, "delete all."'
from Bookmarklet
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"[…] July 26, 2000, Napster’s and the RIAA’s day in court. Judge Marilyn Patel listened to arguments from both sides before issuing an injunction preventing Napster from “copying or assisting or enabling or contributing to the copy or duplication of all copyrighted songs and musical compositions of which the plaintiffs hold rights” until the case went to trial later that year. It was the decision that essentially killed the company, though it would take almost eight years for the case to play out completely.
Read More: 15 Years Ago: Napster Ordered to Stop Trading Copyrighted Music | http://diffuser.fm/15-yea... ;
from Bookmarklet
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"[…] in a recently leaked letter, San Francisco startup Scribd revealed the company was planning to pull thousands of romance titles because their popularity was costing the company too much money."
from Bookmarklet
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What we've found lately is that the tone of our comments (and some of our commenters) is getting a little too aggressive and negative — a change that feels like it started with GamerGate and has steadily gotten worse ever since. It's hard for us to do our best work in that environment, and it's even harder for our staff to hang out with our audience and build the relationships that led to us having a great community in the first place.
That's a bad feedback loop, and we want to stop it. So we're going to call timeout for a while and turn comments off by default on all posts for the next few weeks. It's going to be a super chill summer.
from Bookmarklet
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I fumetti creator-owned non sono un’idea nuova.
A partire dai tardi anni Sessanta […] Zap e tutti gli altri grandi fumetti underground erano in sostanza creator-owned.
Lo spirito di quel lavoro diede il via a una tradizione che ispirò immediatamente scrittori e artisti, aprendo la strada durante gli anni Settanta a un periodo di crescita in precedenza mai visto.
Sabre di Don McGregor e Paul Gulacy era creator-owned.
Elfquest di Richard e Wendy Pini era creator-owned.
Cerebus di Dave Sim era creator-owned.
Persino il leggendario Will Eisner, che con The Spirit creò il primo vero fumetto creator-owned, realizzò in breve tempo il tremendo impatto che i fumetti creator-owned potevano avere nell’industria e del fatto che quello che stavano facendo gli autori underground poteva essere fatto anche all’interno del fumetto mainstream.
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Hollywood's stance is that copying for private use should remain illegal if there are legal options available. 'A private copy exception must not apply in the event there are commercially available services that achieve the same need'.
from Bookmarklet
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