"...questo posto è come un grande camion vuoto, un tir, che piano piano stiamo riempiendo e che piano piano cammina, a volte si ferma, a volte sembra che vada velocissimo. poi arriva il porco di cristo di bez e scarica 10 tonnellate di letame"
transl: I Finally made it, I created a room to argue over the top about movies. Because world is full of shitty movies that should cause explosive diarrhoea and somehow there is plenty of dumbasses that punctuality love them. The room for "enough is enough, stop bullshitting me with this horribly shitty movie!"
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il primo subisce molto il fatto che gli altri due siano merda completa, ma inizialmente l'idea poteva essere interessante. peccato che non fosse per un cazzo originale ma un plagio di dark city
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La stanzetta delle stanzette,
Web Developing for dummies
Ops I did it again, I made another room... Are you an experienced web-developer or an amateur? It doesn't matter this is the self supporting group for sharing advices, asking for suggestions, exchanging informations about web developing, hosting, domain registrations and suggesting CMS solutions...http://i.imgur.com/S4qWxn...
They make stupid amounts of money on anything parents can dump into a video player and park their kids in front of.
Ondatra iSkoolicus
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Italian inside jokes and memes
"RISP E IMPO!!!" is the equivalent of "DO ANYBODY NO..." (see: http://www.frenf.it/early... ) [literally "RISP E IMPO" is a misspelled juvenile contraption for "RISPondi è IMPOrtante" meaning "ANSWER ME IS IMPORTANT"] is an typical expression often used in Yahoo Answers kinda submission sites mostly used beside very dumb questions like "DO ANYBODY NO IF I CAN GET MY GF PREGNANT BY KISSING AND HOLDING HER HAND? PLEAS ANSW!!!"
"RISP E IMPO [also] became popular when Google introduced the suggestions on its search box, we discovered that someone wrote that at the end of the keywords list thinking that it would have been read by actual human beings filling the search result page within 0.3s or even less" low level
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in a certain sense the post is "touched" (sorry for unix jargon), so it makes sense that it pops up.
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bezdomnyj82's feed,
La Stanzetta dei Bottoni
Il socialino si è espresso sulla leggenda metropolitana che gira fra gli stranieri a Milano, che comprende la raccomandazione di evitare i mezzi pubblici e la metropolitana il primo maggio e il giorno di inaugurazione dell'Expó?
bezdomnyj82's feed
...volevo fare una stanzetta per insultarsi reciprocamente su argomento cinema, perché Cinema Amore Mio è troppo incentrata sull'amore. Voglio una stanza di gente che fa a boffe per stabilire quale regista sia più sopravvalutato, e quale film abbia fatto più schifo, o che litighi sulla necessità o meno di fare un reboot di questo o quell'altro film, swappando genere ed etnia dei personaggi a muzzo tanto per far felice una minoranza di turno pressoché a caso.
bezdomnyj82's feed,
Attivisti del Frenf.it,
Lavori in corso - Work in progress,
Noob's Question Room
Is it somehow conceivable to have, some day in a far future, a characters countdown in the sending form while writing a status update, starting a thread, commenting or answering someone. Wouldn't be nice to know how many letters are still available while composing something? Thanks. As always is not a direct request, just a feedback on possible features.
bez ti devo dire una cosa: ti dimentichi sempre i soggetti, devi volere più bene ai soggetti (però sono d'accordo, sarebbe bello il conto dei caratteri disponibili anche se di solito non mi sento logorroica e ovviamente dipende se i caratteri disponibili sono pochi o moltissimi, se sono moltissimi non serve)
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Italian inside jokes and memes
"Culopeso" and "culopesismo" - "heavybutt" and "heavybutt-ism" [ http://www.funny-games.bi... ] The lazy attitude of the sottish italian friendfeeder parking his/her butt on the couch an keep on commenting or posting or flaming on Friendfeed, instead of doing something IRL. Extremes laziness like: Sending a DM to your roommate in the kitchen from the living room asking to bring you a soda instead of raising your ass and going for it. http://i.imgur.com/3EZ3yA...
One particular friendfeeder has such an affective relationship with her couch to the point of naming it "Silvano" and act like having conversations with this piece of furniture. (Silvano rhymes with "divano", the italian word for sofà).
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Noob's Question Room
To test the functionality of the "world peace" bar feature up there, we all can just dislike this thread and add comments and dislike them too. So go on and dislike without further hesitation.
Italian inside jokes and memes
"Escono dalle fottute pareti..." is a quote from the italian translation of James Cameron's Aliens "They're coming outta the walls. They're coming outta the goddamn walls". Is a meme used in contex similar to the Woody & BuzzLightear meme, but with a more worried tone.
bezdomnyj82's feed
“The Force is what gives a particle physicist his powers,” said CERN theorist Ben Kenobi of the University of Mos Eisley, Tatooine. “It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us; and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together..."