"...questo posto è come un grande camion vuoto, un tir, che piano piano stiamo riempiendo e che piano piano cammina, a volte si ferma, a volte sembra che vada velocissimo. poi arriva il porco di cristo di bez e scarica 10 tonnellate di letame"
as far as phonetics is concerned, the same applies for MAGLIALE (misspelling for maiale, pig / pork) (see also: SVGNA, sugna)
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Italian inside jokes and memes
"Bello 'X' ma non ci vivrei..." (where X stands for anything from a nice place, an object, an existential state) literally means "X is fine, but I can't see me living by/at/on it..." is a sort of catchphrase used often in context like those described in the tale of the "Fox and the Grape" http://i.imgur.com/bVbqMb... - more recently de-contextualized somehow and repeated in nonsensical ways, just for taking a shot to reach a comic effects by simple repetitions.
ex. for current use: During the aFFterlife, on april the10th, it was used for posts like "Bello l'aldilà ma non ci vivrei" ("The great beyond is fine but I wouldn't like living at it...") "Bello lo shutdown ma non ci vivrei..." ("The shutdown is fine but I can't see me living there...") ect.
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Noob's Question Room
[eng] the collapsed link to "other post by this user" is a new feature, or it was already there and I didn't saw it until this morning? Is it working? [ita] Il link a "altri post di questo utente" collassati è una ficiur nuova o c'era già me ne sono reso conto solo stamattina? funziona correttamente o è in fase di implementazione?
mi è apparsa sotto due feed prima, ma sfortunatamente erano privati e non poteco fare lo scrinsio
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noob's question: how do you upload from imgur? Something like "Complete idiot gudi to imgur upload to frenf.it" :)
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messa nei bookmark (di frenf.it), grazie edit: come al solito ho capito male :) Pensavo di avere la possibilità, dall'add on di Firefox, di caricare un'immagine da imgur a qui :)
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Quite at the beginning of time of the "socialino" the user G. (or G_____y) went mad at the community, because of some side effects of a flamewar, or probably some other reason lost in time, and rage-quitted her account and erased everything of it. Because lot of her real life friends and her boyfrend stayed on the social network despite her leave, and because she was lurking her fiancé's feed she suddenly created a profile for their cat, named C. P. G-----i (sounds like "C. P. Kitteh") written from the point of view of the cat.
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bezdomnyj82's feed,
Noob's Question Room
[ITA]Ho notato che è stata modificata la pagina del feed personale con l'inserimento del submission form. Grande Senape! Ho solo due domande: a volte mi si apre della stessa larghezza della home nella pagina altre volte me la strizza come in foto, è normale? http://i.imgur.com/TYeImg... e se non inserisco alcun recipient in automatico mi inoltra il messaggio sul mio feed, ma inserire altri recipient è impossibile. il form inoltre sparisce una volta postato qualcosa e si sposta sotto il post...
[Ita+1] ...invece di stare al suo posto. Non è la versione definitiva vero? - Ma credo di avere già la mia risposta: ci stai lavorando in questo momento suppongo, per cui nulla, ignorami. :D
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[Eng] Senape, I realized you are modifying the "user feed page" layout because I found a new submission form there. GREAT! Two feedbacks I'm giving: 1 - the layout sometimes squeezes some others is as wide as the home layout. 2- by default messages written there are forwarded to "your feed" and is impossible to add recipients even if the option is there, when pressing "Send" the form disappear and reappear under the body of the post - I guess the answer is that you are working on it right now so this feedback my be kinda pointless, so don't bother answering me :D
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bezdomnyj82's feed
i-fon e i-pad [edit] così tanto per far capire a spad che la gente ha messo 22 like al mio post e non alla foto allegata, che può essere anche editata in corso d'opera e a tradimento per far figurare che hai ricevuto 22 like su una foto di hitler: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/... come giustamente faceva notare Isola Virtuale in questi giorni... [edit2] ho messo NSFW
Italian inside jokes and memes
"GOMBLODDO!!" and "SVEGLIAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!111!!!undici" http://i.imgur.com/5rEmhu... : "Gombloddo" is a misspell for "complotto" ("conspiracy") and "Sveglia" written in all caps is "wake up!", a parody of the tone often used in conspirationist pamphlets, "undici" is "eleven" as if by repeatedly and quickly pressing the key for "!" some strokes produced "1" and "11".
Italian community is active in promoting the debunking of the most known conspiracy theories, and against human kind stupidity, because we are secretly part of a bigger plot conceived for a new masonic Illuminati reptilian world order, by jews and homosexual lobbies, pushing their world dominion agenda.
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Almost forgot to mention "FATE GIRARE" ("SHARE IT" in all caps) usually added at the end of any message, to ensure the reader that this sort of message would be surely ignored by traditional media due to their obvious involvement in any conspiracy theory ever conceived.
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Italian inside jokes and memes
The "Birra in ghiacciaia" event. To explain this I'll surely need some help in recollecting names, because I couldn't find many concrete evidences of what happened, due to the fact that most of people involved, and maybe even the author of the original thread deleted and recreated their friendfeed accounts a couple of times, and some others vanished. As absurd it may sound, all the following really happened, and is now somehow lost.
On August 1st 2010 temperature was rising significantly on the Italian peninsula, a certain user (I can't remember if Zadigone or S., so please correct me if you know it) posted a thread saying "Potreste ricordarmi di togliere la birra dalla ghiacciaia fra qualche minuto?" ("Would you kindly remind me to take the beer out of the freezer in a few minutes?") - the absurdity of the request, the hot temperatures, the lack of any relevant news coming, or any occupation by most of the user connected at that time of the day, created an explosive combination of factors, that led to the "Birra in ghiacciaia" flooding event.
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Usually, months or years later, the sentence “TOGLI LE BIRRE DALLA GHIACCIAJA” (“Take the beers out of the freezer”) was used as an impromptu dadaist comment to some thread having nothing to concern with the original one, just for fun.
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bezdomnyj82's feed,
[Ita] Dato che i 1900 iscritti si appropinquano, propongo una giocosa idea di meme per celebrare la crescita del bacino di utenza - Ogni tot utenti in più, iniziamo a proporre foto storiche del novecento risalenti all'anno corrispondente la somma degli utenti con photoshoppate a tema frenf.it ( #valetutto ) ES: a 1914 utenti una litografia di Gavrilo Princip lancia un gattino a Francesco Ferdinando
[eng] Now that we are getting closer to 1900 users on frenf.it, I'm proposing a funny and playful concept for a meme to celebrate user growing - Every now and then, we could be photoshopping historical pictures of the 20th century taken by the years of user reached - Es. at 1914 users reached a lithography of Gavrilo Pincip trowing a kitten to the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. and similar
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devi ostarti l'avatar da qualche parte, o averlo già hostato da twitter/tumblr/flickr/pinterest/whatever mettiamo. clicchi col destro "view image" copia il link e lo infili nel form per l'url dell'avatar
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bezdomnyj82's feed
...mi mancava il preventivo per l'amministratore di condominio interamente scritto in comic sans http://i.imgur.com/6G6YmZ... I really felt the need of an apartment block administration estimate entirely written in comic sans...
I should edit some subtitles for the video: like explaining what does "ho riempito la casa di zampironi ma gnà fatto come il cazzo alle vecchie!!" acrually mean...
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